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How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

It just goes to show that while India may have been politically decolonized, it has never been culturally and mentally decolonized (check out all those skin-whitening creams), nor economically decolonized, as it is at the complete mercy of its economic master.

And in the not-so-distant future, when it has to get on its knees and clasp its hands in prayer in front of the IMF for a loan, it will be financially re-colonized. And all because the country has an air of absolute indifference towards independence, self-sufficiency, and dignity.

tough fact to swallow. But its the truth and India will be better served when it realizes the facts you posted.

India has never been a serious threat to our interests. Why would we want to destroy India?

I don't believe US want to screw India over. but at the same time, India survive on the mercy of US and our economic policy.
The US Federal reserve "hinted" that they may stop their easy-money policy in the next few months.

Right afterwards, the Rupee collapsed.

It's not rocket science. The hint from the Federal reserve led to FDI being pulled out of the developing world and back into the USA.

Who suffers? The countries that are reliant on foreign inflows to finance their current account deficits. India was the biggest loser, simply because India has by far the largest current account deficit and fiscal deficit in the developing world.

Indian economy is fundamentally weak. So I hope no one blame the US for India's own economy crash.
My pure speculation is about Geostrategic such request base at Trivandrum in India or comply and align to U.S foreign policy like Japan. You refuse than you face the consequence.

Commis in Kerala may Agree for a Chines Base .......................But US never.........Indian has never done that now will allow this in Future...........
Not only India suffers, but other emerging markets too such as Indonesia, Brasil, S, Africa and many others...those countries being too much dependent on foreign money.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday called for an "orderly exit" of the easy loan policy in the US to soften the blow to emerging markets.


Money is going back home. On the back of low interest loans from the west which flowed into Asia Indians and alike were cheering the demise of the euro and the whole western world. Here's hoping for as fast as possible exit from QE so the bravado subsides abit in the midst of crash and burn.
In the medium term there will be only three currencies left that are relevant to the world: USD, Euro, Yuan. The US will try everything to give the Euro and Yuan a hard life, that's for sure.
Every time an Indian says "cheap Chinese goods", then I just remind them that it is those same Chinese goods which are bankrupting them. :P

And it is those same Chinese goods that are giving them by far the worst trade deficit in the developing world. Which is a primary factor in the collapse of the Rupee.

So we have the last laugh. :laugh:

No. There are two major culprits:

Oil: Need to focus on alternatives.
Gold: It's a cultural thing, can't help it.

Rests are manageable. It's too early to laugh! :)

And this problem is our own creation, what we call policy paralysis, and will be corrected by us only. Remember, much worst things happened in US in 2008, but we remained fairly unaffected.
It's greed.

During the 1998 Asian Financial crisis. US funds managers sucks billions from poor 3rd world countries to enrich the lifestyle of rich Americans.

Looks like they play the same trick on India. Just follow the money and you will find your answer.

And your answer is typical "3rd world" incompetence. The problems of your financial crisis are not our problems.

We act in our own interest. Don't expect us to hold your hand like a baby. If you are so incompetent that you can't manage your own economies then you can just find a better-governed nation to hand your peoples sovereignty to.
No. There are two major culprits:

Oil: Need to focus on alternatives.
Gold: It's a cultural thing, can't help it.

Rests are manageable. It's too early to laugh! :)

And this problem is our own creation, what we call policy paralysis, and will be corrected by us only. Remember, much worst things happened in US in 2008, but we remained fairly unaffected.

There is no point responding to the 50 CENT ARMY.

Pakistan, the all weather friend of China, regularly screws China by training Uighur separatists to kill the infidel Chinese. What have the Chinese Maoists done except whine?

and that too a country that calls China its "ALL WEATHER FRIEND".

and they all know what is taught in school textbooks about the Chinese. but yet they are behaving like ostriches with their heads buried in the sands.What can the world do about it??????
No. There are two major culprits:

Oil: Need to focus on alternatives.
Gold: It's a cultural thing, can't help it.

Rests are manageable. It's too early to laugh! :)

And this problem is our own creation, what we call policy paralysis, and will be corrected by us only. Remember, much worst things happened in US in 2008, but we remained fairly unaffected.[/

Really, then why you PM is crying about US stimulus at G20 :lol:, your MP knew the pain of what U.S has caused otherwise he could have shut his mouth. You Indians here like to find excuse to comfort yourself and blindfold yourself like ostriches with their heads buried in the sands.:rofl:

Threats of stimulus withdrawal hurting emerging economies: PM


There is no point responding to the 50 CENT ARMY.

Pakistan, the all weather friend of China, regularly screws China by training Uighur separatists to kill the infidel Chinese. What have the Chinese Maoists done except whine?

and that too a country that calls China its "ALL WEATHER FRIEND".

and they all know what is taught in school textbooks about the Chinese. but yet they are behaving like ostriches with their heads buried in the sands.What can the world do about it??????

You really think we Chinese will let a small Uyghur terrorists to jeopadize our relation with our so call all weather friend? :lol:, you Indians are so envy to have such relationship but nobody want "slum" Indian as all weather friend not Ameircan nor Russian, the only time they said the nice thing is to milk India same for China, the only time our business traders went to India is for "trade surplus" otherwise noone want to go to this sht-hole.

No matter how you cry a river about China Pakistan relation, you will never able to save brahmaputra water diverson and Chinese monsoon weapons, India is on our mercy...and the world can't really do anything about it.
Hi Kissi, how are you? :D

I can discuss about economics and how China is so dangerously on credit stimulus, because that's my area of work. But that will be a wasted effort here.

However, on your favorite topic of flattening the Himalays and river diversion; don't worry, we have already planned for the future. Just to give you a hint, it involves creating a fault-line on China-Tibet border and pushing the harder Indian continental plate on softer Tibetan continental plate to create a new Himalayas 5 times bigger on China-Tibet border. That will protect both our rivers and monsoon while China will be doomed. :D

Really, then why you PM is crying about US stimulus at G20 :lol:, your MP knew the pain of what U.S has caused otherwise he could have shut his mouth. You Indians here like to find excuse to comfort yourself and blindfold yourself like ostriches with their heads buried in the sands.:rofl:

Threats of stimulus withdrawal hurting emerging economies: PM

Threats of stimulus withdrawal hurting emerging economies: PM

You really think we Chinese will let a small Uyghur terrorists to jeopadize our relation with our so call all weather friend? :lol:, you Indians are so envy to have such relationship but nobody want "slum" Indian as all weather friend not Ameircan nor Russian, the only time they said the nice thing is to milk India same for China, the only time our business traders went to India is for "trade surplus" otherwise noone want to go to this sht-hole.

No matter how you cry a river about China Pakistan relation, you will never able to save brahmaputra water diverson and Chinese monsoon weapons, India is on our mercy...and the world can't really do anything about it.
During the NDA period the import of Raw materials were around $10 billion USD per year, but during the UPA period only in the last 5years the total import of Raw materials were more than $400billion USD. There was a huge increase in the import of Raw materials, which export didn't matched. when import increases than export, its obvious rupee has to fall and we have to face the music. Very surprised to see that our great idiotic economists(MMS,Chidhambaram) just sat silently on this. Only a stupid will accuse other country, for our failure.
In the next coming decades, India will be US's public enemeny #2 due to its economic raise.

Yzd Khalifa,

Somehow I find Saudi Arabians better informed and more alert of realpolitik of the world than most Indians. 65 years of socialist propaganda has fried the brains of most Indians I see on PDF.
Commis in Kerala may Agree for a Chines Base .......................

So you think, Indians would give their national interest second priority and ideologies, beliefs and affiliations first priority.....
Communists may agree for a Chinese base...
Congressis may agree for an American base....
Hindutva radicals of BJP may agree for an Israeli base....
Muslims of India may agree for a Pakistani base....:woot:

I'm not sure about the Congressis though......if any party can be implicated as a 'traitor' it is the Congress.....from partitioning India to forming the most corrupt govt. in Indian history so far and now giving away land to Chinese secretly, the Congress has done more harm to India than good....

Though I'm from Bengal, I'm not a Communist(I hate them-we threw them out of Bengal in last election), but, You need to open your eyes and see that a Communist govt. is NOT at the helm when India is losing land to China...
China 'gobbles
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