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How India debated a war with Pakistan that November

Bang Galore

Feb 21, 2010
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New Delhi:

The last of the 26/11 terrorists had been killed only a few hours back when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh presided over an urgently called meeting of the country’s security top brass. Present at that meeting on November 29, 2008, were Defence Minister A K Antony, the then National Security Advisor M K Narayanan, heads of both intelligence agencies and the three service chiefs — the Army was represented by its Vice-Chief Lt Gen M L Naidu as Army Chief Gen Deepak Kapoor was overseas — among other high-ranking officials. The key issue on the agenda — India’s response.

By then, there was no doubt among any of those present at this meeting, which lasted for over two hours at the PM’s residence, that the entire attack had been controlled, coordinated and plotted by the Lashkar-e-Toiba and its handlers in Pakistan. An undeniable body of evidence had already piled up from the calls monitored between the terrorists and their handlers in the course of the attack. More evidence was pouring in by the hour. There was no way any government in New Delhi could drag its feet — the Prime Minister knew he had to ask the dreaded question to all those responsible for the defence of India.

He started with the words that the people of India “will not forgive us” for what had happened and that the government had indeed failed them. This was not an empty comment. About 10 days before, US intelligence had intercepted a phone call from “somewhere in the Arabian Sea” to *****************-Kashmir. The input with coordinates of the boat’s position had been passed on to Indian agencies and then disseminated but not with the immediacy and urgency it deserved. Coast Guard authorities carried out reconnaissance sorties but by then it was too late. They found nothing on those coordinates except for scores of fishing boats that looked alike. The boat had obviously moved on. The Coast Guard filed a report that it needed the latest coordinates. And that’s where matters lay until the night of November 26 when the 10 terrorists surfaced in the heart of Mumbai.

Yet, the Prime Minister kept his calm and turned to the three service chiefs. He asked them whether they had any options in mind. In the same breath, he preemptively made it clear that he did not favour another Operation Parakram. That option was off the table from day one, recall sources. The then Navy Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta chose to remain quiet. After all, the Navy was carrying out exercises in the area when the 10 terrorists slipped in without raising an alarm. The Army Vice-Chief wanted to wait for Gen Kapoor to return before they could crystallise their thoughts.

It was Air Chief Marshal Fali Major who eventually spoke up and suggested striking terror camps in ***. The Air Chief was sure that his planes and pilots could do the job but the intelligence agencies would have to provide the coordinates. There was no further discussion on the subject that day, but it was also not the last conversation.

So, how close did India and Pakistan come to war? The views range from “very close” to “fleetingly close” but the fact which all key players confirm is that the military option was indeed on the table. It was subsumed by only a larger question of how would Pakistan react?


IN the days that followed, the military top brass went about working on the options. The Air Force, in particular, did go into the finer aspects of conducting a limited air strike in *** but the political decision-making never moved any further.

However, the Defence Minister did hold a meeting with the three service chiefs after the PM’s first meet. At that point, the Army Chief was asked whether limited ground strikes could be carried out. Gen Kapoor is said to have responded that an operation was possible but he would need a week’s notice and that it would be a “highly risky” affair. He is said to have added that any political approval on this must include flexibility for the Army to respond anywhere along the LoC or for that matter, even the international border. In the Army’s assessment, any strike would definitely lead to an escalated military conflict and the government ought to prepared for it. The Air Force agreed that a strong Pakistani reaction was certain but was not willing to predict the levels of escalation.

F-16 scramble

WhileHILE this continued, the Army proposed that it would like to prolong the stay of two of its brigades involved in a scheduled peacetime military exercise on the Rajasthan border. The go-ahead was given and the two brigades overstayed for about two weeks.

Much later, in early January, when then Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon, who is now the National Security Advisor, visited the US, his eloquent assertion in all his meetings about how India had not provoked Pakistan was only once challenged. Gen David Petraeus is learnt to have told him that this was not true because Indian troops had overstayed after finishing their military exercise. To Pakistan, he felt, this was a provocation to which it gave a disproportionate response by placing troops on alert and moving its fighters closer to the border.

There was also another incident about an Indian plane violating Pakistan airspace which apparently led to a F-16 scramble on the Pakistan side. Islamabad lodged a strong diplomatic protest. India denied with equal conviction. But at the same time the Air Force was asked to carry out an investigation.

The result was that there was indeed some violation by a reconnaissance plane of the Aviation Research Centre, RAW’s air wing, that was conducting a sortie along the LoC. This aircraft, perhaps, went too close to the LoC, violating the rule that both sides will not send their aircraft that near.

The n-threat

A few days later, a meeting was held in the nuclear bunker where the top leadership of the government is to be rushed in case of a nuclear strike. This was not provoked by 26/11. It was scheduled much before the attacks with the objective of familiarising the PM and other ministers of the emergency drill. But in the backdrop of the Mumbai attacks, the meeting could not have ignored the security environment of the day.

The PM is believed to have asked how would one distinguish a nuclear strike from any other non-nuclear, yet devastating attack. This was important because like many in the bunker, he too wanted to be sure that sufficient safeguards were in place to prevent a mistaken response. A long explanation was given. The PM then wanted to know if there was a chance Pakistan could misjudge a conventional strike by India and trigger a nuclear response.

There was near silence. Pakistan, by then, had already created “war hysteria” which many felt was unprovoked. The larger consensus was that you could not be sure about Pakistan’s response. It’s reliably learnt that it was this uncertainty which halted Indian strategists from fully backing any military response.

Under considerable pressure to show some response, the Prime Minister had independently tasked Menon to draw up a list of India’s options. Menon did carry out the exercise like a professional and gave an unsigned note that started with extreme measures like a limited military strike to less effective but dramatic steps like scaling down diplomatic relations, stopping cricketing ties, visa restrictions among others. He and Narayanan met regularly, at the PM’s instructions, to discuss the question of options in the days and weeks after the attacks.

Deniable option

In the wake of all the uncertainty over how Pakistan would respond, there was also talk about the “deniable option”. One which would involve covert operatives carrying out a sensational strike in Pakistan or in ***. It’s learnt that RAW and the Army were specifically asked this question. RAW’s response to the NSA stunned all except, perhaps, Narayanan himself who is among the doyens of Indian intelligence. India’s premier external intelligence agency admitted that it had no assets in Pakistan to carry out such an action. It was explained that India lost all the meagre local support it had in pockets of Pakistan after the Babri Masjid attack and what little was left, was shut down by a prime ministerial diktat during I K Gujral’s tenure.

The Army said it had the ability to carry out commando operations but the government had to be clear what would be the approach if anyone was apprehended. Also, the Army let it be known that it was not sure how Pakistan would react if it found out.

This discussion headed nowhere after this because the ground realities were clear that India had consciously not cultivated this option. Some others felt it was pointless to discuss the “deniable option” because the whole idea of a response should be that the “other side” should know who did it.

US role

JUST as Singh deliberated these issues here, on November 29 itself, then US President George W Bush held a meeting with his security advisors and also on the video link with his missions in India and Pakistan. He told them that the last time something like this happened in the United States, “we went to war”. Prime Minister Singh, he added, was also under immense pressure and that the United States must do all it can to help him so that he does not go to war.

That eased matters a bit as Bush made it clear to Pakistan that it needed to “roll up and crush” the terror outfit behind the attack. US assistance was unprecedented, forcing Pakistan to accept that the attack was carried out from its soil.

But when the dust settled, all agreed that the unpredictability on the Pakistan side and the fear that its decision makers could opt for a disproportionate response, including the nuclear option, stymied any possible chance of military action on India’s behalf after 26/11.

After the first two weeks following the attack, the question that overtook everyone’s mind was what if there is another terror strike? Would India be able to hold back then?

Two years later, when asked if that phase is now over, a high-ranking security official remarked: “I can’t say, but I think that the question is still as serious. Can we keep quiet if there is another Mumbai? No, this question is still relevant.”

How India debated a war with Pakistan that November
We all know India tried its best as was suggested by many senior members here through their private sources, details and timings of violations were given as well. If we on a forum knew it, you know everyone else did too.

I somehow doubt India's "Deniable" option wasn't panned out. Till date the attack on the SL team is pinned primarily on an Indian sponsored attack. An attack where they wanted to create terror without killing anyone for real in the SL team.

Also at the end of the day it was learned by Pakistanis that India indeed is all talk and is in no position to use any option against Pakistan. There is no uncertainty that Pakistan can opt for a disproportionate response, either. We have always been clear to India, if you start the war, we will set the level of intensity that it may reach to.
India should learn from what the israelis did after the munich massacre air power need not be used againist individuals responsible for 26/11
i find striking similarities in south korea's position wrt the recent north korean sinking and shelling.
We are supposed to be the responsible power and weigh all the pros and cons before moving an inch.
damned if we do, damned if we dont
Till date the attack on the SL team is pinned primarily on an Indian sponsored attack. An attack where they wanted to create terror without killing anyone for real in the SL team.

By whom? No one, not even the Sri Lankans believe that.

Also at the end of the day it was learned by Pakistanis that India indeed is all talk and is in no position to use any option against Pakistan. There is no uncertainty that Pakistan can opt for a disproportionate response, either. We have always been clear to India, if you start the war, we will set the level of intensity that it may reach to.

Depends on how you define start? A terrorist attack in India originating from Pakistan can, in special circumstances also be defined as starting a conflict. You can also only escalate it to the level of your choosing in your response but there is no reason to believe that India would settle for your choice of levels.

Don't be too sure that India won't do anything. If the next terrorist attack is devastating enough, be reasonably sure that India maybe would have no options but to retaliate. It is also two years since that day. You don't think that they would have planned for the response to the next attack?

India was kept away from doing something stupid coz they didnot know wat will be the response from pakistan ( simple strategy that have saved many lives of the sub continent ). SHABASH PAKISTAN FOR SAVING THE LIVES OF COUNTRIES.

We all know India tried its best as was suggested by many senior members here through their private sources, details and timings of violations were given as well. If we on a forum knew it, you know everyone else did too.

I somehow doubt India's "Deniable" option wasn't panned out. Till date the attack on the SL team is pinned primarily on an Indian sponsored attack. An attack where they wanted to create terror without killing anyone for real in the SL team.

Also at the end of the day it was learned by Pakistanis that India indeed is all talk and is in no position to use any option against Pakistan. There is no uncertainty that Pakistan can opt for a disproportionate response, either. We have always been clear to India, if you start the war, we will set the level of intensity that it may reach to.

You just contradicted yourself. You claim "and is in no position to use any option against Pakistan." but you also said "An attack where they wanted to create terror without killing anyone for real in the SL team."

India only spoke or planned for a limited war because of a terror attack from Pakistan. OTOH the number of times India has been mentioned in terror activities(that included truck loads of proof) in Pakistan and the lack of any response from your country only suggests Pakistan is all talk and can do nothing else!
We all know India tried its best as was suggested by many senior members here through their private sources, details and timings of violations were given as well. If we on a forum knew it, you know everyone else did too.

I somehow doubt India's "Deniable" option wasn't panned out. Till date the attack on the SL team is pinned primarily on an Indian sponsored attack. An attack where they wanted to create terror without killing anyone for real in the SL team.

Also at the end of the day it was learned by Pakistanis that India indeed is all talk and is in no position to use any option against Pakistan. There is no uncertainty that Pakistan can opt for a disproportionate response, either. We have always been clear to India, if you start the war, we will set the level of intensity that it may reach to.

It really depends on the scale of the attack. If they manage to kill a few hundred people and tear down a building or two, I think we'll be left with no option but to respond in kind. The trouble lies mainly with the government, however, once the decision is made there will be no turning back.
You just contradicted yourself. You claim "and is in no position to use any option against Pakistan." but you also said "An attack where they wanted to create terror without killing anyone for real in the SL team."

India only spoke or planned for a limited war because of a terror attack from Pakistan. OTOH the number of times India has been mentioned in terror activities(that included truck loads of proof) in Pakistan and the lack of any response from your country only suggests Pakistan is all talk and can do nothing else!

RAW is a toothless tiger though, had we been any good we'd see dead lashkars all over the place.
By whom? No one, not even the Sri Lankans believe that.

Depends on how you define start? A terrorist attack in India originating from Pakistan can, in special circumstances also be defined as starting a conflict. You can also only escalate it to the level of your choosing in your response but there is no reason to believe that India would settle for your choice of levels.

Don't be too sure that India won't do anything. If the next terrorist attack is devastating enough, be reasonably sure that India maybe would have no options but to retaliate. It is also two years since that day. You don't think that they would have planned for the response to the next attack?

Quite mature of India to strike a sovereign nation based on the actions of a few rogue individuals. If India has planned a response for the past 2 years, do you honestly think Pakistan hasn't planned anything. If India does strike at Pakistan, its a forgone conclusion that Pakistan will strike back in force and this has been made very clear by our COAS and ACM. Let me tell you something you wont find online, our current ACM was the chief architect in designing Pakistan's response if in case IAF launches surgical strikes. Although any IAF strike package is likely going to be intercepted by PAF considering how extensive our radar coverage is, but if IAF does manages to sneak through and strike their targets, i can assure you within minutes PAF will launch its own stand off weapons at Indian positions.

If india was working in these two years to improve the response for any terrorist attack like 26/11/2008. I dont think pakistanies r sleeping comfortably. I m no military guy but i think pakistan today in a much more better position then 2008 (atleast nobody could imagined the attacks so every one got caught by surprise) .

we need to strengthen our defences against unconventional assumetric warfare and terrorist strikes.

i have few point for every ones consideration. the points are essentially defensive:

1. a clear coordination between JIC, RAW, IB, MI and police forces.
2. police should be made a central subject. operational control of police forces should be with centre. state should look after only administrative aspects.
3. There is a need for babus (read IPS officers) to get on the field. too many of them are happy to sit in office and enjoy perks. their on hands experience is very low.
4. please give more pay to our police. they need to be more motivated. give them new weapons and improve their training w.r.t terrorist operation.

as far as pakistan is concerned. we dont need to do anything. pakistan has created this terrorist culture during afghan war and let this so called jihadis do wat they want.already more people are being killed in pakistan due to terrorism problem.

pakistan government along with CIA and saudi intelligence developed this jihadi culture to defeat USSR and now they are realising the after affects of that. they forgot one thing.if u give a weapon to one person, he has power and it is very difficult to take that power away from him.
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I somehow doubt India's "Deniable" option wasn't panned out. Till date the attack on the SL team is pinned primarily on an Indian sponsored attack. An attack where they wanted to create terror without killing anyone for real in the SL team.
That statement is almost as good as the weak conspiracy theory behind the 9/11 attacks were. No sane person will buy that argument that the attack was planned to create terror and not to kill any one. It is virtually impossible for a shooter to attack to cause injury and not death where the victims were sitting in a bus... especially when the gun fires were random.
If you have an open and direct target there is some trace of doubt... but in this case it is nothing but conspiracy theory. We all know what minds were behind this cowardly attack.
That statement is almost as good as the weak conspiracy theory behind the 9/11 attacks were. No sane person will buy that argument that the attack was planned to create terror and not to kill any one. It is virtually impossible for a shooter to attack to cause injury and not death where the victims were sitting in a bus... especially when the gun fires were random.
If you have an open and direct target there is some trace of doubt... but in this case it is nothing but conspiracy theory. We all know what minds were behind this cowardly attack.

Actually the SL team attack took place right in front of a police station, and went on for half an hour with zero interference from the police.

It is amazing that some people blame India for it. Sort of like "India causing floods".

My reading of the SL team attack is that it was probably an effort to depict Pakistan as a victim of terrorism.
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