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How IAF is gonna deal with PLAAF's huge 4.5/5 gen fleet?


Jan 6, 2012
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When IAF face halt on MMRCA and LCA, PLAAF keep expanding its 4.5gen and 5 gen fleet, how India is gonna deal with the huge disadvantage in the coming 10 years? Please kindly discuss.


Maybe induct F35 is a stop gap method, even Russia recently play dirty tricks in fgfa deal.
PLAAF will reach its peak at year 2018 while IAF will hit the bottom at the same time.
Wow nice pictures man... India should increase number of nukes secretly in next 10 years..World or china think that our thermonuclear weapon was dud
.I do not reject this, but we can always improve. We can increase the yield and should rapidly increase no.of Agni missile . It is difficult to counter China conventionally as they have got at least 15 years lead over our economy but nuke wise we can.
we must build nukes not only for namesake deterance but for nuclear warfare.
Even if we are lagging behind china in yield and numbers, we can always start.

What fighter jet is this?

It looks like a dual engined F-16.
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In case of war and if losing India will use its nuclear weapon. All this bulshit "no first use" will not be there in case of war. Case closed....

Wow nice pictures man... India should increase number of nukes secretly in next 10 years..World or china think that our thermonuclear weapon was dud
.I do not reject this, but we can always improve. We can increase the yield and should rapidly increase no.of Agni missile . It is difficult to counter China conventionally as they have got at least 15 years lead over our economy but nuke wise we can.
we must build nukes not only for namesake deterance but for nuclear warfare.
Even if we are lagging behind china in yield and numbers, we can always start.

100 nuclear weapon is always sufficient for any war...We should increase our delivery capacity..
Wow nice pictures man... India should increase number of nukes secretly in next 10 years..World or china think that our thermonuclear weapon was dud
.I do not reject this, but we can always improve. We can increase the yield and should rapidly increase no.of Agni missile . It is difficult to counter China conventionally as they have got at least 15 years lead over our economy but nuke wise we can.
we must build nukes not only for namesake deterance but for nuclear warfare.
Even if we are lagging behind china in yield and numbers, we can always start.

So nuking China is your answer.. Seriously? :cheesy: lol
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