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How good are the SSG's

SSG uses variety of weapons as per the mission. AK-47s and latest version of Aks are being used and its a tested platform. Styer, M4s, M-16s with UBGL etc are all used as per the situation but Aks are the most favored due to its ruggedness and reliability.

But a change of assault weapon is due for the Pakistan Army, something which is good in cold conditions as well as the harsh conditions of the desert.

And HK-416 / 417 are the best options. 417 would be good as it will need only the infrastructure to make the gun be installed, ammo would remain the same and the magazines of G-3s are interchangeable with it.

If something else is better out there, we should think about it.

yeah i know. in another thread (something about replacing the G3s) i told the best option for pakistan is to buy Hk416 and Hk417 or the further devolped HK417 the turkish Mehmetcik 1, To me thats the best choise and most reliable
How good are the SSG's?

I think if you would ask such a question to an SSG, he would probably slap you silly. :lol:

They're the best, and they know it. :tup:

Pakistani SSG are very good---does that make you happy. They are as good as the weakest link in any chain.

Lal Masjid was a very successful operation under the given circumstances---the only problem over there was that, there was too much political involvement in the millitary part of the operation.

All the special forces have their good days and bad days. There is always a hype created behind any special services group to make them seem invincible. SAS and gsg9 have had days that they would rather not remember and have people forget them as well.

apart from the underlined statement that I am not sure about
I totally agree and understand what you are saying

re Lal Masjid their hands were tied up and hence there were casualties. had they followed the KSA example of Mecca siege then there would have been no burkka mullah or Ghazi force alive on earth.

the hype is made intentionally so that the enemy is already defeated out of fear and helplessness before the fight starts. I am trying to get hold of my friend who is in SSG but couldn’t, I will try to share whatever is not classified with everyone who is interested.
He was one tough Pathan and if he is still the way he used to be in the old days then he might still be serving in SSG and not sent back to his parent unit.
SSG,SSGN are very good specially the zarrar and musa companies.

one striking difference between the SSG and SSGN is that the SSGN is very very secretive just like our MARCOS you wont see them in public and most of their missions are classified
training and endurance wise Pak SF is very good, australians like to think they are good, all of the western special forces have one thing common training and high tech equipment. On the other hand the pak forces has almost all that plus they have is jazba, added to their over all personality which makes a lot of difference. i would say the pakistan forces over all are better trained an disciplined, the only thing is that they are very simple not much attitude an show sha, like the usa or any other forces. that is why they dont look very appealing. they do need some positive publicity though
Pakistan Army wins Gold Medal in Cambrian Patrol! | Geo Tau Aisay Pakistan
training and endurance wise Pak SF is very good, australians like to think they are good, all of the western special forces have one thing common training and high tech equipment. On the other hand the pak forces has almost all that plus they have is jazba, added to their over all personality which makes a lot of difference. i would say the pakistan forces over all are better trained an disciplined, the only thing is that they are very simple not much attitude an show sha, like the usa or any other forces. that is why they dont look very appealing. they do need some positive publicity though
Pakistan Army wins Gold Medal in Cambrian Patrol! | Geo Tau Aisay Pakistan

you see indian and pakistani army both follow the british structure,hence like the SAS both our SF's have high endurance based training.

funding and tech wise SAS aren't close to US special forces still i rate them better and some people who have been part of these units agree that for the money spent on the SAS they are better than the yanks.

now americans are also good but again not as good as they think.

any idea about chinese SF anyone?
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