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How do you guys buy protection in Pakistani chemist shops/Medical stores?

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there are Condom vending machines too at many places...
I guess it is compulsory in india now to install CVMs in college washrooms.....
Over here, Just on Wednesday I had to go to Pharmacy. As the counter was crowdy, my eyes got attracted to dozens of colorful attractives boxes with different designs. I went up and started to examine a box with 2 birds 'beak kissing' and was wondering what the hell is this thing?! I noticed men looking at me and then staring away. (Note, I am just 15 ;)). I thought earlier to be a box of soap, but near the bottom it was written '12 deluxe co***' and ahum ahum :lol:
Is it true that Islam prohibits use of contraceptives?
poor Muhajirs.. :/

Well I can't speak for anyone else. But I and my gf are satisfied ;) (that's all I'm gonna reveal)
What set off this thread was just yesterday, I went to the medical store to buy some painkillers, and this very ordinary looking, middle class, stereotypical Pune lady in her late 20's , early 30's was at the counter paying for Kama Sutra rubbers.

So it struck me how commonplace this has become, not a biggie any more I suppose. On the other hand, i was in a very conservative part of the world for the better part of this decade, and all these things in Pune or India come as a bit of surprise to me.

So in Pakistan, do you see ads for these contraceptive products on TV or the print media? Do they teach about this in school at all? I remember in 1989 , when I was in 10th std, we had this Dr. come in and show us the different types of protection. We were so innocent back then, some of us actually thought that it goes on over the thumb, as shown by the Dr.! :-) The kids today can teach the Dr. a thing or two I suppose.....
Lol why they cannot find any better place?

Actually vending machines are quite an ideal place here in the US as well.. Outside restrooms of some clubs and/or the restrooms at certain restaurants do sell them like that.
So in Pakistan, do you see ads for these contraceptive products on TV or the print media? Do they teach about this in school at all?
these family planning ads are annoying . Bachhey du (2) he achey lol irony is rich peoples try to have one or two kids and those poor guys want to be rich by having dozen kids as more kids mean more Mazdoor
I remembered one case due to all these discussions... long time back, I dont have cable tv at home and hence I used to watch match (Sahara Cup to be precisely) in my neighbours home.. Uncle was very enthu for matches as well as for news/ads as well.. There was then a funny commercial started coming and uncle with hell lot of enthusiasm started describing.. see this is amazing adv, too funny and finally it came up as a commercial for Durex ( It was like something was happening inside car and shaking everything ;) ) After that Uncle could not watch match with us due to embarassment to me as well as to his sons and we frnds just passed smiles around ;) .. Actually it was not his mistake but starting of ads were strikingly similar..
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