Agreed with
@AndrewJin , a strong central government, independent judiciary and meritocracy-based public governance.
I want to see the government to regulate the economy.
I would like the critical sectors to be never privatized, even when they are unprofitable. Restructuring is better than selling-out.
I wish to see the immigration policy to remain tight and open to the exceptional individuals only. To fill out the demographic gap, simply further ease the policy that limits its growth. Opening up immigration at the cost of China's demographic growth capacity would be high-treason.
In foreign relations, I am happy to see China to finally lead some initiatives of economic nature. I would like to see that trend to continue into security, and, in that regard, China-Russia partnership should be further institutionalized.
I would like to see China to remain Northeast Asia focused, forming a super economic powerhouse together with Japan and Korea. The proposed trilateral FTA must be signed soon.
Finally, I want to see my own place, Taiwan, to fully integrate into the mainland in 2020s and HK to be stripped of its separate status, especially in terms of the right to print money, run a central bank and run a separate customs and issue separate passport. These privileges should be taken away.