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How do we make PDF better?

Sure about "A" why not, may be you are more clear about the matter than him and so you can help the person in that debate or clear his point.All in for that.

For "B".... please let me respond to both @levina and you my friend.

It's a very simple formula.
Post quality when judged by a title holder on the forum,comes in the form of a Positive rating.
But when a Full/Senior/Elite member rates it , you add to the tally in the form of thanks.
If a member is wasting your time or that of the other members by trolling / derailing the debate, you will hardly feel the need to thank the member.

So, now i'm clueless about why we will be adding a poll for this,when with a click you can add a "thanks" count ?
If you don't feel the need ,just don't do it.It is that simple.
The thanks system used to exist well before the ratings system and it DOES count & show your contribution.As the only option to rate someone back then was to thank someone for the effort.
I concur!
But let me remind you, on this forum many a times ppl make few posts with the sole intention of getting likes. For example on an India Vs Pak thread one liner troll post would get many likes, which in turn encourages trolling. This is what I object to.
The thank feature is the genesis of such one liner troll posts that 're posted on threads.
I concur!
But let me remind you, on this forum many a times ppl make few posts with the sole intention of getting likes. For example on an India Vs Pak thread one liner troll post would get many likes, which in turn encourages trolling. This is what I object to.
The thank feature is the genesis of such one liner troll posts that 're posted on threads.

My Mantra is to be a change ,and not expect others to bring a change in this regard.
As it's all in our hand.
If a one liner is so comprehensive and makes up for a compelling argument then why not give it some recognition?
No need to follow a trend just for the sake that people do it.If you are comfortable with it ,you do it.Any attempts of trolling are always discouraged.And moderators can judge it well,when the posts are reported.
When you report that attempt of trolling that you may find ,you do your part of the work.
Doesn't matter how many thanks it gets, it'll be taken care of.
Rest of it can be explained by the Administration.
But ... but how about Serpentine and others? Are you suggesting they get stripped of their title?
I think having moderators from abroad helps if they are chosen properly. What's more, you have
to differentiate between the mod and the poster. I most often disagree with Serpentine on his posts
as I do with sancho who as TTA can give ratings but having been a mod myself elsewhere, I'd say
that both are honest in their PDF duties. I does not matter that I agree or not with their views as long
as they do their "jobs" honestly. I was voted Best Management and Best moderator on different forums
with different topics despite speaking frankly so I know the two are not mutually exclusive!

Gentle Madokfc is certainly a girl too … then again, sex should not be as important as common sense in discussions.

Kɲapa maybe?

Nah, I'm not interested in power. I only frontstab! 8-)

Yeah, a test following rules like those in the MMRCA to boot, that way the next Bharati will be admitted in 2103! :omghaha:

Well, India is renowned for its spices; ask Columbus! :yes4:

Don't they all! :laugh:

Say it with flowers?
View attachment 224680

More constructively ma'am, if PDF had a dislike button, some folks and not just trolls, would get fingeritis …
from overusing it. I agree with the idea but without tweaks, I think it would be unworkable.

Have a fun day all, Tay.
shamainnnn screamsssss at the top of her lungssss.

Now dont come back again asking whyyyyy??????????
Okayyyyy!!! Arghh!
shamainnnn screamsssss at the top of her lungssss.

Now dont come back again asking whyyyyy??????????
Okayyyyy!!! Arghh!

Well, I'm sorry to have apparently caused you a nervous breakdown milady but … huh …
that was a quote from your post #316 in this very thread?
Only pak mods are ok.

I don't know if you forgot writing this or if your … huh … say slight displeasure with Indians
got the better of your logic and made you write this, it's not for me to judge but you did.

And I'm not coming back to ask why really, only to point out the slight exagg… discrepancy.
I sincerely believe that a strictly Pakistani membership would hurt PDF both in number of
views but more importantly in its value as a tool to educate all people about this country?
At some point, one has to consider that a point of view from abroad is conducive to better
understanding beyond the bother it causes. Otherwise, if all you want is 100% approval of
your views, a simple chat with like-minded folks at a cafe in Lahore or Islamabad should do?

It is the nature of internet to link the world beyond borders. I'd understand if that displeased you
but then why participate? o_O

I'll do my part to alleviate your suffering and restrain from engaging you hence.
It's a simple promise and likely insufficient but as good as I can offer.

Sorry to have caused you anger ( although it seems deeper rooted than my own little person
could account for ) and best of luck to you and yours in your life and endeavors,
sincerely, Tay.
Well, I'm sorry to have apparently caused you a nervous breakdown milady but … huh …
that was a quote from your post #316 in this very thread?

I don't know if you forgot writing this or if your … huh … say slight displeasure with Indians
got the better of your logic and made you write this, it's not for me to judge but you did.

And I'm not coming back to ask why really, only to point out the slight exagg… discrepancy.
I sincerely believe that a strictly Pakistani membership would hurt PDF both in number of
views but more importantly in its value as a tool to educate all people about this country?
At some point, one has to consider that a point of view from abroad is conducive to better
understanding beyond the bother it causes. Otherwise, if all you want is 100% approval of
your views, a simple chat with like-minded folks at a cafe in Lahore or Islamabad should do?

It is the nature of internet to link the world beyond borders. I'd understand if that displeased you
but then why participate? o_O
Tay broooooooooooooooo dont act like a drama mama and play naraz aunty here. This is the post that u are referring to,
How do we make PDF better? | Page 22

Plz read it,just taking one line out of this, u are quoting me out of context.

u havent read my other posts just few pages back before this post in this thread and in other threads in this forum regarding issues with indian trolls ,posters and indian perverts ,so u dont understand stuff here. Admins obviously know what i meant.
It was a pervert indian poster who was asking to become a mod of central asia forum, ad indians were asking for indian mods in the aforementioned forum, so i was saying it shud only be pakistanis.

Secondly as of nationality ,no i am all for ppl coming from all ethnicities and nationalities etc, they add lots of perspectives to the forum, actually 2,3 pages back i wrote this thing in a post but u missed it perhaps.
I will link the post here.
Reading it will help u see things more clearly.

How do we make PDF better? | Page 29

Yes i am totally against any any indian presence here. They are making this place a miserable experience.

I'll do my part to alleviate your suffering and restrain from engaging you hence.
It's a simple promise and likely insufficient but as good as I can offer.

Sorry to have caused you anger ( although it seems deeper rooted than my own little person
could account for ) and best of luck to you and yours in your life and endeavors,
sincerely, Tay.

That means u wont talk to me again, :/
Well Shamain, I'll try to answer but it was no drama there or at least no more than that scream of post #453?

I did read the thread through and you're right that I made an error in thinking you meant no Indian mods anywhere.
However, I must say that I still disagree to a large extent mostly because of this you said :
Yes i am totally against any any indian presence here. They are making this place a miserable experience.
which contradicts this :
no i am all for ppl coming from all ethnicities and nationalities
unless you again meant in a particular forum.

Let's see it this way : Is there no Indian at all that you can bear or endure?
I mean, Indian is just a nationality right? Out the billion some of them, there must be a couple that are passable?
Maybe a female and Muslim one like you? Maybe one that harbors no hate for Pakistan? Only one?
The reason I say this is because I remember this friend who once said to me that he had, I quote,
only met stupid and crazy girls, all of them ever!
To which I reply that if the statistic was 100%, the common link was to blame for sure … meaning HIM?

I derived a version of this to use against racism and the likes :
Do you know of one person from your preferred gang, creed etc that is by your own opinion an idiot? Well then, if there is no color/sex/religion on stupidity, why would there be one or the other on intelligence?

I'm sorry but logically, if no Indian is good enough in your eyes, then maybe the problem is you?

I'll suppose it's not the case and come back to PDF matters. What if there was a proper Indian?
The equivalent to the famed Good American?
What if having located him or her, this Indian became moderator and proved to be fair?
Wouldn't this presence be a soothing spell to the Indian madness you so loathe?
One Indian mod would in fact either make the trolls wary of excesses or in reverse, serve as a
proof when backing the senior Pakistani management members that no foul play is at work?

Again, I was in that position myself and always found that to take the edge off the complaints.

As for your wanton of peaceful discussions with only Pakistanis, that would merely require a dedicated sub-forum.
I just don't know the situation technical and as far as checking IPs and IDs but it could work.
At the same time, as I said earlier, making PDF as a whole Indian free is not the solution.
Do remember that being French, I come from a place that made friends within a dozen years after WWII …
with the arch-enemy of a century and a half, Deutschland, which had just committed the unspeakable?
I know pardon and reconciliation is feasible! If we managed, so can Pakistan & India, only maybe later.

As for avoiding you here, it depends on you mostly! I'm guessing you are relatively young and passionate.
As it means fervor, it's fine but if it has you screaming virtually, it is not. Not as insult to me mind you but
rather as aggravation to yourself.
Except for trolls, I derive no pleasure whatsoever in making people angry. There are threads here on PDF
that I don't visit because the tone is unreasonable and I cannot share peacefully. ( One about Indian stuff ;) )
When I do leave any place, I never go back; that simple! So if I get convinced that someone or someplace is
unable to handle me and vice-versa, I just let go of it. It is simpler for all, better for their nerves and mine. :cool:

And what's even better is that I don't harbor resentment when it happens along the lines of Groucho Marx :
-"I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that accepts people like me!" :p:
I just chalk it off as one of those many things I can't change and get on my way.
So it depends on you first! Stay calm for I am not your enemy! If it is too hard for you ( or anyone ),
leaving one be is my way of helping them out, of being gentle, considerate or polite, that's all!

Talk to you later if you can stand it then; keep calm and have a good evening, Tay.
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I am quoting you from your post @Taygibay,

"As for your wanton of peaceful discussions with only Pakistanis, that would merely require a dedicated sub-forum."

When did i say that. Dont put words in my mouth. And that screaming wasnt screaming really,intention was so that everyone understands imeant that thing as 'indian mods'. You got too offended by that. Nd yes i wrote i dont like any any indian presence here and that isnt cuz of some extreme loathing from my end , its indians ever sick attitude thay they show non stop on this forum that has ppl hating on them. you are entitled to ur views. however, ur views have no bearing on mine. I judge and evaluate things as they come by, and well my experiences with indians arent pleasent here. And i amnot the only pakistani who has this issue.

As for the rest of the post : :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:


Oh and btw as of levina having issues with thanks feature then ihave seen her thanking some highly racist and islam mocking disparaging posts.case in point is in one of these threads here. Tho the mod deleted that post cuz it was super offensive but still sits in my quote. If u endorse such posts thru thanks then u dont get to complaint against the feature.
Oh and btw as of levina having issues with thanks feature then ihave seen her thanking some highly racist and islam mocking disparaging posts
Next time when you take my name tag me.
I've never mocked any religion, sorry thats not my style.
But yes I have given likes to posts of my friends who might have countered trolls like yourself.
How do we make PDF better?

You are banning more Indians than Pakistanis (per capita), be equitable. Keep Indian Mods.
Stop discrimination.
If Indians left, there would be hardly any traffic here.
Ad revenues would suffer, which is supposed to be your Bread & Butter.

This is my two cents.
. . . .
I thought this thread was supposed to be for discussion on how to make pdf better....m
@Shamain I have a suggestion for you, please open a thread, and allow people to vote 'whether Indians should be on pdf'. This forum is a private property of webmaster(I think) but if enough pakistanis get behind you, you can force him to act. If you lose in the votes, it will prove pakistanis are big hearted tolerant people, like they claim. Basically win-win situation for you.
If you decide to open a poll, please make it visible so that you can count pakistani votes only. Keep it time bound(say 7 days).
@Taygibay this can be settled by a referendum. :)
^^^ LOL Someone reads threads through, I see. Bravo mate! ;) Tay.

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