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How different would be world if India didn't exist?

What is Akhand Bharat dream there is no Akhand Bharat only a Gujarati dictating poor south and looting them of money and resources. @SuvarnaTeja has the right to freedom which has been denied to them.

It is a fake Bharat and every state needs freedom and denounce the rule of hindutava looting them. Poor people of Kerala are denied help in floods what was their fault?
As is Said even if Pakistanis and some Jihadis in India stand Upside down,Beg and Cry .. not even a single inch of India will be separated..

Poor south ? Im from South, im from a middle class family, but my standard of living is better than your so called Pakistan elites..

Those Jihadis will be Hunt down like a Rabid dogs if they try any misadventure in here...
As is Said even if Pakistanis and some Jihadis in India stand Upside down,Beg and Cry .. not even a single inch of India will be separated..

Poor south ? Im from South, im from a middle class family, but my standard of living is better than your so called Pakistan elites..

Those Jihadis will be Hunt down like a Rabid dogs if they try any misadventure in here...

Look your hindutava mentality is already set to kill people of south. You have already called them jihadi for asking for freedom sorry bro he and many other like him need to recall their roots and get freedom from your kind. Very bad attitude t curse people. India will be separated and south will have its share of ruling them selves rather than slavery.
You Jihadis will be hunt down like a Rabid dog if you keep Spreading anti India propaganda..

So i take it you will personally oversee ethnic cleansing of Indian Muslims? What a joke.

Get a real hobby. You Fascists are making a laughing stock of your country.

Those Jihadis will be Hunt down like a Rabid dogs if they try any misadventure in here...

Quintessential keyboard warrior here.

Look your hindutava mentality is already set to kill people of south. You have already called them jihadi for asking for freedom sorry bro he and many other like him need to recall their roots and get freedom from your kind. Very bad attitude t curse people. India will be separated and south will have its share of ruling them selves rather than slavery.
Yoh d**khead even im from South India.. Only muslims/christians of Tamil nadu consider themselves Dravidians (less than10 % of TN population)..
if you want to know about south, come here stand in Busy road, talk bad about Hinduism... then share your experience here if you are left alive after that..

So i take it you will personally oversee ethnic cleansing of Indian Muslims? What a joke.

Get a real hobby. You Fascists are making a laughing stock of your country.

Quintessential keyboard warrior here.

You joker im not talking about Cleansing Indian muslims.. Im talking about about hunting down Jihadis in India..there is no difference between most muslims of India and Hindus, most of them worship Hindu gods..only about 10% of them are Extremist Islam muslims ( even they are under control).. they will be hunt down like a Rabid dogs if they try any misadventure
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Yoh d**khead even im from South India.. Only muslims/christians Tamil nadu consider themselves Dravidians (less than10 % of TN population)..
if you want to know about south, come here stand in Busy road, talk bad about Hinduism... then share your experience here if you are left alive after that..

Don't worry I will come and talk one day and you will not be able to stop me. South will get it's long over due freedom.

World denounces hateful voices like you and those poor souls will stand in face of traitors like you.

Yoh d**khead even im from South India.. Only muslims/christians Tamil nadu consider themselves Dravidians (less than10 % of TN population)..
if you want to know about south, come here stand in Busy road, talk bad about Hinduism... then share your experience here if you are left alive after that..

You joker im not talking about Cleansing Indian muslims.. Im talking about about hunting down Jihadis in India..there is no difference between most muslims of India and Hindus, most of them worship Hindu gods..only about 10% of them are Extremist Islam muslims ( even they are under control).. they will be hunt down like a Rabid dogs if they try any misadventure

No you were talking about the genocide of poor Muslims in India and you just threatened me for freedom of speech. What type of idiot human being are you. You have no value for democracy and you only believe in oppression shame on you.
Don't worry I will come and talk one day and you will not be able to stop me. South will get it's long over due freedom.

World denounces hateful voices like you and those poor souls will stand in face of traitors like you.
You Joker..even Congress and JDS members are hardcore Hindu nationalists here..

U can come to here when you are converted back to Hinduism and when we fly Saffron flag on top of Mecca medina..
People like you who threaten violence should be place on international sanction and stopped from international travel. You are an extremist and a trouble maker.

You Joker..even Congress and JDS member are hardcore Hindu nationalists here..

U can come to here when you are converted back to Hinduism and when we fly Saffron flag on top of Mecca medina..

We you are a hindutava terrorist and a traitor to south's freedom. Look at your extremist language.
People like you who threaten violence should be place on international sanction and stopped from international travel. You are an extremist and a trouble maker.

We you are a hindutava terrorist and a traitor to south's freedom. Look at your extremist language.
As i said no country in this world cares about Iliterate joker pakistanis , even if Pakistan Beg and Cry and try to Brainwash muslims in India, not even a single inch will be separated from India..

Most People in South want to Wipeout Pakistan..
only people who consider themselves Dravidians are Christians/Muslims of Tamil nadu ( less than 10% TN Population) , they will go extinct if they try any misadventure..
As i said no country in this world cares about Iliterate joker pakistanis , even if Pakistan Beg and Cry and try to Brainwash muslims in India, not even a single inch will be separated from India..

Most People in South want to Wipeout Pakistan..
only people who consider Dravidians are Christians/Muslims of Tamil nadu ( less than 10% TN Population) , they will go extinct if they try any misadventure..

Oh I am talking about Greater Tamil Nadu a country apart from India.

A country for the Tamil people by the Tamil people and from the Tamil people. A country of indo Aryan.
Oh I am talking about Greater Tamil Nadu a country apart from India.

A country for the Tamil people by the Tamil people and from the Tamil people. A country of indo Aryan.

Tamil nadu people are more Hindu/Indian nationalists than RSS

Tamil nadu people are more Hindu/Indian nationalists than RSS

Don't give me YouTube you kid. Tamil are only Tamil nationalist and indo Aryans deserve freedom. It is their right and you are a traitor to Tamils.
Farmer/economist/Scientist now wants to be a historian/philosopher .Very very sad very very bad :enjoy:

Twitter economist was Recently advising about satellite communication issues in other thread where isro satellites were being discussed. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Don't give me YouTube you kid. Tamil are only Tamil nationalist and indo Aryans deserve freedom. It is their right and you are a traitor to Tamils.
Bark all you want.. No body cares...
We want whole South Asia and South east Asia..we will take whole South asia and South east asia ..will remove the name India and will keep only Bharat as official name..
Don't give me YouTube you kid. Tamil are only Tamil nationalist and indo Aryans deserve freedom. It is their right and you are a traitor to Tamils.

Ha ha ha... . Twitter will do ?

It did not exist once before, and will not exist in the future.

The dream will come true of freedom for our region.

Pakistan will make sure its a total victory, as Prophet Muhammad saws foretold.

Prophet talked about pakistan ?
Bark all you want.. No body cares...
We want whole South Asia and South east Asia..we will take whole South asia and South east asia ..will remove the name India and will keep only Bharat as official name..

Tamil nadu demanded freedom from India in 1947 and they will have it one day don't worry. Indo Aryan will have a free country.

Tamils demanded separate country after 2009 as well.

@D Boss you are a kid and a flaming one but reality is very different :)
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