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how did china build its infrastructure ?

I admire cities like Beijing,Shanghai ,Shenhehzhen.

One question.
I have heard that there is a lot of difference between these few cities(5-6) and rest of China.

Please answer frankly!


China Import and Export Fair (e.g. Canton Fair) is always held in Guangzhou, China.


Canton Fair Pazhou Complex


Canton Fair 2010

China's largest trade fair opens amid yuan appreciation worries

"China's largest trade fair opens amid yuan appreciation worries
English.news.cn 2010-10-15 17:02:02

GUANGZHOU, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- Canton Fair, China's largest trade fair and a key barometer of its trade and economic development, opened Friday amid growing concerns that a stronger yuan would weigh on the nation's exports.

In addition to business opportunities, the multitudes of sellers and buyers at the fair, officially known as China Import and Export Fair, are watching closely the latest developments in the yuan exchange rate dispute.

"We are under great pressure. Should the exchange rate rise rapidly, many of us will be out of business," said Dai Chao, export manager of Wanjiale Gas Appliances, a medium-sized private company that sells gas appliances to east European and south American countries.

Dai's voice was echoed by many small and medium-sized companies at the fair, which make up about 70 percent of all 23,599 registered sellers.

"An abrupt appreciation of the yuan would devastate the smaller exporters whose profit margin mostly ranges from 2 to 5 percent," said Liu Jianjun, spokesman for the 108th Canton Fair.

"We are keeping a close eye on the upcoming U.S. government report on the currency practices of China," said Liu Guizhong, head of the overseas market department of Glanz, a leading Chinese manufacturer of home appliances.

The U.S. Treasury Department's report on exchange rates is due to be published on Oct. 15. The market is worried whether the United States would list China as "currency manipulator".

Analysts say China's currency policy has been stigmatized by some U.S. politicians who are trying to use it as a scapegoat for the weak economy and job losses in the United States as the midterm elections approach.

"Pushing for the appreciation of the yuan for political gains will only hurt the global market. Exchange rate changes should be based on the real conditions of China's economy and the trade market," said Su Jing, a foreign trade official with the Ministry of Commerce.

"China is at a crucial stage of restructuring its economy. Abrupt fluctuations of the yuan would not only hurt the country's economy but also worsen the investment environment in China and disrupt world economic development," Su added.

"As the impact of the global economic crisis is still lingering, currency disputes could cause some countries to reduce export quotas and increase taxes, leading to trade wars that would hurt everybody," said Shi Jianxun, economic professor with Shanghai-based Tongji University.

"The prices are already high. We would no longer be able to afford the goods here if the yuan keeps appreciating," said Barahukwa Mary, manager of a construction company in Uganda.

A total of 23,599 firms at home and abroad are participating as sellers in the 108th Canton Fair in Guangzhou, capital city of south China's Guangdong Province, organizers said.

The figure is 240 more than that at the previous fair in April.

Of the total, domestic Chinese firms made up 23,098, said Liu Jianjun, deputy director of the China Foreign Trade Center (CFTC).

The Canton Fair has been China's largest biannual trade fair since it began in 1957. Exhibits at the fair include mechanical and electrical products, textiles, healthcare products, food, sports supplies and other consumer goods, organizers said.

Editor: Zhang Xiang"


TianHe District, the city center of Guangzhou


Guangzhou map for the Canton Fair

Canton Fair contracts up but Chinese exporters remain cautious

"Canton Fair contracts up but Chinese exporters remain cautious
English.news.cn 2010-05-05 23:55:53

GUANGZHOU, May 5 (Xinhua) -- Despite a rebound in contracts signed at the world famous Canton Fair, which concluded Wednesday, Chinese exporters still remain cautious about the global trade outlook.

The 107th China Import and Export Fair, or the Canton Fair, saw the value of export contracts up 12.6 percent from its autumn session last year to 34.3 billion U.S. dollars, Chen Chaoren, spokesman for the Fair, told a press conference.

But the figure is still 10.3 percent lower than the corresponding session in 2008, he said.

Trade resulting from the Fair contributes significantly to China's overall trade volume.

"The rebound (in the Fair contracts) will help consolidate China's recovery in foreign trade, but uncertainties still remain," Chen said.

Exporters were still taking cautious steps. Short-term contracts signed at the Fair were up to 53 percent, according to Chen.

"Chinese exporters remain worried about the complicated trade conditions, such as the unstable global economic recovery, rising trade protectionism and higher production costs," he said.

The recent session of the Fair attracted 203,996 overseas buyers from 212 countries and regions around the world, down 1.3 percent from its spring session in 2007.

As the world's largest exporter, China's exports grew by 24.3 percent in March year on year to 112.11 billion U.S. dollars, while imports jumped 66 percent to 119.35 billion U.S. dollars, leaving a 7.24 billion U.S. dollar deficit, the first one since May 2004.

Editor: yan"
I admire cities like Beijing,Shanghai ,Shenhehzhen.

One question.
I have heard that there is a lot of difference between these few cities(5-6) and rest of China.

Please answer frankly!

Qingdao, China: Golden City | Qingdao China | QINGDAO(nese)


Qingdao, China: Golden City
(By Steven in Qingdao Life)

"Enjoy these photos of a metropolis on the move, the Sailing City going forward full speed ahead."


"Qingdao is one of the most important success stories of China’s economic miracle. This ever-growing city is home to one of the top ports in the country, two of China’s largest appliance makers (Haier and Hisense), the most recognizable consumer brand in China (Tsingtao Beer), a massive oil refinery project and strategic oil base in the Huangdao Development Zone, highly successful exporters, manufacturers, importers, and a large number of thriving multinational corporations either producing or operating offices here (such as Durex, Ikea, Nike, Lucent, Nestle, Stihl and many more). It’s no wonder the World Bank has honored Qingdao as one of China’s six “Golden cities”. The US Commercial Service agency had these good things to say about doing business in Qingdao:

Located on the southern tip of the Shandong Peninsula, Qingdao is one of eastern China’s major economic centers. Nestled between mountains and ocean, Qingdao’s unique cityscape is studded with lovely beaches, classic European architecture and ample green landscape. The city is well known for its historic and scenic tourist attractions, as well as being one of the best places in China to live and do business.

The World Bank honored Qingdao as one of China’s six “Golden cities” (a measure of investment climate, harmoniousness, governance and other measures). In recent years, the city has attracted billions in foreign direct investment and engages in trade with virtually every country on the planet. Among the city’s 17,854 foreign investment projects, 76 Fortune 500 companies have established projects in Qingdao."



With time higher IQ societies develop better technologies, gather more money/finance/resources needed one way or the other, deploy better development policies (more efficient or less corrupted,) etc.
“IQ only test the ability to take an IQ test, and it can not reflect people’s intelligence”.

Wrong. The absolute number of IQ is not important, can’t you see? The differences between groups are.

I don't dispute that.

In fact, I said that what IQ tests measure is actually the Productivity Quotient, i.e. how well the individual has been prepared to contribute productively to society. Clearly, any collection of individuals with higher productivity will form a more advanced society.

It still doesn't prove that the determining factor in IQ test scoring is genetics. Correlation doesn't imply causation.

most IQ test nowadays have been education-neutral and increasingly culture-neutral, which mean that graphics-based problem solving and logical deduction tests have no pre-requirements on one’s literacy level, religious belief ( they don’t draw Mohamed or Jesus in the test to ask you whom they are, of course) and education statues,
IQ tests your innate intellectual ability, not your knowledge!

Wrong again. Every single IQ test includes linguistic sections, which depend heavily on one's education level. Spatial tests only test the right brain, not the linguistic left brain functions. The logic sections test the frontal cortex functions and also depend heavily on linguistic ability.

age-old yet thoroughly debunked arguments such as Lewontin Fallacy of “variation within races larger than that between races” ( why don’t you search internet and help yourself on that one? I am tired).

Your debunking might have more weight if you cite actual scientific studies rather than 'simple intuitive logic'. I provided a link to a respectable scientific study which bases its conclusions on actual genetic markers.

mountains of scientific studies have already debunked the hypothesis “nurture plays a major role”, all you need is to think , e.g.

Pity you couldn't cite any scientific studies from these 'mountains'. I will cite one just for kicks.

The black/white IQ gap is largely genetically caused.

Since the publishing of The Bell Curve, a definitive study has come out of Columbia and Northwestern Universities demolishing the theory that the white/black IQ gap is largely genetically caused. But even at the time The Bell Curve was published, there was no reason to make such a claim. Of the seven major scientific studies on genes, race and IQ, six suggested that genes play no role in the IQ gap between whites and blacks, and only one suggested a genetic cause. Statistical objections can be raised to all seven early studies, but at the very least, The Bell Curve had no grounds whatsoever to imply that the IQ gap is largely genetic.
After World War II, many American GI's (both white and black) fathered children by German women; these children were then raised in German society. The children fathered by black GI's had an average IQ of 96.5, and the children fathered by white GI's had an average IQ of 97 -- a statistically insignificant difference. (3)

In another study of children raised in residential institutions, black, white and racially mixed children who were raised in the same enriched environment were given IQ tests. At four years of age, the white children had an average IQ of 103, the blacks had an average IQ of 108, and the racially mixed children had an average IQ of 106. (4)

Another study measured the IQ's of children from black-white unions. Assuming that mothers are more important than fathers in the education and socialization of their children, the study sought to see if a child's IQ is higher when the white partner is the mother. This turned out to be true -- the IQ of a racially mixed child averages 9 points higher when it is the mother who is white. (5)

The point is that in a higher IQ society in which a larger number of “Einsteins” in all fields will eventually help push it to the higher level, be it techologies, wealth accumulation, science research, or be it govenment social policies, or physical infrastructure..., for some other “Einsteins” there WILL get Chemistry and beyond, let alone getting it deeper and faster.[/B]

Because IQ tests measure preparedness for productivity, not innate intelligence.

Basically, the world today and almost in its entire history has been about 2-horse race:

East Asians vs Germanic Europeans. Just an IQ coinstance?

Actually, except for ancient China, the history of civilization has been dominated by groups with lower average brain size: Middle East, South Asia, Egypt, Cambodia, South America, and the Mediterranean Basin. Recent history has been dominated by Caucasians, again not the highest scoring group. Ancient China did produce a glorious civilization, but their higher brain size couldn't save them from the low-scoring invaders.

The ancient Neanderthals had a slightly larger cranial capacity that Cro Magnons (modern humans), yet we all know who won that one!

The point of all this is as follows: brain size is a contributing factor in productivity (call it IQ for want of a better name), but its effect is overwhelmed by environmental factors. To say that person A is capable of being more intelligent than person B because he has a bigger brain is like saying that the guy on the second floor is closer to the sun than the guy on the first floor. Technically true, but largely irrelevant.
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I don't dispute that.

In fact, I said that what IQ tests measure is actually the Productivity Quotient, i.e. how well the individual has been prepared to contribute productively to society. Clearly, any collection of individuals with higher productivity will form a more advanced society.

It still doesn't prove that the determining factor in IQ test scoring is genetics. Correlation doesn't imply causation.

What do you mean by “Productivity Quotient”? Never heard of it in literatures.

Scientists around the world have been carefully designing features of their IQ studies suc as age group to deliberately refute people with the similar criticism like you. Many IQ tests in fact measure IQ of infants of 5 -years-old or as young as 2-year old. Tell me what’s the p"roductivity" of 2-tear-olds? What's their educational level? What's their undertanding of favorable govenment policies? What are their literacy level? ---- ZERO!

IQ measures largely the innate inheritability – scientifically indisputable! (many research out there over the course of about a century, around the world! You can easily google it). That’s the whole point.

Wrong again. Every single IQ test includes linguistic sections, which depend heavily on one's education level. Spatial tests only test the right brain, not the linguistic left brain functions. The logic sections test the frontal cortex functions and also depend heavily on linguistic ability.

Lingustic ? What in English? German? Or Latin or Cantonese? linguistic section doesn’t mean it must be a writen form per se all the time. It tests the sensitivity to the meanings, sounds, and rhythms of words. The methods deployed can be very diverse whenever dealing with illiterates. Illiterates can talk and hear, can’t they?

Your debunking might have more weight if you cite actual scientific studies rather than 'simple intuitive logic'. I provided a link to a respectable scientific study which bases its conclusions on actual genetic markers.

No need to cite more actually. As I said, as long as a person with his eyes open and not being lazy, at a clic of mouse one could goggle hundreds if not thousands studies out there in the web. C’mon, I know you can do it.

Pity you couldn't cite any scientific studies from these 'mountains'. I will cite one just for kicks.

A rubbish source! Sorry to say that. It wrongly cites The Bell Curve. C. Murray, the co-author of the book, one of the most influential American scientists in the field of the 20th century, would turn in his grave when he sees how this “source” manipulates what he really meant.

The children fathered by black GI's had an average IQ of 96.5, and the children fathered by white GI's had an average IQ of 97 -- a statistically insignificant difference...

At four years of age, the white children had an average IQ of 103, the blacks had an average IQ of 108...

:lol: black kids has average IQ of 108 , huh? Yeah right, with some twist on sample size and standard error etc details , I tell you what, someone could also make a claim that a cucumber would have an IQ of mid 60s. :rofl:

But are you serious?

I am almost convinced that this “source” you quote is also one of numerous Black Supermacist affiliate websites out there which even claim that Black people invented the Chinese civilisation before Han Chinese came along, right? :lol:

Because IQ tests measure preparedness for productivity, not innate intelligence.

NO. Sorry but I think that you have misinterpretated what I meant by that.

Actually, except for ancient China, the history of civilization has been dominated by groups with lower average brain size: Middle East, South Asia, Egypt, Cambodia, South America, and the Mediterranean Basin. Recent history has been dominated by Caucasians, again not the highest scoring group. Ancient China did produce a glorious civilization, but their higher brain size couldn't save them from the low-scoring invaders.

The ancient Neanderthals had a slightly larger cranial capacity that Cro Magnons (modern humans), yet we all know who won that one!

The point of all this is as follows: brain size is a contributing factor in productivity (call it IQ for want of a better name), but its effect is overwhelmed by environmental factors. To say that person A is capable of being more intelligent than person B because he has a bigger brain is like saying that the guy on the second floor is closer to the sun than the guy on the first floor. Technically true, but largely irrelevant.

Many blurred points you made here.

Cro Magnons usually refer to forefathers of Modern Europeans instead of Modern Humans as you wrote.

Adition: Whereas why Cro Magnons displaced Neanderthals desearves an independent thread , IQ was likely the main reason ( that Neanderthals have larger brain size than Cro Magnons is not conlcusive yet, and likely wrong) apart from other minor ones, inter-breeding among the two for example is a part of the facts though, as Prof Pääbo ( a Swedish scientist) - led team of Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology demonstrated recently ( in2010) that between 1% and 4% of the DNA of non-Africans today came from Neanderthals.

Dominant doesn't equate to prevalent, one could be prevalent in a region simplely because of being the only major one in the region, as in fact those (Maya, Egypt, India, Near East Mesopotamia) were, but not dominant since its main rival was not in the region yet. Therefore it doesn't prove that they have higher IQ than Northern Europeans , who just arrived a bit later at the scene . ( more on this later)

I knew it that it would cause some criticisms when I put it very loosely with that “entire history”, and “Germanic” which should be revised to “North-of-Alp Europeans” to be more precise.

Nevertheless, my initial statement remains largely valid that “basically it’s a two-horse race throughout the most part of history so far”, if you research further into the IQ field together with world's history and pre-history, all the pre-historic great civilisations such as Maya, Egypt, India, Near East ( Mesopotamia),etc. didn’t require more than 90 average IQ to establish and maintain due to the mild weather there immediately after the latest Ice Age which made basic form of agriculture ( to grow food instead of to hunt food) readily / easily available. Hence being earlier and "the only kid on the block" doesn't have to mean being better.

Winning a battle or war doesn't imply having higher IQ either, even though under normal circunstances higher IQ people usually win wars due to better planning (e.g. 1962 Sino-Indian conflict) and/or better technologies. Yet it is based on the assumption that higher IQ people want to fight in the first place. Imperial China lost two wars against machus, mongols; Romans lost wars in the end; ... ( many other reasons as well such as numerical difference). That doesn't mean they have lower IQ. They just didn't have the moral to fight at a time. Historians use a special word to describe this kind of situations - "decadence"

Though with occasional major & minor feats and some geniuses, the general achievements (in maths, sciences, arts, literature, civil technologies, military technologies, and beyond) of aforementioned civilisations have never rivaled, let alone surpassed, that of Ancient Greece ( sciences, arts, philosophies, etc), Imperial China (paper, printing books, arts/ literature, iron and steel-making, credit banking with standard bank notes, gunpowder, missles, compass, etc), and that of European modern states which made the modern world of today, far from to be in the same league honestly, according to most influential historians. In fact look at everything you see and touch today in everywhere, most of them (shall I say >95%) could be traced to either East Asian or Northern European (& its derivatives e.g. USA) origin.

Human Genome Project would progress to such a high level that we humans for the first time in history could pinpoint the exact genes within our bodies that are responsible for the objective differences found in intelligence ( hence IQ) with a decade's time. Scientists of China, the EU and USA are standing at the forefront of this achievement.
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What's funny about the closet supremacists in this thread who believe in the racial superiority of East Asians is that without the concept of zero, which was first developed by low IQ, subhuman, Indian mathematicians, you could never make your useless IQ tests and statistics in the first place.

Ironic isn't it?
What's funny about the closet supremacists in this thread who believe in the racial superiority of East Asians is that without the concept of zero, which was first developed by low IQ, subhuman, Indian mathematicians, you could never make your useless IQ tests and statistics in the first place.

Ironic isn't it?

I don't believe anyone here is advocating racial supremacy, at least I hope not.

Racial supremacists are just lazy idiots, who live off the glory of other people, and have nothing to offer themselves.

I don't believe anyone here is advocating racial supremacy, at least I hope not.

No one has yet come out of their closet and said "East Asians are racially superior to other humans" but that's probably what they are thinking.

What else is the point of showing IQ "statistics" show East Asians with higher average IQs than other groups...

The 6.5-billion-riyal (1.7 billion dollar), 18-kilometre (11-mile) Al-Mashair rail connects Mecca to Arafat, Muzdalifa and Mina, site of a massive tent city that houses more than one million pilgrims.


Pilgrims on Makkah Metro Mashair!


การทดสอบรถไฟ Mashair Railway ที่ซาอุเตรียมไว้บริการฮุจญาต


Trains will move at speeds between 80 and 120 km/hour.


A man stands watching the newly-opened Holy Sites metro light-rail in the western Saudi city of Mecca on November 2.


The railway will reduce the time it takes for pilgrims to move from Arafat to Muzdalifah to five minutes on the 9th of Dul Hijjah. It will also take pilgrims five minutes to move from Muzdalifah to Mina on the 10th.
No one has yet come out of their closet and said "East Asians are racially superior to other humans" but that's probably what they are thinking.

What else is the point of showing IQ "statistics" show East Asians with higher average IQs than other groups...

yup, they have the capital to be proud of. you just came out of your closet and completely exposed your jealousy.

since thats the case, why dont you come out with an authentic statistics to show they are retarded?
yup, they have the capital to be proud of. you just came out of your closet and completely exposed your jealousy.

Yes, I am jealous that the IQ of myself and countrymen is lower than East Asian IQ.

Now please excuse me while I build a shrine dedicated to my new East Asian masters.

since thats the case, why dont you come out with an authentic statistics to show they are retarded?

When did I say anyone was retarded.
No one has yet come out of their closet and said "East Asians are racially superior to other humans" but that's probably what they are thinking.

What else is the point of showing IQ "statistics" show East Asians with higher average IQs than other groups...

There is only 1 person saying that. Please don't generalize, that's a sign of a low IQ.

I actually agree with your argument that while IQ is indeed different between races, it's not clear whether IQ can even be statistically analyzed. You can't take the average of non-interval non-ratio data points and since the IQ difference between 0 and 20 IQ and 80 and 100 IQ are not the same I view the value of statistically analyzing IQ as similar to analyzing the ratings of a merely bad hotel 0-5 and an African hut 0-5.
There is only 1 person saying that. Please don't generalize, that's a sign of a low IQ.

I actually agree with your argument that while IQ is indeed different between races, it's not clear whether IQ can even be statistically analyzed. You can't take the average of non-interval non-ratio data points and since the IQ difference between 0 and 20 IQ and 80 and 100 IQ are not the same I view the value of statistically analyzing IQ as similar to analyzing the ratings of a merely bad hotel 0-5 and an African hut 0-5.

I laughed at this.
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