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How Communist China freed the Tibetan People and gave them Human Rights

Soon the annual income of an average Tibetan in Tibet(excluding Zangnan - South Tibet)will be 10 times his or her Indian counterpart。
nope, their whole religion is based on slavery, Tibetan Buddhism is more like Scientology just older. Also even india to this day has a cast system so its not guaranteed Tibet would have reformed.

A Chinese is distributing wisdoms about India. :omghaha::omghaha:

members who don't even know the spelling of "Caste System" come here to enlighten us???

just I want to sing the phrase---

"Yeh Chinese(instead of Ladki) hai nadan,isko buddhi do Bhagwan"...

Dude, senheiser is not Chinese, he is a Russian born in Kaliningrad.
The worst type of government is one that the leader is also a claimed living god because no one can question his wrong doings. In a society where the ruling families (the high priests and rich land owners) using the Buddhist Karma to keep status quo of the slaves by claiming that they are slaves because of the bad deeds they did in their former lives, and they shall thus be slaves for their entire current lives it utterly wrong in real Buddhist teachings.

And all off-springs of slaves shall continue to be the property of slave owners is against humanity which historical Buddha would not approve. However, the many self-claimed "living buddhas" of Tibet thought otherwise and enforced the slavery system as a means to control a large free work force.

Today's overseas Tibetans are largely from the ex-ruling families of high priests monks, land owners and their previleged servants like soldiers and provincialgovernment administractors etc, their former "culture and way of lives" are definetely exist no more and thus they are using their western influences through the so-called Tibetan buddhism for their seperatist movement. The ex-slaves who are now free are the masses and they are different from the exiled Tibetans.

Tibetans have their own university using Tibetan language as primary teaching media, sames as the multi-media like TV and radio broadcast as well as internet (with key-in system developed with help of Beijing). Official languages use in government offices are both Tibetan and Han Chinese. All these were achieved through co-operation with universities and central government in Beijing. If one want to destroy others' culture, the first thing would be stopping the population from using their native languages as well as destruction of their former religions as well as change their traditional names to that of the conquerors example changed to Spanish/Portuguest/Japanese/Christian names. We see this happened in former Ryukyu kingdom, South America and many others colonised by the west.
All the slaveholders will be relegated to the garbage can of history,and the next ones are Dalailama and the pre-Tibet nobel。
Revisionist Garbage.
If you Chinese really hate how the Tibetans are committing "acts of treason" against you and how their leaders and "slave-owners" fight against you, word of advice, STOP BEING OPPRESSIVE.
may be...may be not.but kiss of the dragon is.

oh good, you do know English isn't China's first language right? So he made a mistake, so what? Aside from the fact this is just an internet forum, if one spelling mistake means no credibility than nobody can say anything.

Disprove what he said with facts, or is that not possible, because it.....
Disprove what he said with facts, or is that not possible, because it.....
The facts can be found anywhere. This is the internet, my friend. Google it. Go on Wikipedia. Tibet is being suffocated by Chinese oppression, and your revisionist propaganda won't change it.
Another attempt of twisting history to project an occupier as a liberator.
Soon the annual income of an average Tibetan in Tibet(excluding Zangnan - South Tibet)will be 10 times his or her Indian counterpart。

By this logic caged animals in zoo are liberated, because they are well- fed.
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