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How CNN uses disaster to propagandize against a government

Anyone with an above average IQ would have left long ago. If what that is what you believe.

Not a chance Bozo. I love this country too much to leave it in a MESS.

I will fight for America's Soul and change it from inside, democratically.

That means that life is going to be hell for you TEA BAGGERS.

BTW, we have people working in Canada also to change the system there.

You of course being an INDIAN transplant don't have much say in things.
Well, I agree on all your comment (including China have move away from Anti-US view, infact most CCTV program I saw in China actually pro-US in some sense.) apart from the bolded part

In case of US media, it not the case The media tell their audience what to watch, but it's the viewer tell what the channel what to broadcast. Unlike Media in China, we don't have people controlling or paying our media on top of the bosses (The corporation, aka advertisement and sponsorship) and the Bigger Boss (The audience)

For a TV channel or station to stay afloat, they need money, since they are charging absolutely nothing for their broadcast, all of their money that need to stay afloat is coming from solely Sponsors and advertising incoming. However, for people in advertise in your channel/station or sponsor your program, you need certain amount of viewership. Basically if you broadcast some junk that nobody really want to see (regardless if that's true) your station WILL BE GOING UNDER. you will lose viewership, and losing advertiser and finally lose your sponsor, and then your channel gone broke.

There are nothing gain from US media trying to "Brainwash" their audience, cause they don't have government payout to broadcast whatever the government want to tell them, thus TV channel/Station overly depend on their viewer, rating is king in US media and Media do not control the rating, but it's the audience who control the media.

It's not the US media is turning the normal American Anti-China, but it's the normal American who want to hear the anti-China news, trust me, if the common American got sick and tired of said news, the media will not run them anymore. It is nothing about freedom of choice or freedom of whatever, IT'S JUST BUSINESS

Same goes with Hollywood movie Industry. It's always the viewer dictate what the media to offer, not the Media telling people what to watch.

When did I say the media is brainwashing the audience? I said the media is just feeding what the audience wishes to hear. What you said above is just what I meant. The choice is already made by the audience, so the media crafts its programs to suit the audience's taste. This in turn creates a perpetual vicious cycle in which average audience just keeps reinforcing their preconception towards China from the media. Of course, there are people that will go out of box and look for difference perspectives.

Also in China, there are now multiple outlets of news. I would say most people get news not from CCTV but from internet news and newspaper. Those news sources all have various attitudes towards the U.S., the Chinese government etc. At least internet sites are all owned by private companies, so you can see unlike most American audience, how Chinese audience have various attitudes and they for most part have access to difference perspectives. However, I would say the latter part might not be the case in reality since most people will just stick to one news source that conforms to their view points. This in turn means that Chinese society is more stratered than American society.
When did I say the media is brainwashing the audience? I said the media is just feeding what the audience wishes to hear. What you said above is just what I meant. The choice is already made by the audience, so the media crafts its programs to suit the audience's taste. This in turn creates a perpetual vicious cycle in which average audience just keeps reinforcing their preoccupation from the media. Of course, there are people that will go out of box and look for difference perspectives.

Lol, little misunderstanding.

Brainwash does not mean that brainwash other Chinese Member talking about, hence the air quote.

By brainwash I mean advertisement brainwashing people not the station, when is the last time you buy something upon seeing a TVC??

And TV channel and TV Station is not feeding the need of Audience, they are feeding into the need of their Sponsor. Which is audience controlled.
If you think CNN is trolling you are as simple minded as the australians who run CNN international , try watching RT, BBC , France24 , deutsche welle , etc.
If you think CNN is trolling you are as simple minded as the australians who run CNN international , try watching RT, BBC , France24 , deutsche welle , etc.

CNN is owned by Warners Bros which founded by Ted Turner, he is an American.......I think you confused CNN with FOX, which owned by news corp, which founded by Rupert Murdoch, who was born in Australia, but migrated and moved to the US for a long time...
CNN is owned by Warners Bros which founded by Ted Turner, he is an American.......I think you confused CNN with FOX, which owned by news corp, which founded by Rupert Murdoch, who was born in Australia, but migrated and moved to the US for a long time...

No , the last time i watched fox was 16 years ago , i was talking about CNN international that is run by australians and their exotic accents :lol:
by the way , the OP is a real genius ! "CNN uses natural disasters to propagandize against countries" :lol:
For entertainment there is nothing like the Times of India. You should try that sometimes.

For better entertainment, read the comments section. :rofl:
Better still is 'China Daily' and 'Peoples Daily'! :omghaha: They are a laugh-a-minute tabloids! The propaganda and bluster by these state controlled rags is beyond funny! But the best part is that the sheeple out there fall for the crap, hook, line, and sinker! It's their bible, controlled by the CPC - The voice of the Lord Almighty! :angel:
Not a chance Bozo. I love this country too much to leave it in a MESS.

I will fight for America's Soul and change it from inside, democratically.

That means that life is going to be hell for you TEA BAGGERS.

BTW, we have people working in Canada also to change the system there.

You of course being an INDIAN transplant don't have much say in things.

You would have been better off actually reading my posts before making assumptions. I tend not to like South Asians in general, Teabagger ? Anyway I see you talking up to China and down to the US all the time, hence my comment- nothing personal, good luck trying to change it.

Actually in Canada, like the UK they are ramping up the pressure and scrutiny on immigration fraud - its actually a very long wait to even apply from your part of the world.
Better still is 'China Daily' and 'Peoples Daily'! :omghaha: They are a laugh-a-minute tabloids! The propaganda and bluster by these state controlled rags is beyond funny! But the best part is that the sheeple out there fall for the crap, hook, line, and sinker! It's their bible, controlled by the CPC - The voice of the Lord Almighty! :angel:

How about this, "China Killer" = Agni V.
Enemy No. 1 = China.

Now I wonder which laugh-a-minute tabloid is that?

Even your politicians are a joke, talk about Media.

Also you might want to fix your Telangana state before you preach about others. ;)
It is not the media feeding what the audiences want to eat.
A dog love eating chocolate doesn't mean that the dog 'loves' it, but 'used to' it.
It is because the owner has been feeding it chocolate since it was born.
It is good that Taiwan is an ally to the West.

According to their articles...Taiwan's HSR is 1000x better than the GARBAGE mainland HSR.

To mainland:

Please, don't adopt democracy, or Taiwan HSR will look ugly.

Please, think about fellow Chinese dignity in Taiwan.
No , the last time i watched fox was 16 years ago , i was talking about CNN international that is run by australians and their exotic accents :lol:

umm, CNN International was run by Warner Bros, they are American.

Only one international media outlet is run by Australian, that's Fox and News Corp.
You would have been better off actually reading my posts before making assumptions. I tend not to like South Asians in general, Teabagger ? Anyway I see you talking up to China and down to the US all the time, hence my comment- nothing personal, good luck trying to change it.

Actually in Canada, like the UK they are ramping up the pressure and scrutiny on immigration fraud - its actually a very long wait to even apply from your part of the world.

It is not so much that I talk up china but I agree with Chinese position of not meddling in the internal affairs of smaller Nations nor does china bully those smaller nations like the US does. I would like our Government to be more respectful of other Nations and stop Bullying third World countries.

US has the natural ability to lead the World because we have, more than any other nation, naturalized citizens form all over the World. So it is unacceptable for me to reconcile with the notion that my beloved US is the MOST HATED COUNTRY in the World. I would do everything within my Power to change that Perception.

Your country on the other hand is just LACKEY of the US Government , so it is hard for your Nation to have an independent Foreign Policy. You belong to one of the POODLE NATIONS OF THE US ( Canada and to some extent UK, Australia and Japan ). Hopefully, someday you guys would GROW A PAIR ( Nothing PERSONAL against you per se, so Good Luck to you as well).
Western propaganda has become an art-form, and for the unsuspecting audience, it is invisible. If you decide to be critical though, you will immediately see how thinly-veiled the propaganda is. Some of you might have heard about the recent high-speed rail crash in Spain, killing 69 people according to the latest count. The weird coincidence is that China’s Wenzhou crash was exactly 2 years ago. Below are two articles from CNN reporting on the crashes. On the right column is of China’s crash two years ago and on the left column is a recent coverage for Spain’s. Notice how the Spain article is about the accident while the article on China is a condemnation of China’s HRS and governance. CNN can find tons of criticism and dissatisfaction on Spain’s Internet too if it wants. Yes, right now. CNN can find critical things to write about the Spanish government: for example, Spain woefully under-funds its infrastructure. These are CNN’s explicit choices to make. See the glaring difference in the articles as a result of the choices CNN made. Welcome to “free” press.

How CNN uses disaster to propagandize against a government | Hidden Harmonies China Blog

The Zhou Regime initiated this concept, actually. Disasters usually meant a regime lost the "Mandate of Heaven".
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