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How can it be eid today

I don't understand this. The hadith is clear. Look out for the moon. If its not visible or if there are clouds, complete 30 days of fasting. Why confuse matters with scientific calculations. Check moon sighting sites its not visible yesterday not the crescent

There is no ijtehad needed here. What has changed about moon in last 1400 years? Why do we have to go for visual aids and calculations. It's utter madness. What you are calling ijtehad is meant for issues that was never seen before. Moon has always existed. The problem is the blind following of Saudi fitna. On top of that false witnesses. Its madness at its best.

Not quite. The sighting of the Moon was the agreed upon method since there were no more scientific, definitive, and/or accurate methods available to confirm the date at the time. There are only two options to pick from and there had to be an SOP for it. Continuing to fast was picked so as not to risk missing one. If the next day it is made clear from the moon's size that it is of the 2nd of Shawal then you will fix your dates to say 2nd of Shawal and not the 1st.

Scientific calculations/methods reduce and nearly eliminate the confusion, not increase it. Confusion is created when we, through our limited knowledge, try to curb the allowances Islam has already afforded us. Clouds, no clouds, doesn't matter, Eid is predicted more accurately. Why would we not adopt it? Just like you do not need to measure the sizes of the shadows of trees anymore to determine if it's time for Asr or not. Bet you didn't know that that is the originally prescribed method of determining its time. Prayer timings for the entire year everywhere are calculated the exact same way as would be the moon's cycle. I don't see anyone suggesting to throw out our watches. There is precedence after precedence after precedence of this. Just that the mullah of today wants his obtuse mentality imposed on Islam and the 15 min of limelight twice every year. Have you ever wondered why every single time the Government uses science to determine the date the Mullah claims that it was wrong? There's a 50% probability of the Government getting it right even if they were flipping a coin.

There is nothing intrinsically religious about sighting the moon, or measuring trees' shadows, or riding a camel to Haj, or giving Azan without a microphone. These were best available means at the time to achieve the actual religious goals. If you find another method that will help you achieve them better, or more accurately, or more reasonably, or even more conveniently, then you obviously need to adopt it. Islam isn't about lakeer ki faqeeriat.
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The above is a picture taken by a family member and me well past 7:30 PM in a KPK city.(I also took a few more pictures around same time and was present there). In 2nd pic moon is above middle tree.

Anyone who knows current aftar timings in KPK region will tell you that this is well past the aftar time.

1st moon sighting is of very short duration and it is not visible for that long after maghrib.

This moon is of 2nd night.
sighting in any part of the country applies to the whole country

Don't 18th amendment technicalities apply? It's not just 3 or 9 holidays. It's a whole year thing with its own economy and infrastructure.
sighting in any part of the country applies to the whole country

It depends. The right and responsibility to declare Eid rests on the state and the state alone. No other Taimur, Daud, or Haris can declare or not declare it. The State can choose to enforce it nationwide or region to region depending upon what's the most reasonable method according to the geography of the country. For example, in Russia, many times the moon actually cannot be sighted in Anadyr on the same day as in Moscow. The Russian State declaring Eid on the same day for both would be unreasonable.

Should we then need to sight the moon in every congruous region of the country to declare Eid there? Sure but how will you decide the boundaries of said regions? The moon's cycle does not depend on the provincial boundaries of KPK, for example. Would you then declare Eid city by city, town by town, village by village, as in the ancient times? That would be equally unreasonable.

The best way would be the Government taking a subjective 'best-fit' decision by using all available sources, including science, to make it as reasonable as possible. As has the government correctly decided, our geography does not necessitate a region by region declaration. In fact it would be quite silly if we did, as it is of KPK.


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