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How America is Destroying Pakistan

hello humans i am back!
Okay for starters we will take a look at drones – innocent people die , the families of affected people turn against drones and blame the government as they think it supports the US – not only killing of innocent people but a whole region is terrorized –
Then the f-16 deal paid $416 million – but when USA found out that Pakistani has nuclear weapons the deal was cancelled – some say the money was refunded and some say it wasn’t
A primary aim for USA has been is to de-nuclear-ize Pakistan as the Pressler amendment concluded at it would only provide financial aid if the country did not possess nuclear arm ( not a statement that should be coming from an ally )
They used Pakistan as a proxy for Afghanistan when the soviet left America abandoned Pakistan
The US portrays AL-AQEADA and the TALIBAAN as one , though there is a significant difference – Taliban was actually a resistance group of Afghanistan which earned it support from Pakistani officials when it came in power in Afghanistan in 1994 (it was later things changed) while AL QAEDA was a jihadi group founded by OBL and was responsible for 9/11
They hold us responsible for the 9/11 – with statements such as WITH FRIENDS LIKE PAKISTAN WHO NEEDS ENEMIES or FRIENDS WITHOUT BENEFITS
USA has long violated the private Pakistani soil
Their foundations are funding schools to promote westernization
A big deal of mess Pakistani is in at the moment is due the alliance with American in the afghan war – they have been providing us with aid – but a few billion dollars will not change the past – these aid are more of bribes
America has been longing India to join hands to overcome the china issue of America which will address India’s Pakistan issue automatically – your enemy’s friend is your enemy.
Russia has for a very long time vetoed decisions beneficial to India – however not the same has been observed in the case of America in Pakistan’s regard how the promised American fleet never showed up in 1971 or how Pakistan was callously used when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan
Pakistan has been stabbed in the back by America once in 1965 and then again in 1971
Liberation movements of Balochis do have a evident foreign interference.
US weapons were found with the Taliban – also believed that CIA is funding TTP ( but lets keep that confined to being a rumor)
Raymond Davis issue speaks for itself
Lets keep Dr. Afia Sadiiqi out of it – raped and tortured in prison and a sentence of more than 80 years.
USA doesn’t give a damn about Pakistan – keeping in mind the polio vaccination story just to get DNA from OBL’s family – these Vaccines were not actually functioning –
The US is a world power as we know, it only interferes in Pakistan when it is in its own interests.
The Salala incident, where the world’s most accurate technology attacked an army base camp.
This relation is purely superficial as it nearly impossible for the two countries to form alliance when they disagree on so many prominent issues like USA’s views about Iran aren’t shared by Pakistan and Pakistan’s views about India are not shared by Americans
Also I find the fact agreeable that the biggest threat to Pakistan comes from the US as the just the thought of war with this country sends chills down the spine – keeping emotional views away– in whatever way we put it Pakistan is no match for the US economically or militarily
There is so much more I want to add it to it but then who likes to read a super long essay which contradicts their views

Conclusion ; I have my reason to consider America as the enemy of the state and let me make myself clear on the issue that I don’t hold Americans as the basis of all Pakistani issues – I only mentioned the part where the US is playing its role and that is primarily the defense issue faced by our country – all the root of so many other problems in Pakistan

So if you people could kindly stop accusing me of believing the fact that USA is responsible for the Rape issues or the road side accidents in Pakistan.
If someone buys a lottery ticket hoping to win,and looses the money.He buys it again,but looses again and that someone keeps buying the ticket everytime he looses,hoping to win,because of his obession/greed to win the lottery his financial situation becomes bad,his family life gets effected,Now the question.

Is it the mistake of the person who buys the ticket or the one who sells it ?
If someone buys a lottery ticket hoping to win,and looses the money.He buys it again,but looses again and that someone keeps buying the ticket everytime he looses,hoping to win,because of his obession/greed to win the lottery his financial situation becomes bad,his family life gets effected,Now the question.

Is it the mistake of the person who buys the ticket or the one who sells it ?

i am afraid to say that is where we are faulted. .but this is really the point - we need to wake up and take action against this disguised immperialism . Rather than be blindfolded and keep believing that america is an ally.
i am afraid to say that is where we are faulted. .but this is really the point - we need to wake up and take action against this disguised immperialism . Rather than be blindfolded and keep believing that america is an ally.

And how exactly are pakistani people destroying themselves? Its your boodly ganja and zardari , the slaves of america who brought us to this situation.

0.9% of us pay income tax. This is nothing but treason on a mass scale.

If Pakistan's tax revenue reaches to 15% of the population, we would never again have to borrow from World Bank and IMF, henceforth no American slavery, henceforth no fighting their wars.

This is the fault of the ctitizens of Pakistan.
i am afraid to say that is where we are faulted. .but this is really the point - we need to wake up and take action against this disguised immperialism . Rather than be blindfolded and keep believing that america is an ally.

Pakistan will not be a free country till our economy is free, that will only happen when we raise our tax revenues.
His name is Webster tarpley he is a historian, economist, journalist and a lecturer,He is not a idiot.
But his analysis is plain dumb! Just because he's a historian, economist, journalist and a lecturer, we're supposed to believe him? The voice of God, what?

Oh Lord, forgive him for he knows not what he says!!! :fie: :P
Isn't he one of the guys who says that WTC was an inside job?
He is entitled to his opinions.

But his analysis is plain dumb! Just because he's a historian, economist, journalist and a lecturer, we're supposed to believe him? The voice of God, what?

Oh Lord, forgive him for he knows not what he says!!! :fie: :P
Ok tell me why you think his analysis is dumb?
You are screaming for attention , what else is your reason for dealing with something you dont agree with in such a manner?

Lady you are confused and I dont have time for confused people
hello humans i am back!
Okay for starters we will take a look at drones – innocent people die , the families of affected people turn against drones and blame the government as they think it supports the US – not only killing of innocent people but a whole region is terrorized –
Then the f-16 deal paid $416 million – but when USA found out that Pakistani has nuclear weapons the deal was cancelled – some say the money was refunded and some say it wasn’t
A primary aim for USA has been is to de-nuclear-ize Pakistan as the Pressler amendment concluded at it would only provide financial aid if the country did not possess nuclear arm ( not a statement that should be coming from an ally )
They used Pakistan as a proxy for Afghanistan when the soviet left America abandoned Pakistan
The US portrays AL-AQEADA and the TALIBAAN as one , though there is a significant difference – Taliban was actually a resistance group of Afghanistan which earned it support from Pakistani officials when it came in power in Afghanistan in 1994 (it was later things changed) while AL QAEDA was a jihadi group founded by OBL and was responsible for 9/11
They hold us responsible for the 9/11 – with statements such as WITH FRIENDS LIKE PAKISTAN WHO NEEDS ENEMIES or FRIENDS WITHOUT BENEFITS
USA has long violated the private Pakistani soil
Their foundations are funding schools to promote westernization
A big deal of mess Pakistani is in at the moment is due the alliance with American in the afghan war – they have been providing us with aid – but a few billion dollars will not change the past – these aid are more of bribes
America has been longing India to join hands to overcome the china issue of America which will address India’s Pakistan issue automatically – your enemy’s friend is your enemy.
Russia has for a very long time vetoed decisions beneficial to India – however not the same has been observed in the case of America in Pakistan’s regard how the promised American fleet never showed up in 1971 or how Pakistan was callously used when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan
Pakistan has been stabbed in the back by America once in 1965 and then again in 1971
Liberation movements of Balochis do have a evident foreign interference.
US weapons were found with the Taliban – also believed that CIA is funding TTP ( but lets keep that confined to being a rumor)
Raymond Davis issue speaks for itself
Lets keep Dr. Afia Sadiiqi out of it – raped and tortured in prison and a sentence of more than 80 years.
USA doesn’t give a damn about Pakistan – keeping in mind the polio vaccination story just to get DNA from OBL’s family – these Vaccines were not actually functioning –
The US is a world power as we know, it only interferes in Pakistan when it is in its own interests.
The Salala incident, where the world’s most accurate technology attacked an army base camp.
This relation is purely superficial as it nearly impossible for the two countries to form alliance when they disagree on so many prominent issues like USA’s views about Iran aren’t shared by Pakistan and Pakistan’s views about India are not shared by Americans
Also I find the fact agreeable that the biggest threat to Pakistan comes from the US as the just the thought of war with this country sends chills down the spine – keeping emotional views away– in whatever way we put it Pakistan is no match for the US economically or militarily
There is so much more I want to add it to it but then who likes to read a super long essay which contradicts their views

Conclusion ; I have my reason to consider America as the enemy of the state and let me make myself clear on the issue that I don’t hold Americans as the basis of all Pakistani issues – I only mentioned the part where the US is playing its role and that is primarily the defense issue faced by our country – all the root of so many other problems in Pakistan

So if you people could kindly stop accusing me of believing the fact that USA is responsible for the Rape issues or the road side accidents in Pakistan.

it was sarcasm - so my apologies there.
out of logical argument? you are not getting my point here.

honestly i didnt see your american flag until now - you want an argument? how about instead of questioning my maturity or calling me stupid why dont you try providing me with reasons to your contradictions - so far it feels like self-defence to me.
And my feelings arent devoted to this forum - if things go out of control , i will quit -simple as that - you need not worry. So Feel free , you say whatever you want to.

I havent had the need to call you stupid, nor is it self defence. How did you reach that conclusion is beyond me. US will do what benefits it, and it is our job to do what benefits us. I will not blame America for our problems, their actions may have caused but we chopped and placed the wood to burn.

Where did your feelings come from? Prove me on terrorism that it is the US's fault.
I havent had the need to call you stupid, nor is it self defence. How did you reach that conclusion is beyond me. US will do what benefits it, and it is our job to do what benefits us. I will not blame America for our problems, their actions may have caused but we chopped and placed the wood to burn.

Where did your feelings come from? Prove me on terrorism that it is the US's fault.

Well atleast now you believe how the USA benefited its self by harming pakistan .- so if we could just stop believing that fact it is an ally .
And then again i am not blaming ALL of pakistans problems on the US - rather whatever the result was , was more on our stupidity ( young nation problems) - and america exploited that.
And it was really the USA's idea to fund the mujahideen $250 million came from USA and $400 million from the persian gulf - from the mujahideen rose the talibaan - osma bin laden was a CIA agent .
Since India had already formed alliance with the soviet union - and was giving full support to it during the afghan war - pakistan pretty much intended to do the same with America - but we went a little over board with the friendship deal -
Then another thing was that was that we continued to support the talibaan after 9/11 who were not actually responsible for it though ( so that wasnt much of deal back then )- it was the Al-qaeda who were responsible for 9/11 but since then USA has claimed the two as one - mind the difference between mujahideen , talibaan and al-qaeda. So we will not hold usa entirely for whats going on but it has its roots in certain stuff - that i wont deny.
Also we should have left the friendship in 1971 - really we need to learn the difference between friends and enemies.
Drones do promote terrorism as well , as i mentioned families of the affected develop sympathies with the talibaan - and since usa found osama bin laden in pakistan who was claimed dead in 2008 and no pictures were released and they claim to have buried him in the sea (??) and shot 100 bullets in his face ( reason for no pics) and they also hold us responsible for 9/11. So pakistan has been declared a terrorist nation. And we all know the consequences a terrorist nation faces.
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Well atleast now you believe how the USA benefited its self by harming pakistan .- so if we could just stop believing that fact it is an ally .
And then again i am not blaming ALL of pakistans problems on the US - rather whatever the result was , was more on our stupidity ( young nation problems) - and america exploited that.
And it was really the USA's idea to fund the mujahideen $250 million came from USA and $400 million from the persian gulf - from the mujahideen rose the talibaan - osma bin laden was a CIA agent .
Since India had already formed alliance with the soviet union - and was giving full support to it during the afghan war - pakistan pretty much intended to do the same with America - but we went a little over board with the friendship deal -
Then another thing was that was that we continued to support the talibaan after 9/11 who were not actually responsible for it though ( so that wasnt much of deal back then )- it was the Al-qaeda who were responsible for 9/11 but since then USA has claimed the two as one - mind the difference between mujahideen , talibaan and al-qaeda. So we will not hold usa entirely for whats going on but it has its roots in certain stuff - that i wont deny.
Also we should have left the friendship in 1971 - really we need to learn the difference between friends and enemies.
Drones do promote terrorism as well , as i mentioned families of the affected develop sympathies with the talibaan - and since usa found osama bin laden in pakistan who was claimed dead in 2008 and no pictures were released and they claim to have buried him in the sea (??) and shot 100 bullets in his face ( reason for no pics) and they also hold us responsible for 9/11. So pakistan has been declared a terrorist nation. And we all know the consequences a terrorist nation faces.

Some of it is true in parts. Most of it is devoid of logical deductions. CIA wanted to counter Communism and it did. Money came from Arabs and it sowed the seeds of terrorism in our land. Osama was an American agent, and he attacked the US soil, right. So AQ fucked up by waking up a sleeping tiger. Same mistake the Imperial Japan did by attacking Pearl Harbor. Taliban safeguarded their "guests" the Al Qaeda and got what was deserving. You give refuge to terrorists you and him are both alike.

Why should have US helped in 71 when it was our racism, our policies, our leaders that openly discriminated against bengalis and called them names? Why would a third country fight our war, battles?

Drones happen because we support terrorists on our lands and/or do not have complete control over our soil. Who are we to cry when we cant control our own borders. Bin laden was shot once in his face, not a 100 times ( source?). They did not want to release the pic because it would become a battle cry for the AQ types. Whether or not he was captured here, the fact of the matter is there was/is support for extremists in this nation and the Armed forces cum ISI. No the US does not hold us responsible for 9/11 that is your wishful thinking. Some may point fingers but that is not the case in the world politics.

We face consequences because we bit more than we can chew. And do you really not think the extremist madrassas sprouting brainwashed kids would turn their guns towards us? These are the snakes that bite the hand that feed them. We fed them now we are paying the price. Yet you blame US for our ills.
@Informant - firstly our indo- pak wars have always been two against one .when the two countries were formed both of them chose their sides , USA had to support our country for the same reason soviet union supported india . it was a part of an alliance deal - its what allies do .
so CIA countering communism was a neutral deed and when pakistan army helped in it - we created the talibaan?
Terrorist were some what better then the mujaheddin - as the mujaheddin had a lust for resources and riches - Taliban on the other hand had more of an ideological perspective and freed major cities of afghanistan from warlords -- according to me that's the reason they got our support - but clearly it was later until they changed their mind to introduce Shariat to its neighbors -
secondly we dont have proof of the bin laden issue ( dont panic-no one does ) we are just believing what our minds find suitable - though i find it really awkward that osama bin laden was killed on May 2, 2011 and on November 8 - it was the US general elections- which Obama won
not everyone supports the terrorists - we have people with mixed views - still that is no reason to bomb our soil -as a free nation if object to it , then it must not occur - it is basically an insult to our sovereignty . if you question the sovereignty then i have no words for that
i do not support terrorists man - your mind is moving too fast , calm down
just for once read articles written by americans holding our entire nation for 9/11 - we dont need an official statement , its more of the open your mind sort of thing.

i get your point on Pakistan being responsible its major destructive issues and we always had the options to back out and learn to stand on our own feet (which we did not) , but really dont waste your time on convincing me that USA is innocent.
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