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How accurate do you think Global Fire Power is?

I agree with you that Pakistan Army is battle hardened and can give a tough fight to India but my friend i think you are under estimating the Chinese a little.

They may not have the experience but the weaponry plus the numbers are on their side.They have a disciplined army and are a deadly country to be fighting against.

And yeah experience wise i would put Indian and Pakistani army among the top in the world and better than most European hi-tech armies.

Merely fighting experience is not sufficient. The quality of leadership is also important. Judging by the events since 1971, there is not much depth in the Pakistani military leadership, perhaps partly because they have been so distracted by the attraction of political developments in their country. Neither their attempt to capture Siachen, which was let down by sloppy staff work and poor confidentiality, nor their attempt at redressing the balance in Kargil was particular impressive.

Further, VERY limited forces were involved in these two efforts, and only tactical thinking was required. Strategic thinking was conspicuous by its absence.

Their action against their own extremist was nowhere near as effective as these counter-insurgency operations can be, perhaps because the Pakistan Army never trained for counter-insurgency; those who might be thought to be insurgents were already auxiliaries of theirs.

On comparison, the Indian Army has been in a predicament (as usual) largely due to political indecision. The BJP ordered mobilisation, after the attack on Parliament, but had not done the necessary preparation to fight a war, nor was it sure that it wanted to fight a war. As a result, the Indian Army was put to a most uncomfortable alert which lasted for nearly a year. This was disgraceful.

This indecision of the politicians does not surprise me. No section of the Indian political leadership is eager for war. Perhaps that is now true of the Pakistani leadership also, although IK is an unknown quantity.

Dude thats what i said ... Pak will give a Tough Fight for India if its a Limited Day war... But eventually will loose... similarly Indians with Superior experience will crush the Chinese at first But eventually the Army with more resources, which is China when Compared to India today... will Prevail ... But even that Victory will be like a Loss for China after all that destruction caused from the Clash of TWO GIANTS...

The West will have real victory here... & About disciplined Army... No army is As disciplined as Indian army... they r not given the respect which they deserve from the political class which treat them like Watchman of a garden ... Still very Loyal toward the Nation... never planned a Coup or even tried to Defend itself from all the abuses they face from the Political Class...

I agree.

The odds for the Pakistan Army would be highest at the outset of hostilities. It is and always has been a quick-reacting force (by and large). With every passing week, its advantage will drop substantially. In case of hostilities lasting over a month, it will be at a serious disadvantage. A reasonable Indian Army strategy would be to engage it in a barren artillery and limited infantry and armour war for two to three weeks, before committing any assault troops to action, or setting out on a plan with objectives, strategy and tactical doctrine taped down.

Not true... minus 71 there has been no decisive victory .... Pak army also has evolved and aint the one of 70s era... indian army cant crush Pak army... i accept tht PAK NAVY is a joke as of right now... but things are changing... 6 AIP subs,N.sub project,2 bigger frigs,FACs etc will cause a massive headache for any navy.....

The tea leaves were clear to read. The Pakistan Army had run dangerously short of ammunition and supplies in 65, and in contrast, the Indian Army, while it still had supplies for another three weeks or more, advised its civilian leadership that stocks were running dangerously low, and a ceasefire would be a good thing. It would have been FAR more difficult for Pakistan if hostilities had continued for another twenty days.

That situation remains the same. It is not much better for the Air Force. During the Kargil hostilities, the Air Force bluntly told the Army that it could not intervene because of the very low level of spares and supplies. The Navy leadership famously declared sick en masse on learning about the developments in Kargil.

Dude u have to accept the fact Conventionally Indian army will Win ... due to our Size... i am not disrespecting Pak army in any way by putting this... i have already said in the other post That Pak army is one of the most battle hardened army in the world...

But when the war lasts for a longer time the Country with larger resources will win eventually Hence India will prevail over Pakistan & China will Prevail over India... thats a Fact ... the Country which has the bigger economy & resources will always prevail over the Smaller 1...

they r Good at marching parades:lol: & will Die in Numbers :rofl:But will prevail eventually due to there Bigger Size...:cry:

All this discussion and debate fails to take certain historical facts into account.

Convientially id say IA n PA are almost equal... its the navy im worried about..

You can compare IA n PA equipment.. though indian army is far behind in Artillery.But yes if economy is taken into account... IA can continue much longer.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, and this is not said in any ironic or sarcastic sense, but as plain, blunt fact, artillery is one of the areas of deficiency which is most easy to make right with the spending of money. Spending more money doesn't speed up the training of an Infantry unit, it doesn't help in speeding up the design of a Main Battle Tank, or of a Light Combat Aircraft. It certainly helps to buy large quantities of tubed artillery at short notice. Or of battlefield missile batteries, for that matter.

Also Pakistan's artillery is way superior to indian army's artillery both in regards to Self Propelled Guns as well as towed artillery guns, those T-155 Panters are a beast and the best thing about them is we have ToT so we can produce as many as we need.

Our A-100's are superior to indian smerch's and we also have those with ToT, not to mention SH-1 SPG's and the M series SPG's as well.

This is not a superiority tenable for long.

Navy yes... Airforce almost yes... we will have to catch up with ur 5th gen project though... but army? i dnt think so... manpower? we can gather 1 million armed men from FATA alone in case of a war not to forget 6 Lac reserves,Mujahid battalions n paras... Armour.. u can bet on it... MIB? can count on it... anything else?

U cant match India with Gun to Gun, Bullet to Bullet... even if we have a artillery of lesser quality ( which although i dont agree with) still with our larger Numbers we will prevail... the gap between 5 billion & 41 billion is huge...

Again, both sides are forgetting historical factors which give India a vast superiority.

Although i dont agree with your point but lets say the Army is equal and keep the Army out of it.

In todays war Navy and Airforce are more than enough to give a country the edge and would help the Army in winning the war.

True. These two services alone can put enormous pressure on Pakistan.

What the hell do you mean? You know damn right that our artillery is superior to yours in terms of quality, though you guys do have a large quantity of artillery guns you want to phase out.

There is no Gun in your arsenal that is superior to T-155, and we will mount these babies on a chassis making it a self propelled beast!!



Our SH-1 SPG's as well as M109 series SPG's are superior to your Bofors.

All that is just talk. At the end of the day, there is no advantage for Pakistan that cannot be neutralised with expenditure at relatively short notice. At that time, none of these technologies will cancel the superiority of the other side, while the Indian Army will still not have extended itself.

That's because india has a population that is 15 times the population of Pakistan.

Who's to decide if the war will be long or short?, however i don't wish there to be a war.

The side that benefits from a short war will try to wind things up in a maximum of ten to fifteen days. The side that benefits from a longer war will try to resist diplomatic pressure and sabre-rattling by interested onlookers to try and extend the war and win major breakthroughs at the end.

When war is fought, it will be fought, sad to say, without either of us being consulted. I, too, hope that there is no war.

On an indigenous chasis? i dnt think so...
The official said that after delivering 50 tank guns, the HMC plans to produce artillery guns for the Pakistan Army.

Not civilian thugs but armed,trained Lashkars with their salt worth it.

They are still civilian thugs, not combat troops able to stand up to regular units in a battle field. They cannot withstand the Pakistan Army, unfamiliar with counter-insurgency warfare as it is; it is difficult to visualise them on a battle field. It will be carnage.

People claiming the lethality of their lashkars should have unleashed them during the previous drubbing(s), were they asleep back then?

IA is the second largest standing army in the world.

With reserves that Pakistan cannot dream of.

India's Population is 6 Times of Pakistan. (200 Million v/s 1.2 Billion)

India's GDP is 10 Times of Pakistan ($185 Billion v/s $2 Trillion)

Also In Other Indicators like Per Capita Income, Per Capita Electricity Consumption, Literacy Rate India is Ahead.

While Pakistan is Ahead in Fertility Rate and Poverty.

At this stage, I would like to point out that in any of the last three engagements and two skirmishes, the Indian Army has actually, thanks to its own mental lethargy, fought with one hand tied behind its back.

A quick look at the regimental composition of the Indian Army - and the Pakistan Army - will reveal that this was NOT the Army with which the British conquered India. This was the imperial army designed to fight overseas and across the borders that they conceived and executed AFTER 1857. Prior to that, to fight the Carnatic Wars, the campaigns in Bengal, Bihar and what was then Oudh, the Mysore Wars, the Maratha Wars, the Sikh Wars, even the Gurkha Wars, and two out of three Burmese wars were fought with a wholly different force composition. For that matter, even one of the two Afghan wars was fought the same way.

In changing the composition of the Indian Army after 1857, the British almost completely discarded the Bengal, Madras and Bombay Armies. Their key troops, Bihari and Oudh-based Hindus and Hindustani Muslims in the Bengal Army, and similar compositions in the Madras Army and Bombay Army, were suddenly sidelined. The tough fighting regiments that had gained the British such significant success, that had trained generations of their best soldiers, including Field Marshall the Duke of Wellington, were all gone, almost overnight.

When we analyse the relative strength of the Indian and the Pakistan Army, therefore, it would be well to remember that these huge reserves, these inexhaustible soldier mines are available for recruitment, and could possible treble the strength of the standing army today. It may be hoped that in case of such a dismal eventuality, the Indian leadership will remember Lord Kitchener, and bring troops on line as they are recruited and trained, one cohort at a time, as Kitchener had planned his Millions, one Million at a time. Considering the number of troops contributed by India during the Second World War, after discounting the number drawn from currently Pakistani sources, there is still scope for recruitment a force a number of times the size of the present, without resorting to conscription.

This is one reason why it is in Pakistan's interest not to wage war beyond a short period, so that such inauspicious ideas do not float idly by any Indian politician's 'brain'; it is even better for Pakistan not to wage war at all, as bringing this genie out of the bottle would represent a barrier of unthinkable proportions and definitive significance.
Rankings are mostly theoratical and subjective in nature.

In modern times, USA is the only nation in the world with impressive power projection capabilities and combat experience. First position is therefore already predetermined. All other nations significantly fall short in comparison.

The rest is open to debate.

Pakistan which sports a battle-hardened army and is probably the most powerful Muslim nation around is ranked below Turkey and Iran? Not intending to offend the Turks and Iranians here, but I'm sure many posters here would agree that Pakistan is ahead of both nations.
Pakistan is ahead due to nuclear capability.

- Turkey has more advanced military in comparison but less experience.

- Iran has less powerful military but can sustain a war for longer period.

As for RoK and India, come on guys......RoK is tough, not saying no. But RoK isn't even the size of an average state (India - eg Tamilnadu) or province (China - Guangdong etc). There is only so much fighting u can do against gigantic nations like China or India, both which have immense resources and manpower.
Israel - being a tiny nation - has managed to handle several nations simultaneously. Manpower and resources are important determinants. But so are tactics. Small territory is also easier to defend.

However, being small has its drawbacks too.

Israel may not be a valid analogy for South Korea but the latter does have decent sized military which is also advanced. South Korean threat perception involves both China and North Korea. The most heavily militarized border in the world is between South Korea and North Korea.
India's Population is 6 Times of Pakistan. (200 Million v/s 1.2 Billion)
Pakistan's population is not even 200 million, rest of your post is troll BS and not worthy of reply.
I don't agree with the list.


I don't agree with the list.



I agree except South Korea can not take on the North without Uncle's helps. She'll be scare shytless if Uncle is not there to hold her hands.
North korea is 3rd.. Pakistan 4-5... whats the big deal?
The deal? The capability to open a HUGE can of whoopa$$ everytime theres some misadventure. As for the Lashkar jokers, bring them on, they can do squat against the armed forces, those coward jokers know only to target civilians.
I agree except South Korea can not take on the North without Uncle's helps. She'll be scare shytless if Uncle is not there to hold her hands.
And what make you think NKR can take on SKR given how starved they are? More likely the North Korean leadership is glad every day that their southern cousins are more interested in making money and getting somewhere in the world than to unify the country. North Korea will collapse in our lifetime and you can bet your future on that.
And what make you think NKR can take on SKR given how starved they are? More likely the North Korean leadership is glad every day that their southern cousins are more interested in making money and getting somewhere in the world than to unify the country. North Korea will collapse in our lifetime and you can bet your future on that.

Come on, we went over this many times. The Nk military are indoctrinated to hate the South and their government starved the people but not them. Unlike the SK military the North have nothing going for but fight to death. Perhaps the North will fall some day but I don't it's from the SK military alone.
Come on, we went over this many times. The Nk military are indoctrinated to hate the South and their government starved the people but not them. Unlike the SK military the North have nothing going for but fight to death. Perhaps the North will fall some day but I don't it's from the SK military alone.
Did East Germany collapsed because of West Germany? Without China feeding the North Korean people, that abomination half of Korea would have collapsed a long time ago.
Did East Germany collapsed because of West Germany? Without China feeding the North Korean people, that abomination half of Korea would have collapsed a long time ago.

You're veering off the course, a course that happens that I to agree with you.
Merely fighting experience is not sufficient. The quality of leadership is also important. Judging by the events since 1971, there is not much depth in the Pakistani military leadership, perhaps partly because they have been so distracted by the attraction of political developments in their country. Neither their attempt to capture Siachen, which was let down by sloppy staff work and poor confidentiality, nor their attempt at redressing the balance in Kargil was particular impressive.

It would be a mistake on your part to assume that there is no depth in PA's leadership especially when it comes to a conventional showdown. I wont speak of the past as there have been serious blunders committed by the General Staff of PA but i can also state that serious blunders have also been committed by the General Staff of IA. What i can tell you that as of now PA's General Staff is simply top class. The current batch of Generals is probably the most finest and well trained staff in PA's history. Also, you cannot discount fighting experience as there is no substitute in life for experience.

Their action against their own extremist was nowhere near as effective as these counter-insurgency operations can be, perhaps because the Pakistan Army never trained for counter-insurgency; those who might be thought to be insurgents were already auxiliaries of theirs.

Indeed, PA had to retrain her forces for counter insurgency from the scratch. This itself is a feat as PA retrained herself in record time. PA's COIN operations have been much more successful as compared to that of NATO or even IA's COIN operations inside Kashmir.

On comparison, the Indian Army has been in a predicament (as usual) largely due to political indecision. The BJP ordered mobilisation, after the attack on Parliament, but had not done the necessary preparation to fight a war, nor was it sure that it wanted to fight a war. As a result, the Indian Army was put to a most uncomfortable alert which lasted for nearly a year. This was disgraceful.

Sir please, these lame excuses wont work as Operation Parakram exposed the deficiencies in IA. You cannot hide IA's incompetence by using the political excuse. The order was given out to prepare for war and IA was asked to mobilize in full force, the orders were quite simply but IA failed to execute those orders in the allotted time due to their weak logistics.

This indecision of the politicians does not surprise me. No section of the Indian political leadership is eager for war. Perhaps that is now true of the Pakistani leadership also, although IK is an unknown quantity.

BJP appeared quite eager for war and several prominent politicians and known personalities in India advocated for war. Compare that to Pakistan where there is a consensus among all political parties to avoid a war against India at all costs.

The odds for the Pakistan Army would be highest at the outset of hostilities. It is and always has been a quick-reacting force (by and large). With every passing week, its advantage will drop substantially. In case of hostilities lasting over a month, it will be at a serious disadvantage. A reasonable Indian Army strategy would be to engage it in a barren artillery and limited infantry and armour war for two to three weeks, before committing any assault troops to action, or setting out on a plan with objectives, strategy and tactical doctrine taped down.

The stated new objective of the IA is contrary to that, it wants to fight a fast and fluid war against Pakistan before nukes can be brought into the equation. Any war lasting more than 2 weeks will increase the threshold level because Pakistan can simply not win a static war against India.

The tea leaves were clear to read. The Pakistan Army had run dangerously short of ammunition and supplies in 65, and in contrast, the Indian Army, while it still had supplies for another three weeks or more, advised its civilian leadership that stocks were running dangerously low, and a ceasefire would be a good thing. It would have been FAR more difficult for Pakistan if hostilities had continued for another twenty days.

Lesson learned :), trust me we wont be running out of ammunition if God forbid hostilities break out.

That situation remains the same. It is not much better for the Air Force. During the Kargil hostilities, the Air Force bluntly told the Army that it could not intervene because of the very low level of spares and supplies. The Navy leadership famously declared sick en masse on learning about the developments in Kargil.

I wont blame the Air Force or the Navy, the Army treated them like a bunch of fools and paid dearly for it. That being said, the same mistakes wont be happening again. The synergy reached between PA, PAF and PN has been phenomenal. NDU had made it a priority to add courses to syllabus that would emphasize join operations. The theory was exercised on field as PA, PAF and PN have been conducting exercises together regularly.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, and this is not said in any ironic or sarcastic sense, but as plain, blunt fact, artillery is one of the areas of deficiency which is most easy to make right with the spending of money. Spending more money doesn't speed up the training of an Infantry unit, it doesn't help in speeding up the design of a Main Battle Tank, or of a Light Combat Aircraft. It certainly helps to buy large quantities of tubed artillery at short notice. Or of battlefield missile batteries, for that matter.

So far the tender has not gone out.

This is not a superiority tenable for long.

We will see, but keep in mind that the defensive force will always have an advantage in an artillery duel as it is already set up and has marked up the enemy's axis of movement.

Again, both sides are forgetting historical factors which give India a vast superiority.

I would respectfully disagree with the term vast superiority, if that was the case India would have smashed Pakistan's defences.
All that is just talk. At the end of the day, there is no advantage for Pakistan that cannot be neutralised with expenditure at relatively short notice. At that time, none of these technologies will cancel the superiority of the other side, while the Indian Army will still not have extended itself.

Sure new equipment can be purchased on short notice during a time of hostility but that equipment will not arrive with ready made crew. The argument works both ways, any advantage that India enjoys Pakistan can nullify them too. Infact, some of the key war fighting advantages that India enjoyed until recently have been cancelled out.

They are still civilian thugs, not combat troops able to stand up to regular units in a battle field. They cannot withstand the Pakistan Army, unfamiliar with counter-insurgency warfare as it is; it is difficult to visualise them on a battle field. It will be carnage.

Indeed, but these Lashkars can make lift difficult for the IA through unconventional attacks. It wont defeat them but will certainly harass them.

With reserves that Pakistan cannot dream of.

If Pakistan invades India, last i checked PA's doctrine was against this notion.

If India thinks that she can just run over PA's defences with ease, than she is living in a fools paradise. Looking at the balance of power of both India and Pakistan, there is not much difference between both the countries despite India spending billions of dollars to try and nullify this advantage.
What i can tell you that as of now PA's General Staff is simply top class. The current batch of Generals is probably the most finest and well trained staff in PA's history. Also, you cannot discount fighting experience as there is no substitute in life for experience.
This is speculative. But yes, current staff is experienced.

Indeed, PA had to retrain her forces for counter insurgency from the scratch. This itself is a feat as PA retrained herself in record time. PA's COIN operations have been much more successful as compared to that of NATO or even IA's COIN operations inside Kashmir.
You are forgetting the role of US in training and arming Pakistani military for COIN. Another factor is that Pakistan military is operating in its own territory and knows it and local populace well - therefore, decent performance. This luxury is not available to ISAF in Afghanistan.

The situation is different for ISAF and Pakistan in WOT. ISAF's role is much more complicated in comparison to that of Pakistan in WOT.

ISAF is occupying a large nation (i.e. Afghanistan), combating insurgency, and also trying to stabilize Afghanistan by maintaining its government and security apparatus. The creation of ANA from scratch is an amazing achievement IMO.

In comparison, Pakistani military is fighting against home-grown insurgency and keeping a vigil on cross-border movements.

Your other points are good. :)

I wont blame the Air Force or the Navy, the Army treated them like a bunch of fools and paid dearly for it. That being said, the same mistakes wont be happening again. The synergy reached between PA, PAF and PN has been phenomenal. NDU had made it a priority to add courses to syllabus that would emphasize join operations. The theory was exercised on field as PA, PAF and PN have been conducting exercises together regularly.
Absolutely perfect. Pakistani military is currently in good shape and state-of-readiness.

If Pakistan invades India, last i checked PA's doctrine was against this notion.

If India thinks that she can just run over PA's defences with ease, than she is living in a fools paradise. Looking at the balance of power of both India and Pakistan, there is not much difference between both the countries despite India spending billions of dollars to try and nullify this advantage.

this is as good as sayin there is not much of a difference between Indian and china.... agreed Pakistani military is powerfull, but lets not compare it to India...
Globalfirepower is just full of crap. Its entirely based on quantity and not quality.

I posted my personnal list several times but here it is...


List could do with Japan replacing S.Korea, and Britain moving up. Other than that, It seems about accurate.

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