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How a good Allah can never condone terrorism or social oppression in today's world.

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Jun 2, 2012
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By : peacefan@defence.pk/forums
Date : 2014 Feb 24, 04:50am-05:34am

Disclaimer: This is NOT by any means intended as an attack on the faith of Islam, which the author fully recognizes has a vast majority of peaceful tax-paying worshippers. It is intended as an analysis of current religious-political influences in several (too many, i dare say) Islamic countries, and how these influences mess up the lives of many innocent people.

Chapter 1 : On the basis of a multi-faith world...

The vast majority of Muslims recognize that Allah (known as God to the Christians, and Jews are prohibited from speaking His name) has sent other Prophets to the peoples of Earth throughout History, and that there is an inherent overlap of the major faiths of Earth (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) by these shared Prophets.

But if a single God allows us to worship Him under different names and in differing ways, then why would a GOOD God send these peoples to war against each other *over differences in worshipping*?.

I believe God is indeed GOOD, and it's a line of human rulers throughout history who have corrupted the Holy Scriptures to include hatred against other cultures than their own. Not just in Islamic scriptures, but in Christianity and Judaism as well. In my opinion, it's plain old greed for worldly power and material assets that caused and causes the inter-faith wars.

The same answer can be used against the social oppression that has infiltrated the Islamic faith and political systems. It's human rulers, not Allah, who instil the need to oppress others into the faith. Why would Allah grant all Humans a large degree of freedom of choice, freedom to disobey other humans, and then instruct "true worshippers" to very-violently oppress all the "non-believers" and "religious offenders" for eternity? This is not consistent with being a GOOD God.

Chapter 2 : On those human corrupting rulers..

We must recognize by the behaviour of past leaders, that some Humans have an deep driven need built into them to oppress others. And these people will claim over and over that it is Allah who gives them this permission. For that reason alone, they are bound for Hell rather than any Heaven, per my analysis.

But it's the influence that they have while they are alive, that causes so much harm to innocent "non-believers". Therefore, since they will use deadly force on us, we the non-believers feel justified in using deadly force back upon them. This is proven by every day news from every angle.

And it's this creating of martyrs on all religious sides (each innocent live lost is a martyr not only to Muslims, but to the other faiths as well!) that puts the conflict on an infinite time-scale, especially in some regions on Earth like the Israel/Palestine region. For the young hear how the old and foolish must be avenged.

Ask yourselves: would a good God permit you to go on foolishly violent quests for false reasons? No, only the seemingly strong but utterly corrupt human leaders will give you this permission, and you have only their word that they spoke to Allah. If they can kill, they can lie.

Chapter 3 : What's needed for peace (and perhaps a place in any level of Heaven).

To stop oppressing eachother and to stop attacking eachother over greed or differences in worshipping. That simple.

Comments are more than welcome, please try not to see this as an attack on Islam, but rather an attack if that's what you see it as, on oppression.
It seems religion to you revolves around peace and violence, I have bad news for you, humans will never stop killing each other. Even worse...Europeans used to be some of those who did some of the most killing. There's other violence in this world besides violence that's done by Muslims. I can't tell if you're an anti violence person or a person that supports justified violence. You have justified violence in some cases and blamed the victims of such future violence for the consequences of violence taken by the perpetrators. But, when you bring God into this discussion it doesn't make sense anymore, because you're giving the impression that a God with certain qualities wouldn't condone violence in any case but you have justified it in certain cases.

Religion is a lot more than just living in a peaceful world, either way we will end up dying with or without violence. Problem is the vast majority of people on this earth fear death too much and it gives them crazy thoughts like the one you're having right now. God has us temporarily in bodies, yes we will leave and yes it will be through death. Learn to accept that and have courage, God guides those who accept the natural fixation and law in this universe and follow his path. Don't waste too much time thinking, do more action, we will become bones for most of us but we still be summoned one day.
It seems religion to you revolves around peace and violence, I have bad news for you, humans will never stop killing each other. Even worse...Europeans used to be some of those who did some of the most killing. There's other violence in this world besides violence that's done by Muslims. I can't tell if you're an anti violence person or a person that supports justified violence. You have justified violence in some cases and blamed the victims of such future violence for the consequences of violence taken by the perpetrators. But, when you bring God into this discussion it doesn't make sense anymore, because you're giving the impression that a God with certain qualities wouldn't condone violence in any case but you have justified it in certain cases.

Religion is a lot more than just living in a peaceful world, either way we will end up dying with or without violence. Problem is the vast majority of people on this earth fear death too much and it gives them crazy thoughts like the one you're having right now. God has us temporarily in bodies, yes we will leave and yes it will be through death. Learn to accept that and have courage, God guides those who accept the natural fixation and law in this universe and follow his path. Don't waste too much time thinking, do more action, we will become bones for most of us but we still be summoned one day.

To say that we all die someday, fine, that's life as a Human indeed. But does it have to be PREMATURELY THROUGH VIOLENCE?

And I fully recognize the evil bad Christians have done. I just see more of it on the Muslims' side today than I do on "my side".

This is 100% correct.

Even if there are no reasons for humans to kill each other, they will invent reasons to do it. Because that's human nature.

We need to funnel this human aggression into more productive uses.

Colonizing space? We could use some mining of those asteroids you know :)

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3D Interactive Asteroid Space Visualization - Asterank :D
Because it's the human leaders, especially the ones alive today, who have to be talked to...

no you can't talk to us, talk to allah and i can arrange your appointment with him too, if u wish


To say that we all die someday, fine, that's life as a Human indeed. But does it have to be PREMATURELY THROUGH VIOLENCE?

And I fully recognize the evil bad Christians have done. I just see more of it on the Muslims' side today than I do on "my side".

christians were as ruthless as so called muslims today have u seen the torture devices used by christian churches? skinning people alive etc?, how can one say that the violence is done by muslims or christians, islam is the most peaceful religion in sense that it allows muslims to respect other faiths who are not so tolerant and gives freedom and rights to women

muslim moors ruled spain for centuries, please tell me one account when even a jew who were tourtured to death by christian churches were even insulted, they were considered as equal citizens?

islam is also free thinking religion, it is based not on set of beliefs but it is based on knowledge and logic

prophet muhammad's letter to egyptian christian church which is still preserved to this date tells about how he instructed muslims not to touch their churches and allow them to freely practice their religion

those who do violance in the name of islam are those people who were collected from all across the villages of the world, with little education and assembled them to fight against soviets and one observes the same trend every where whether it is somalia, or syria, or iraq or afghanistan or pakistan or chechnya?

muslims are more hospitable then so called non religious or westerners, come to a muslim country and you will observe a far more hospitality

so you need to shed this biasness and come to the ground realities and facts

and please don't choose these rubbish titles which is destined to enrage a lot of people here, ask questions nicely

you can't attack some one's personal belonging(faith) and expect no reaction in return?
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I will surely ask this question in afterlife. I will also ask why he created so many religions and let each other fight for religions.
To say that we all die someday, fine, that's life as a Human indeed. But does it have to be PREMATURELY THROUGH VIOLENCE?

And I fully recognize the evil bad Christians have done. I just see more of it on the Muslims' side today than I do on "my side".

That's not the point I was trying to make, I'm not here to justify this violence in context to Pakistan. I'm here to tell you you've dumbed down your religion to a belief in your head and this thing about wanting 'peace' is just a scam to get people to become Christians. You're truly a agnostic person who has a flawed world view which you only hold against Muslims and Islam.

If you aren't trying to get at Islam you wouldn't have a title that impels we Muslims believe in a separate God called 'Allah'. When reality is we believe in the God of the universe without the pagan rituals associated with him by many non-Muslims. We are here to debate with you on Islam if that's what you want we aren't afraid please ask questions.

I will surely ask this question in afterlife. I will also ask why he created so many religions and let each other fight for religions.

He never created many religions, humans created many aspects to what was initially religion. God created us to obey him, he's not going to give us a story to why he did this and we shouldn't ask that. Good luck doing that. :lol:

Not even prophets would invoke such questions, your God is Great we can't decide how we want to treat him we need him.
no you can't talk to us, talk to allah and i can arrange your appointment with him too, if u wish


I don't think you were joking here, mate.

But i'll let it slide, as you dont have the means to arrange a face2face meeting with Allah for me. And besides, i'm already talking with you right here, the people I would want to talk with.

And if i wanted to talk to Allah, coz I rather deal with my own Christian God and let Him talk to Allah, whom I believe to be the same God but dedicated to a different people in a different set of languages, then I could talk to Allah through my telepathic gift.

christians were as ruthless as so called muslims today have u seen the torture devices used by christian churches? skinning people alive etc?, how can one say that the violence is done by muslims or christians, islam is the most peaceful religion in sense that it allows muslims to respect other faiths who are not so tolerant and gives freedom and rights to women

muslim moors ruled spain for centuries, please tell me one account when even a jew who were tourtured to death by christian churches were even insulted, they were considered as equal citizens?

Funny how both of these trends are of people now long dead, and of little influence to either party, today.

islam is also free thinking religion, it is based not on set of beliefs but it is based on knowledge and logic

with sincere respect, i see little of that logic in your military-political actions today, in too many muslim countries.

prophet muhammad's letter to egyptian christian church which is still preserved to this date tells about how he instructed muslims not to touch their churches and allow them to freely practice their religion

excellent. someone once told me the actual source of the Devine message is mostly uncorrupted and spiritually and socialogically healthy (the message of The Prophet), and that more 'errors' creep in in what is laid on top of that later.

you can't attack some one's personal belonging(faith) and expect no reaction in return?

you can't attack someones way of life and lives, without expecting any reaction in return, either..

folks, before moderators have to close this thread, i'm gonna reduce my own participation in this thread to zero now.
Religious topics aren't allowed as far as I know.
Religious discussions are banned
I don't think you were joking here, mate.

But i'll let it slide, as you dont have the means to arrange a face2face meeting with Allah for me. And besides, i'm already talking with you right here, the people I would want to talk with.

And if i wanted to talk to Allah, coz I rather deal with my own Christian God and let Him talk to Allah, whom I believe to be the same God but dedicated to a different people in a different set of languages, then I could talk to Allah through my telepathic gift.

Can you quit with these stupid jokes 'your allah'.
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