Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 are not factors which have led to rapes, IMO.
Poor security system has meant that the perpetrator has the confidence that he'll never be caught and with sufficient evidence to prove his guilt. The Justice system will only go by provisions in the Law and judge the accused accordingly. Hence, the role of Police in coming up with irrefutable evidence is paramount. And Laws against Rape have been pretty strict in India before too, and more so now.
Social inequalities do influence to some extent, if the Rapist believes members of that group are expendable, lowly as they are. Economic inequalities are also tied with this.
Sex Education, or the lack of it, is definitely something that needs to be addressed by the Government. But how will that promote rapes? It's more to do with prevention of STDs and unwanted pregnancies. On the other hand, lack of education itself might lead one to believe that the perpetrator is unaware of the nature and gravity of his crime, and the victim unaware of the avenues available for justice. But does education really instill morality in a person? I don't think so. Hence, education too may have little to do with Rapes.