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Hostility high against China in India: State media

Beijing: Suspicion and hostility towards China "runs rampant" in India, the state media has said, citing the predicament faced by Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh for his recent pro-China comments.
The commentary titled 'Bridging China-India Gap' said, 45 per cent of Chinese view India favourably, while 43 per cent of Indians viewed China as a partner.

"More disturbingly, most Chinese still perceive India, along with the US and Japan, as posing the most threat to China," it said.

"Findings about whether Indians perceive China as a threat are unavailable. But there is ample evidence that a considerable number of Indians do consider China a threat.

Suspicion and even hostility toward China also run rampant in Indian society," it said.

"The plight of Ramesh offers an immediate example of this judgement. No sooner had he made some remarks in favour of China during his visit to Beijing earlier this month than the Indian official came under immediate attacks from his own countrymen," it said.

Majority of Indians regard China as a friend and partner in sharp contrast to feeling among Chinese who consider Pakistan a better partner and place India next only to the US and Japan in the list of nations that threatened their country the most, according to the survey.[/url]

Please read the survey carefully and the reality is the other way round, its the chinese who have a hostile attitude towards indians.

As to trade protectionism and issues of national security - they face all countries and dialogue is the solution.

Well, I read the article, and it says that both Chinese and Indians are suspicious to each other IMO. The message of the article is also not clear.

I agree to this:
"The West-dominated media machine has also amplified disputes and fuels rancour between us. All that has sowed the seeds of misunderstanding and estrangement," it said"

"The common practice of India applying stricter terms on imports from China than from Western countries also bears witness to the country's distrust of its neighbour to the north.

Many Chinese experts believe trade protectionism is behind India's suspension of importing telecom equipment from China," it said.
Even though some Indians view China negative, the GoI still shouldn't apply policies that only can worsen the relationships between the giants. Instead, they should promote the trade, which now is too small.
One look at the comments on indian sites about china and pakistan would tell you all. Majority of your people hate us.

what to do ...you leave us with no choice.....just a correction, we do not hate Pakistan or China.

We have given up on Pakistan and as a nation do not bother about it.....we jus prefer guarding ourself 24x7x365 and shooting one a while sermons on terrorism. Paksitanis are theselved destroying themselve so we have a less task.

China - we want to engage.......and we are working to that end.
beat the msg not the messanger

Just replying to your message this is the technique that Indians taught here everyone. Whenever things are not in their favor they start beating the messenger rather than the post itself.
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;877009 said:
Well, I read the article, and it says that both Chinese and Indians are suspicious to each other IMO. The message of the article is also not clear.

I agree to this:

Even though some Indians view China negative, the GoI still shouldn't apply policies that only can worsen the relationships between the giants. Instead, they should promote the trade, which now is too small.

Yes, there is mistrust of China in many Indian minds not only due to the war and boundary dispute, we feel China leaves no stone unturned to hurt us quietly. Look at the example of how China saved JUD, the terror organisation in UN and only agreed to ban it after mumbai attacks, or how China objects to India getting foreign assistance for projects in disputed territories but China executes projects in Pakistan occupied Kashmir!

BTW Ramesh's criticism is a VALID one as he must not be disputing other ministries decisions in foreign lands, it just shows the govt in bad light. This would have happened even if it was say the USA for which Indians have favorable opinion.
Hostility - No, Mistrust - Yes.

This is how most Indians see China. As regards the Telecom equipment issue, the mistrust is justified.On issues of national security costs are not relevant. Once the screws were tightened, the same companies are now willing to produce the equipment in India, reduce the numbers of Chinese in their work force and make all sorts of concessions- something they were reluctant to do earlier.

There should be only one direction Indo - Chinese relations should go i.e forwards. Both need to address each others concerns and realise which issues are negotiable and accept those that are not.
Hostility - No, Mistrust - Yes.

This is how most Indians see China. As regards the Telecom equipment issue, the mistrust is justified.On issues of national security costs are not relevant. Once the screws were tightened, the same companies are now willing to produce the equipment in India, reduce the numbers of Chinese in their work force and make all sorts of concessions- something they were reluctant to do earlier.

There should be only one direction Indo - Chinese relations should go i.e forwards. Both need to address each others concerns and realise which issues are negotiable and accept those that are not.

north korea also blackmails foreign countries into giving it concessions.

india = north korea? maybe!

starvation? india beats north korea on this measure!
poverty? again, india beats north korea!
blackmailing foreign corporations? again india comes out on top.

india is indeed better than north korea in these areas.

Ignoring the usual trash trolls, on the matter of telecom, why then are you into a tussle with Google and Yahoo??? Why is that Rio Tinto guy in jail??? So YOUR national security is important because you are the awesome superpower we all must revere but not ours?

Unless you accept the reality - i.e. China is not some holy mother of all mongoloid people with the special rights and privileges, and the glue of asia, and whateva you imperialists were calling it on another thread, the mistrust will remain.

north korea also blackmails foreign countries into giving it concessions.

india = north korea? maybe!

starvation? india beats north korea on this measure!
poverty? again, india beats north korea!
blackmailing foreign corporations? again india comes out on top.

india is indeed better than north korea in these areas.

Where is the connection between what is being discussed & what is written above ?

India has merely shown the mirror to Chinese Telecom companies that if they wish to work in India they need to comply.

The rest of the reply is usual tripe.. not worth relying to.

Ignoring the usual trash trolls, on the matter of telecom, why then are you into a tussle with Google and Yahoo??? Why is that Rio Tinto guy in jail??? So YOUR national security is important because you are the awesome superpower we all must revere but not ours?

Where is the connection between what is being discussed & what is written above ?

India has merely shown the mirror to Chinese Telecom companies that if they wish to work in India they need to comply.

The rest of the reply is usual tripe.. not worth relying to.

As you said, ignore the trolls. They exist everywhere, in all the countries, including China and India.

I didn't know China has a dispute with Yahoo? I know that recently Yahoo Japan and Taobao agreed to open up their e-commerce markets to each other.

I think you can't compare the Rio Tinto or Google case with the telecom ban. The first one admitted to bribing while Google had broken Chinese law. They broke the law and should be punished thereafter. Regardless the nationality, they should be punished. (Although Chinese citizens are punished harder than foreign). The point is, India is discriminating companies from China. I could understand the ban if it applied to telecom products from all countries, but it is not.

I doubt the telecom ban in India has any substance in Indian law. I assume there is no law that is directed towards Chinese products in India? Why then are Chinese products de facto being discriminated in India?

The common practice of India applying stricter terms on imports from China than from Western countries also bears witness to the country's distrust of its neighbour to the north.

Many Chinese experts believe trade protectionism is behind India's suspension of importing telecom equipment from China," it said.
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;877905 said:
As you said, ignore the trolls. They exist everywhere, in all the countries, including China and India.

I didn't know China has a dispute with Yahoo? I know that recently Yahoo Japan and Taobao agreed to open up their e-commerce markets to each other.

I think you can't compare the Rio Tinto or Google case with the telecom ban. The first one admitted to bribing while Google had broken Chinese law. They broke the law and should be punished thereafter. Regardless the nationality, they should be punished. (Although Chinese citizens are punished harder than foreign). The point is, India is discriminating companies from China. I could understand the ban if it applied to telecom products from all countries, but it is not.

I doubt the telecom ban in India has any substance in Indian law. I assume there is no law that is directed towards Chinese products in India? Why then are Chinese products de facto being discriminated in India?


Chinese Telecom products are being reigned in for a very sound Intel reason.
what to do ...you leave us with no choice.....just a correction, we do not hate Pakistan or China.

We have given up on Pakistan and as a nation do not bother about it.....we jus prefer guarding ourself 24x7x365 and shooting one a while sermons on terrorism. Paksitanis are theselved destroying themselve so we have a less task.

China - we want to engage.......and we are working to that end.

You just explained everything I wrote yourself, you never gave us a chance to explain or work things out and started insulting us. Showed your true colors, as for not caring about Pakistan, why is that your newspaper have special sections for pakistan which everyone reads and writes despicable comments about.

You Indians yourself have destroyed your own country by fighting and trying to undermine others. Now for these actions you will suffer for a long time. Shameless fool, go to your own website, do not come here.

Also pakistan is fighting the menace that you and others are arming and we were doing very well for ourselves but you meddled in. We are coming back on track and we will return the favors you have done for us.
Chinese Telecom products are being reigned in for a very sound Intel reason.

No, IMO, that is paranoia. Huawei and ZTE products are being sold in MANY other countries, including Western countries. And they are doing good. I just saw a leader job ad for ZTE here in Norway, which means ZTE are expanding to Norway as well. Why do all other countries than India accept these products?

From Column : Are we really paranoid about China? - Express India
Two years ago, Jairam Ramesh himself led a campaign urging Indian power generation companies to buy equipment from Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) and not from Chinese companies, which were selling at 30% to 40% less price. There was a whisper campaign that the Chinese power equipments were inferior. However, power producers like Reliance Power and GMR had no complaints. In fact, after Jairam Ramesh persuaded BHEL to offer a better price to Reliance Power, it was found that Chinese equipment was still cheaper by 30%. As the minister of state for power then, Jairam Ramesh proposed that the Chinese must be forced to set up operations in India and value-add up to 30-40% here before selling power plants to domestic power producers.

I asked the head of General Electric in India whether Chinese equipment was indeed inferior. He told me that General Electric had fully transferred technology to the Chinese and they were adding more than half of India’s total capacity every year! So what is wrong with Chinese equipment?

Let us face it. We are suspicious and even paranoid about China. There is no point blaming the home ministry alone for it. This suspicion has permeated the entire government. It is fuelled by strategic experts who are encouraged by the establishment, that is the ministry of external affairs, to constantly generate more suspicion about China. Clubbing China with Pakistan is the biggest disservice strategic experts do to this nation.

Actually, we are still totally unsure how to deal with the Chinese. Here is a classic example. Recently FE published a report based on the minutes of a meeting held by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board under the ministry of industry. There was a foreign investment proposal from the Chinese telecom equipment company, Huawei, which has presence across 40 countries in the world. Huawei also powers the telecom networks of half of 14-odd telecom operators in India. However, the government has observed in the minutes that Huawei is a company promoted by an officer of People’s Liberation Army and has the capability to remotely manipulate the equipment it supplies to operators. Mind you, in the past this company has supplied equipment even to public sector companies such as BSNL and MTNL. This would certainly qualify as ‘paranoia’, for Huawei has a huge research centre at Bangalore powered by Indian minds. It has registered a large number of patents in telecom hardware earned by these very Indian minds. So why would Indian IT professionals work for a company run by the People’s Liberation Army? Am I being paranoid?

Indeed, paranoia can also be part of conscious policy. British Historian Paul Kennedy describes the US’s foreign policy approach to China brilliantly. He says American foreign policy towards China is marked by schizophrenia. One half consciously wants to convert China after America’s own image. The other half is paranoid that a morphed China will become a huge threat. So at least there seems to be a method in their madness. Is there one in ours?
north korea also blackmails foreign countries into giving it concessions.

india = north korea? maybe!

starvation? india beats north korea on this measure!
poverty? again, india beats north korea!
blackmailing foreign corporations? again india comes out on top.

india is indeed better than north korea in these areas.

wanna get arunachal pradesh...???? keep dreaming :smokin:

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