now come on man, whts the need of this post, sincerely tell me!!
i appreciate wht u say, is right, but u r completely out of topic here, it seems u r not impressed by his shahada or his story, or his embracing islam???, if allah has given him hidayat, u shuld be happy, it is too found, the converts become very good practicing muslims!!!, u seem, u r sad abt his conversion if he really has, and second, the muslim world is not that bad, every nation has ups and downs, u shuld have said, "may allah give ummah guidance, and also guide those to the true path, who r not muslims!!!
i am very happy for his declaration of faith, may u be good muslim and a good person!!
and by the way how christianity is being spread, u shuld learn the facts!!, hes hasnt been brain washed by imams or muslims or simply deception and lie, hes not attracted by lust of money and neither hes forced upon by other muslims, which goes for christianity, its a miracle that, hidayat for people even when the whole muslim nation sleeps today!!!, and u shuld praise allah and islam!!!, and note that, he was inspired by the character of a muslim!!, not every muslim is bad.
"truth is going to prevail the falsehood is going to perish"