haha, you retard idiot got triggered? where was mao even mentioned? how about whites and your west neighbors murdered, raped and starved 100 million Bangla but you suck dick to your white ex slave masters. ( by the way, what kind of idiot name is that? ur people and country don't even have a space program
, ur slumdog neighbor at least can send a potato to space)
as a matter of fact, all your bullshit posts indicate you have been sucking whites dick for so long, that you have identify crisis and thinking you have been "whited" because you fuxked in the arse by them
, while all forgot white colonists murdered, raped and tortured Bangla people for four hundreds of years
from the fact that you call colonists smear campaign and making up lies to attack china due to Chinese have better lives 'critique' clearly indicate you are a low iq bigot, white dicks sucker and whites-wanna-be