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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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I would like to reiterate here, that those who harbor this homophobia are wrong utterly wrong and devoid on the basics of modern day humane concepts. You are doing no favor to Pakistan by this show of macho-ism, the world has moved passed this and you would appear like a caveman by doing so.

Ever since I came on to the forum world, I've promoted one basic thing - Every Pakistani is an equal Pakistani and have weighed all my human prejudices in that light. If any of my actions divides Pakistanis, causes one group hurt or harm, then that action clearly needs to be rectified.

I have supported Secularism as it equalizes all Pakistanis regardless of religion as Jinnah had asked us to do so.
I have supported Ahmedis against the persecution on them as its totally unimaginable for me to justify Pakistan being a legislated apartheid state
I will support the homosexual community to rightly be, exist and practice as normal a life as the rest of us.

We have seen some Pakistanis of all communities fight for and serve Pakistan in exceptional ways (against whom 90% of us regular majority Muslim Pakistanis can't even compare) and I'm sure hidden away there are many many gays who are doing a lot for Pakistan. Then why this prejudice? Why make such groups feel like **** by the words you say? You guys who speak of Islam, don't you ever stop to think about your fellow countryman?

I mean if their being gay affects you in any way then speak up. Are you going to be enticed into being gay with them? What are you so afraid of?

I'm glad Pakistan's legislation has drastically improved with the introduction of trans-gender individuals thereby according all genders full rights as Pakistanis. Now if only our preconceptions could drastically improve as well.

Don't work so hard to divide Pakistan, work hard to unite it!

Your attitude suggests that you would advocate homosexuality. Having lived in the west, I have seen this gay pride culture spread. And I will have no part of this in Pakistan. I openly discourage homosexualiry without hating or bashing gays. That's the way I will continue my approach to this issue.
gays should not be allowed to adopt. that is a monstrous crime to the child.

So you would rather a kid live as an orphan without the love of a parent?

Maybe you dont know what you're talking about because you've had parents who have loved you and have always been there for you....
It is not for you to decide what is best for a parentless child.....Please ask those adopted kids if they would trade their gay parents for the life of an orphan...

Such narrow views are what should not be allowed in society!

Shame on you!
There is nothing wrong with gays man.

Yes its a little weird the first time you actually meet one.

But once you get beyond that, they are normal people like you and me.

Just wired differently.

That said, most dad's get very excited the day they find out their son's are into girls.
its not suprising that majority of indians on here like and support gays. :)

You're absolutely right....Not surprising at all!...Speaks volumes about the difference in our mentalities and tolerance...

Somehow its these intolerant posts on this thread that shed light on many of the social problems that plague your country...
Sorry Sir no evils could be allowed in Pakistan weather its kufr of secularism or |Homosexuality we are Muslims and those which are not allowed in Islam will have to be stopped and if government will not do that people will to that themselves no gays or lesbians are allowed in our society and their punishment is clear in Islam

and what do you propose to do; raid the bushes? homosexuality has existed from dawn of time and it will not disappear weather you accept it or not. the best solution is to accept it has existed; still exists, will exist and not make it your business! then everyone wins.

people have a right to live;then god can judge them himself...
grown men do not hold hands. if one does that they are either gay or bunch of fruitcakes wussies.

Technically a handshake is holding hands....is the concept of shaking hands alien to you?

The point im trying to make is, affection and sexuality are two different things...
One can hold hands with another person as a sign of affection (very common in eastern society)...not always necessarily sexual...
One cannot take a hard stand on these things without knowing the true nature of such human interactions...

A handshake is the most basic of human bonding traditions....
Sorry Sir no evils could be allowed in Pakistan weather its kufr of secularism or |Homosexuality we are Muslims and those which are not allowed in Islam will have to be stopped and if government will not do that people will to that themselves no gays or lesbians are allowed in our society and their punishment is clear in Islam

I disagree that Muslims have to be cruel and mean to the homosexuals. We can show some understanding and try to adhere to modern science when it says that they don't become gays by choice but they are born that way. Also by your being mean to them does not mean they will stop feeling gay, they will remain that way in their hearts. Be nice to them, they are being nice to you by serving Pakistan. They are working in science your people are working on terrorism, they are firefighters, your people are causing fires, they fight in wars against Pakistan's enemies, your people are Pakistan's enemies.

Sir, look beyond your prejudices and learn to think a little and you'll note that this world is changing and you are being crushed because of your backwardness. Don't ask us to be crushed along with you.

Your attitude suggests that you would advocate homosexuality. Having lived in the west, I have seen this gay pride culture spread. And I will have no part of this in Pakistan. I openly discourage homosexualiry without hating or bashing gays. That's the way I will continue my approach to this issue.

You can discourage it to a degree - I don't advocate anyone to BE homosexual either, my support is also to a certain degree only. If someone is, let them be, if someone is not let them be too. But if you are cheating them out of jobs, you are talking down on them, you are harming them, hurting them, thats where I would have a problem as I would when you would do that to any Pakistani.
Sorry Sir no evils could be allowed in Pakistan weather its kufr of secularism or |Homosexuality we are Muslims and those which are not allowed in Islam will have to be stopped and if government will not do that people will to that themselves no gays or lesbians are allowed in our society and their punishment is clear in Islam

Kufr of secularism ?

How is secularism Kufr ?
I disagree that Muslims have to be cruel and mean to the homosexuals. We can show some understanding and try to adhere to modern science when it says that they don't become gays by choice but they are born that way. Also by your being mean to them does not mean they will stop feeling gay, they will remain that way in their hearts. Be nice to them, they are being nice to you by serving Pakistan. They are working in science your people are working on terrorism, they are firefighters, your people are causing fires, they fight in wars against Pakistan's enemies, your people are Pakistan's enemies.

Sir, look beyond your prejudices and learn to think a little and you'll note that this world is changing and you are being crushed because of your backwardness. Don't ask us to be crushed along with you.

You can discourage it to a degree - I don't advocate anyone to BE homosexual either, my support is also to a certain degree only. If someone is, let them be, if someone is not let them be too. But if you are cheating them out of jobs, you are talking down on them, you are harming them, hurting them, thats where I would have a problem as I would when you would do that to any Pakistani.
Sir study Islam in Islam their punishment is clear and its death when ever they will be get caught they will be killed that is the punishment in Islam Homosexuality is one of the biggest evil and crime in Islam and Sir we don't accept criminals and evils in our society

and what do you propose to do; raid the bushes? homosexuality has existed from dawn of time and it will not disappear weather you accept it or not. the best solution is to accept it has existed; still exists, will exist and not make it your business! then everyone wins.

people have a right to live;then god can judge them himself...
Give them the punishment which Islam has given that is death simple follow Islam and establish its laws
Kufr of secularism ?

How is secularism Kufr ?
ALLAH says in the Quran who ever doesn't decide according to what ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW have sent they are kafirs and in Secularism you separate religion from state in Islam you can't

But is being gay a crime in Pakistani law?
Yes because it is crime in Islam and we call our selves Islamic republic of Pakistan and it is one of the biggest crimes

the day gay will treat well in Pakistan , it will be USA, but where people get slaughter on basis of religion it's not possible their narrow minded brains would not let happen that .

if some is gay it shouldn't problem for normal people until they do something wrong in public , death to gay law shows insanity of the community , people , constitution.
Sir study Islam in Islam their punishment is clear and its death when ever they will be get caught they will be killed that is the punishment in Islam Homosexuality is one of the biggest evil and crime in Islam and Sir we don't accept criminals and evils in our society
It is up to them - they don't want to be pious Muslims - let them be. They will pay for it in the afterlife. Who are you to think you are the level of Allah and force your commandment on them?

You can tell them that there's eternal hellfire and all that, thats fine but you can't harm them, hurt them, cheat them.
Pakistani government should protect these people. They are born that way and they are Pakistani so they deserve the same rights as other Pakistani citizens.
No Sir no body is born that way first of all and secondly in Islam their punishment is death
It is up to them - they don't want to be pious Muslims - let them be. They will pay for it in the afterlife. Who are you to think you are the level of Allah and force your commandment on them?

You can tell them that there's eternal hellfire and all that, thats fine but you can't harm them, hurt them, cheat them.
No sir it's not about not being a pious Muslims its about committing a crime and they are committing one of the biggest crime in Islam whose punishment is death Sir and if whole world likes it or not that is the punishment which will be given not better if government gives other wise people if find out will take law in their own hand that will be not good at all

Zarvan what verse is in the Quran that say gays must be killed? and is that for anyone to kill them like if I see a gay I can kill him?
State has to give that punishment and by the way ALLAH destroyed the whole nation for this crime that nation was the nation of LOT AS he tried his best to stop them but the didn't and their remains are under dead sea
Yes that is why you have Aids and it is really spreading fast

AIDS has nothing to do with homosexuality per se. Infact the majority of the AIDS cases are due to heterosexual relationships. i.e. unsafe sex with prostitutes etc., This is a proven statistic/fact.

As for the rest of your Mullah crap, Ill just ignore that! Of course punishment for everything is DEATH!!
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