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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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i am from mobile right now so cannot reply longer but you dont know that there are many females who were straight and got married with kids but were treated bad by their partner that they started to hate men and became lesbians and i personally met few of them at work place so being homosexual was their lifestyle choice. similarly i have seen guys who had sex with same gender because girls were not easily available to them for one night stand or pre martial sex in society where sex is not as open as in west and now i see them happy married with kids and they
Never felt the need of same gender any more

They might have been bisexual. Just because someone lived or lives a heterosexual life does not mean they are not bisexual.

There are of course people who do it for money even if it is against their will, but those are sexual abuses cases. We are talking about consensual same sex relations. Such people are either homosexual, bisexual, pansexual,queer, heteroflexible, homoflexible or bicurious.
What's the fun in that? Anyone can mind their own business, it's the power of minding the businesses of others that gives them a kick.

I can mind my own business in the case of gay men.

In the case of women, I like to watch :D
Do women like homo **** as much as we do lesbo ****.

Well, the very fact that **** by its very nature is directed at men because it objectifies women, will never give us a definitive answer. Because the opinion of women is rarely considered.

But I've had one of my female friends tell me that the idea of two men together was the hottest for her. And she loves gay **** :D
Well, the very fact that **** by its very nature is directed at men because it objectifies women, will never give us a definitive answer. Because the opinion of women is rarely considered.

But I've had one of my female friends tell me that the idea of two men together was the hottest for her. And she loves gay **** :D

See its a generational thing then ...... :angry:
See its a generational thing then ...... :angry:

Well, I dont think previous generations there was as much publicity for homosexuality either as a social issue or as ****, as it is in the present. Because it was considered taboo. But I think women by their very nature may not be that different, whatever generation they belong to :)
By now - you are still confused person

Mullah's like Zarvan has following options

1. Try to convert, Not converted --> Kill
2. If Converted and then, committed any sin --> Kill

BTW - Islam preaches to be moderate but we have two type of extremists 1. Religious Extremists 2. Liberal Extremists and in my opinion both are destroying the society and religion.
Sir first read Islam their is no such thing as moderation in Islam and Islam is very clear on the issue of Homosexuality that is to finish those who commit this crime
Sir first read Islam their is no such thing as moderation in Islam and Islam is very clear on the issue of Homosexuality that is to finish those who commit this crime

Sir homosexuality is rife in the most hardcore Islamic citadels of the world.

How do you explain that?

Is it people being people, stifled by Islam?

Or is it simply double standards?
Sir homosexuality is rife in the most hardcore Islamic citadels of the world.

How do you explain that?

Is it people being people, stifled by Islam?

Or is it simply double standards?
Sir first it is not that common really very few people follow it and Sir if some people follow it or few people follow it that doesn't mean you allow the evil to spread that evil will be terminated and as soon as possible
Sir first it is not that common really very few people follow it and Sir if some people follow it or few people follow it that doesn't mean you allow the evil to spread that evil will be terminated and as soon as possible

Sir it is very very common sir.

As is incest. (is that also haraam sir?)

Why sir?

What chance then does a liberal Pakistan with Hindu genes have in this holy war against sin sir?
Sir first read Islam their is no such thing as moderation in Islam and Islam is very clear on the issue of Homosexuality that is to finish those who commit this crime

moderate = معتدل
moderation = اعتدال پسندی / میانہ روی

Go and with open eyes & mind study again, you will find it both in Hadeth & Quran
Sir it is very very common sir.

As is incest. (is that also haraam sir?)

Why sir?

What chance then does a liberal Pakistan with Hindu genes have in this holy war against sin sir?
Sir it is very very very low still in Muslims countries and even the small amount will be finished really very soon and sex without marriage is also not allowed

Sir it is very very common sir.

As is incest. (is that also haraam sir?)

Why sir?

What chance then does a liberal Pakistan with Hindu genes have in this holy war against sin sir?
ALLAH never said to be moderate towards evils or sins Sir we have to finish them and establish the punishment which ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW has given for crimes like homosexuality
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