i cant believe we're discussing this kinda stuff on a defence/political forum but since we are on this subject ---
may the misguided be guided. . .
as for the whole holding hands thing -- yes it's always been common in South Asia. Actually even in parts of Middle East they do it too. And not just that but also non-verbal language. In East, men talk closer face to face whereas there is more distance in the west. Holding hands even is normal, it's not a gay practice. Of course if you did that in west people wuud probably assume youre gay or something.
given the conservative nature of our region and 'social norms' ---people in our part of the world dont get to experience sexuality until they get married and start producing children. Our religion and our culture forbid pre-marital relations but at the same time there are so many signs of sexual repression. That's why so many (maybe even some of you) love the pornos
On a different note -- there's only one reason why ultra-orthodox tend to produce more children (Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc.).....b/c they are against contraceptive or birth controls. Doesnt matter whether youre liberal or moderate or orthodox -- everyone wants and everyone needs a sexy-time.
i dont think an ideological state (even one that is founded on some liberal principles) should be institutionalizing gay rights and gay marriages and things like that but at the same time people shouldnt be 'branded' or 'killed' over it. . .of course its complex and my field and my lack of knowledge on it dont put me in position to reach any conclusive judgement.
just my views....