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May 19, 2006
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Dont you think, We could do something to make the inactive members posts, promote posting .
Some people are just not used to the formatting of forums. Some people call them NEWBS!!
never knew thats what it meant, But there must be something we could, one of them would be Flaming, people love to vent, which quite negative approach... There should be a postive way, A way we can promote defence.pk and its values to the people who we want to post here,
Webby the ones who are used to formating and valuable members u are just kicking them one by one. U even forced sparten not to post though he was not against ur dear ones.so hw can u bring new ones to post when u are not in a mood to shun one sided policy.
Rest PFF is becoming like one of the forums from acorss where few members posts. You should have think over it as why it had happend.

And Asim in that case why not u just get one in the butt u arent that much active arent u :).
Well you can, By allowing such people increase your posters, PFF is quite balanced where pakistani's and indians are given equal treatment, yes sometimes patriotism covers the eyes of both people. The posters who are not able to post with proofs, or clouded by dis-information, or idioitic will always want to hide under the shield someone else or patriotism, banning etc, than actually having a debate.
Good posters like MuradK, Asim,Neo, Webby, Keyser,blain, etc have taken my *** by debating, providing proofs etc, how come such posters never talk about nationality based banning, cuz they are good, they can prove themselves in a level playing field.
The Soul of PFF is that it is fair and just, has a spirit which actually says "we can actually live in this planet together". I dont see many forums like that. We arent PDF or BR. I would say that is our USP
I think it equally applies to both sides ADUX.

Most of the members from neighbourhood too are unable to put up some reasonable arguments, rather they start crying, while posts against our side come from every one and are answered well.

Why not to improve quality of your side so people can debate without telling others what to post or what to say.

Crying ?...lol, That is the differnence between good posters and kiddo posters.
Exactly there are bad posters very where, didnt you see me put 'BR' there. or do you want me to specifically take out names. Pakistani's are no better than Indians and vice versa. Or do you think 1 pakistani = 10 Indians...lol

What do you mean my side, I am not the captain nor a member of any side, Posters are individuals.I love my country and i have my view points, which you sitting in pakistan wouldnt know and vice versa.

Isnt that beauty of the Internet. You know everything that is happening in India and I do everything in Pakistan. You have a view on Kashmir, we have another, everybody has their own justifications, we share in a civilized manner, I would advice you to learn from posters like niaz murad etc

In this forum wether Indian Pakistan or from timbaktu a person flings insults, troll, be a racist etc, that person will be banned simple
That is MODS job, but as I have noticed some of Indian fellows are most intrested in moderation then any serious discussion.

You have seen the incidents, let MODS do there job and try to concentrate on learning something.

Would you request MODS to close this thread?

Why do you want to close this thread ?

Why are you trying Moderation?
Actually Jana ji, forum activity has increased to the point where it has forced us into one server upgrade after the other.

We are actually no longer seeking any more activity, but are working hard towards the quality of the posts.

Some of our old members can't seem to think beyond India and Pakistan. When you become a member of Pakistan Defence, you are an equal member and it has nothing to do with your nationality. What does differentiate you from others is the amount of hardwork you put into it.
Sparten was never told to leave. He is a brother to me, even though i have not had good posting with him.

Who gave you the information that i told Sparten to leave? Dont tell me it was PDF! :rofl:
It is encouraged that users moderate at a certain extent (i.e. Click on the report button.) Its like a civilian calling for police when need an assitance of some sort.
All in all Webby,

PFF is creating a niche for itself, in a very postive way

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