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Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

Hitler was a racist imerialist who invaded other countries and slaughtered civilians. Try opening a restaurant or shop named hitler in india and public pressure makes sure they shut down or change name.

are you sure "public pressure" shouldnt read "external pressure" from friends :azn:

Timur was a racist imerialist who invaded other countries and slaughtered civilians. Most pakistani families have kids named Timur.

you come up with that yourself? where did you read these things :laugh:

is a nice name though
Keep trolling, you ain't proving nothing you are just going to bring out the Pakistani trolls. India ain't so better off, we know about the ills of your nation so shut your trap.

Gandhi is the founding father of India, he may not be the only one but he deserves just as much credit as the rest of them.

did you get dropped on your head as a child? You asked what Bapu means and equated to being called a failed state- some weird thinking . I simply told you " Bapu " means = father. So Ji-hadi mamba, moi questions is - what does it have to do with Pakistan. I was simply informing what the term " Bapu meant
did you get dropped on your head as a child? You asked what Bapu means and equated to being called a failed state- some weird thinking . I simply told you " Bapu " means = father. So Ji-hadi mamba, moi questions is - what does it have to do with Pakistan. I was simply informing what the term " Bapu meant

Well that seals it you are an idiot, first of all my question was rhetorical aimed at the people I was talking to and second of all you are an idiot. Do not bother to reply I don't have patience for fools such as yourself.
How are we being thick with Gandhi, he did refer to him as a friend that is a fact, his purpose behind it was irrelevant and he even signed as a friend. Also he is referred to as the father of India, and you people call him "Bapu" so why all of you are acting like anything I said is illegitimate. In the West everyone calls him the founding father of India, I know because I spent a whole semester about it in college learning about the man so why are people trying to discredit him? Just because people did not agree with how he went about his business??

They think he was too "pro Muslim" there are even some Indians on this forum who have his killer on their avatar and applaud his death.

Gandhi is the founding father of India, he may not be the only one but he deserves just as much credit as the rest of them.

Gandhi had his flaws. However, he fought the Brits the only way he knew, and was successful in that.

A true shepherd in work and spirits.
You have to read the context in which he wrote that letter .


What do an iconic peace-loving protester and easily the most hated man in all of human history have to do with each other? The answer is simple: a plea that was never heard. Mahatma Gandhi wrote to Adolf Hitler on July 23, 1939 to ask him to keep World War II from happening. At the time, Hitler was already progressing through Europe, having invaded Czechoslovakia earlier that spring. The letter never reached Hitler, (for unknown reasons) and it is hard to image that it would have had much impact if it did.

Gandhi wrote two letters to Hitler, which are on display at Mani Bhavan, where Gandhi lived in Mumbai from 1917-1934. These letters are a known, but still shocking, part of the history of WWII. Certainly, they make you wonder what could have been, and even spark speculation about what the world leaders of our time really think about the current state of the world

Gandhi Letter To Hitler | Geekosystem


PS : You can't expect much more .Pakistanis will try their level best to try spun the truth to propaganda to discredit anything good about India or Indians.
I felt for Bally and his pure hatred for Muslims... Hope he meet his friends back in hell & I sincerely hope no Hindu will ever think the way Bally did, but my confidence in India is getting lower after reading comments on YouTube and PDF.

Seriously, Hindus act like dogs on the internet. Would they ever say it in real life is the question, without fear of being waken up in a hospital the next morning?

those guys in shiv sena respect bal thakrey as much as you guys respect prophet mohammad.
probably bal will meet him in the afterlife whereever he goes and they will enjoy Bals favorite red wine and talk .
PM: welcome home ,mate. good job in creating bigots
BT: oh well , i have brainwashed some people and made them fundamentalists. but you are the idol for that. you are the Don bradman in that area , i am a mere Sachin tendulkar of creating bigots.
PM: well thank you.
BT: what was the secret of your enduring legacy. how is that people are still bombing others in your name.
PM: I dont know , maybe Im the Don.
BT: I will prolly get a statue or two in Shivaji park but not a prophethood like you.
PM: LOL, thats why I banned those fools from making any resemblances of my face.
BT: ah you evil ba$tard.
PM: thanks mate.. enjoy your stay , i got to go.. i am still entertainin OBL. he is unstoppable , the beast.
HUH? Hitler is probably a good figure for you because of ignorance. per you- If a serial killer, according your logic, supported India, you would also be for him.

disgraceful and luckily a minority. we can't expect every person that is a part of a countries demographic to be smart, and you are example 1.

your bar of following someone is backward. funny part of it is- he would have gassed you, had you been in Germany regardless of your Indian heritage, as you were not his perception of pure Aryan. your brown skin would have been roasted dark brown in his chambers.
you sounds funny :lol:
That is a common misonception and something like me saying googling of "failed state south asia" mentions Pakistan. India/Bharat was not "founded" on Aug 15 1947..it was Pakistan that was founded on that day and later BD which was founded on 1971.

Yeh chutiapay ki baat apnay Indian logoon ke saath karna.

The country known as India today was founded on the 15th of August 1947.
Hitler was a racist imerialist who invaded other countries and slaughtered civilians. Try opening a restaurant or shop named hitler in india and public pressure makes sure they shut down or change name.

Timur was a racist imerialist who invaded other countries and slaughtered civilians. Most pakistani families have kids named Timur.

:lol: Unbelievable.

I love it how you twist the truth.

You're one cunning motherfu*ker.
you come up with that yourself? where did you read these things :laugh:

is a nice name though

By all accounts, Timur's campaigns in India were marked by systematic slaughter and other atrocities on a truly massive scale inflicted mainly on the subcontinent's Hindu population.

The Islamic World to 1600: The Mongol Invasions (The Timurid Empire)

Scholars estimate he killed 17 Million people, for the population of the era, he was a much worse mass murderer and a racist ba$tard and a religious bigot than hitler. Yet Pakistanis and their warped sense of everything is cool about Timur but they will hype the hitler following in India which is miniscule and not mainstream.

Timur slaughtered lots of people in what is pakistan today, but since your identity has been highjacked now you love your rapists and murderers. A true curse.

@v9s - I'm not your dad.
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WWII is taught in schools in India, where Germany under Hitler captured Poland, France bombers the cr@p out of England and hpw Azad Hind Force was helped by Germany and hence kids tend to believe that Hitler was a leader with a purpose and a friend of India but when they come to know the Holocaust and Jew (sadly the same in not taught the way it should have) angle, all the same kids say Thank God he got what he deserved!
Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

The author is shamelessly pandering to his western audience's sensibilities.

The polemic on indian admiration for Hitler is highly exaggerated ,and whatever is there it got more to do with the fact Hiter fought with the British who were colonial masters of india in the WW2 and he also supported assistance to the great indian freedom figher Netaji Subhads Bose in raising anti British militia force called Azad Hind Fauj.

And the current disenchantment with Gandhi among indians has got lot to do the misrule of india by the congress party for the past sixty years.
1. The underlying objective of Thackrey's politics was to establish the supremacy of the Marathas. He saw himself as another Peshwa following on the lead of Shivaji ruling over a Maratha Confederacy. The Marathas, have throughout history, proved themselves treacherous and unreliable to the extent of being dishonorable. That puts them in sharp contrast with the Rajputs known for their chivalry and honor.

2. For long the Marathas have craved the throne of Delhi. They nearly achieved this when the last Mughals had become sick. However, Ahmed Shah Abdali crushed them for good in the 3rd Battle of Panipath. Thereafter they existed only as lackeys of the emerging English Co.

3. What Bal Thackery began as an anti-Muslim and anti-BD hype in Maharastra is eventually to be turned into a "Maharastra for Marathas Only movement". Already Maratha language is being forced upon people.
I felt for Bally and his pure hatred for Muslims... Hope he meet his friends back in hell & I sincerely hope no Hindu will ever think the way Bally did, but my confidence in India is getting lower after reading comments on YouTube and PDF.

Seriously, Hindus act like dogs on the internet. Would they ever say it in real life is the question, without fear of being waken up in a hospital the next morning?

Hmmm...Like You are acting like a PIG...Anyway I have reported your comment.
The author is shamelessly pandering to his western audience's sensibilities.

The polemic on indian admiration for Hitler is highly exaggerated ,and whatever is there it got more to do with the fact Hiter fought with the British who were colonial masters of india in the WW2 and he also supported assistance to the great indian freedom figher Netaji Subhads Bose in raising anti British militia force called Azad Hind Fauj.

And the current disenchantment with Gandhi among indians has got lot to do the misrule of india by the congress party for the past sixty years.

Knowing Hitler for the mass muderer he is, his fighting British or supporting Netaji is not an excuse to even admire certain qualities of one of the history's monsters. Netaji is nothing but another commi like Nehru(along with Maulana professed socialism as opposed to Sardar in 1930s) but who preferred to take the help of fascists to get rid of the British. Who knows if Netaji and the axis forces had succeeded in defeating British and other allies - India would have ended up a commi state or would have become a colony under fascists Japan or Nazi Germany.
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