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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

You should have visited during the Beijing Olympic.

This was posted on restaurant windows in Beijing. A mob broke out attacking tourist.
You may see something like "no chinks" on some restaurant window in Viet, Jap, Flip.
but only few, don't let the tiny part ruins your imagine of China. Honestly, people here are friendly and do not talk politics much.
I said about invention, not about copy ability. Hua Xia culture belong to Han Chinese in northern China, not belong to Bai Yue, they were barbarian in ancient time.

Apply your analogy I can say that father DKZ canon is Vietnamese, father of mini-sub marine in Vietnam is Vietnamese etc.

You can, than people will think you're crazy or stupid.

Or both.

Except that the bronze drum tradition arose at the exact same time in Yunnan,claiming all bronze drums as Vietnamese is ludicrous.

Bronze drums don't prove sovereignty or evidence of Hung Kings all they proved that indigenous peoples were had to tools to shape bronze.

No, bronze drums were clearly a symbol of un Sinicized peoples.

Its not a misconception if Vietnamese members on this forum have already expressed this view,there's no need for me to quote these members as they already posted their views plenty of times ie Rechoice,EastSea,ViXuyen,NiceGuy etc.

The underlying theme is that there is an immutable Vietnamese identity and that Southern Han Chinese should join them in some political union.

Like I had said, people have their own views and rights to hold their opinions. This is after all a discussion forum.

Many culture developed bronze drum of different size and of different style at different phases throughout human history. I have not heard of such claim that all bronze drums are made by Viet people, and yes, that would be ludicrous to do so. Bronze Drum casting technology was a shared knowledge to natives of this continent.

With regards to the importance of Bronze Drums in Vietnam History and political views of others, I do not have the authoritative to comment. I don't expect others to understand the significant of the bronze drum shard to my family. However, within the eight clans of my family, it plays an important role during lễ hội đền Hùng (Hung Kings Ancestral Commemoration Day). Vietnamese in general have different ways of honoring their ancestors and not all Commemorate Hung Kings.
South China is not Southeast Asia, just like South Germany is not Southern Europe.

Guangdong Guangxi, Yunan ...or south china land was invaded and robbed by Han Chinese. There is not native land of Hua Xia.

Who cares? Most South Chinese descended from Huaxia as well.

Northern Han and southern Han don't shared same blood line.

You can, than people will think you're crazy or stupid.
Or both.

It is joker when southern chinese were conquered by Han Chinese from north China, you are slaves of Han Chinese.

It is inferior mentality when you labeled yourself that you are Han in ethnicity. :disagree:
I said about invention, not about copy ability. Hua Xia culture belong to Han Chinese in northern China, not belong to Bai Yue, they were barbarian in ancient time.

Apply your analogy I can say that father DKZ canon is Vietnamese, father of mini-sub marine in Vietnam is Vietnamese etc.

Modern Europeans say they are the successor of Roman empire, while their ancestors were barbarians in Roman era
I have never seen anything like this before, except in Beijing and in the Bruce Lee movie "The Chinese Connection".

I understand this image do not represent the general population of Chinese.
You may see something like "no chinks" on some restaurant window in Viet, Jap, Flip.
but only few, don't let the tiny part ruins your imagine of China. Honestly, people here are friendly and do not talk politics much.
Modern Europeans say they are the successor of Roman empire, while their ancestors were barbarians in Roman era


You did not understand, bro. If Holy Roman Empire does not collapsed like Zhongguo, in Europa is existed northern Italian and Southern Italian like people in china now ?
Thanks for the advice

You are welcome. I suggest you spend your time in southern coastal cities. The food tastes better and the sea is more beautiful. The weather is also great for swimming.
Thank you for your reply.

Much appreciation for sharing a piece of your history with us. It would be great to learn more about Zhuang.
Like another Chinese,Zhuang people use Chinese character,speak mandarin in public place,
there is 4 minority nationality characters in a 1yuan RMB.

View attachment 48543
in fact, most of Zhuang people cound't read and write Alphabetical Zhuang Script,this script use in the gov signs,files,only professor can understand the script,:lol:

for thousands of years,Southern minority nationality region followed the central govenment's system, established a stable and sound social relations with the central dynasty.

You did not understand, bro. If Holy Roman Empire does not collapsed like Zhongguo, in Europa is existed northern Italian and Southern Italian like people in china now ?
so we have China and Vietnam? hmmmm, why your leaders have a Chinese family name? because their forefathers are Chinese. 不肖子孙啊。
so we have China and Vietnam? hmmmm, why your leaders have a Chinese family name? because their forefathers are Chinese. 不肖子孙啊。

It is big misunderstand bro. In the past Vietnamese used Han Zi to writing, so all clan name or surname has been interpreted in to Chinese to writing.Originally Le, Ly Lao ... were origin clan name of people who lived south china in ancient time, this people were no-Hua.

It doesn't mean that Vietnamese are southern Han Chinese in origin.

When I say that Van Lang ancient country of Vietnamese, territory is located in South China, Chinese member here on PDF don't agree with me.

Vietnamese speak Mon/Khmer language when Chinese speak Sino-Tibetan language.
You are either feigning ignorance or blind,many Vietnamese members on this forum argue for Baiyue independence and brag how powerful the Hung Kings were and how Southern China was their land.
I am talking about the recent more modern history. VNese ancient history was passed down orally, and details were lost or changed for the convinience. You are fine to argue with us about that. I don't think they hold much credibility either ways. But it was true that our ancestors once lived in Southern China, and started moving south after the Han civilization expanded.
I just got back from a two weeks trip in Beijing and Linye. The people over there are mostly cool and nice as heck. Not sure why they Chinese here on this website are bunch of assholes. :woot:
including me?:woot:。i m a nice guy:chilli:

You should have visited during the Beijing Olympic.

This was posted on restaurant windows in Beijing. A mob broke out attacking tourist.


But this is one case.:dance3:China is a pluralistic society
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