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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

This guy is a Chinese, his real name is 袁马克.
Category:Thai politicians of Chinese descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Handsome boy above right is a mestizo. He do not have a "real" Chinese name per se. The old man on the left is another Chinese mestizo. He do not have a real Chinese name.

I think Vietnam is the only place in Indo-China that is 100% non-Chinese. haha...:yay:
nope. As I noted somewhere in the thread, the recent scientific findings show the Viet people most likely came from the Sea. The first Viets settled down in the Red River delta and mixed with the locals (of course Chinese, too) over the times.

So actually we came from the seafarer. :-)
I watched the news on TV, she is mostly crying and said on press conference that she and her family is Thai, stop to attack on her family.:enjoy:

Here is her rival, I think the man is pure Thai.


Thai protest leader vows final showdown with government, Thai protest leader Suthep Thuagsuban gestures as he addresses his supporters during an anti-government rally at the government complex in Bangkok,

What the heck, she as a woman was being emotional because she was complaining how her rival pushing her too far that they even attacked her family. She didn't even emphasize herself a Thai. I watched the news too you idiot.

We can see that the terms "pure" and "mixed" always come to your mind first. Such a racist brainless nazi, tut tut tut. :disagree:
Vietnam was a country divided from Chinese dynasty, same as Pakistan which was divided from India and East Prussia (Kaliningrad) was taken away by Russia. You can never claim that Indian Mughal Empire is Pakistan and East Prussian were Russian nor Polish.

When Pakistan was created out of India, it was not about race or ethnicity but forming a Muslim homeland based on religion.
Indeed, but still can't claim Indian Mughal.

I don't think Chinese or Vietnamese identity is even compared to Pakistanis. Pakistan believes Indian history is theirs if related to Muslims. So Mughal or Muslim rule in Mysore or Urdu language they believe it as theirs since it was related to Muslims.
Indeed, but still can't claim Indian Mughal.

Ignore this Indic who is a big troll. Go elsewhere and see what he write especially on Indian female diplomat saga, Sino-India border dispute. He can talk cock, distract forever and you will need to dig out resources to refute him.

He basically is IQ82 and don know WTF he is talking about.

Best way is to leave him alone and allow him to swim in his India shitt hole and sit back watch Indian diplomat get humiliated and watch Hindutva clown cheering for dark side.

This guy is a Chinese, his real name is 袁马克.
Category:Thai politicians of Chinese descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Handsome boy above right is a mestizo. He do not have a "real" Chinese name per se. The old man on the left is another Chinese mestizo. He do not have a real Chinese name.

I think Vietnam is the only place in Indo-China that is 100% non-Chinese. haha...:yay:

In Vietnam, if you are a Hoa (Chinese VNese), I'm sure you can never participated in politics. Of course, still can do private business. That's difference compared to other southeast asian countries.
I am just curious. How is Vietnamese able to identify Hoa? Is it because Hoa display Chinese-ness ostentatiously?

I can blend into Thai and Laos if I keep my mouth shut.
you are stupid boy and have low IQ scores then you still do not understand what is the differences.

Mongolian and Manchurian were people of independence States outside òf Great Wall, with their own Emperor, their own Armies. They invaded in to China, defeated you and ruled you with force. They were pure Mongolian and Manchurian when they defeated you and ruled you.

Ly, Tran , Ho ancestors escaped from China following turmoils, came to Vietnam from where was native land of Yue people, as refugee. After hundreds years following many generations assimilated by Vietnamese, they were Vietnamized, they became Vietnamese citizens.

They have been fought against invasions of Chinese to defended independence of Vietnam. Its the difference.

Understand fake historian ?

Chinese have an altitude to lie every thing if they can, like that: Ho Chi Minh is hakka. :rofl:

Sigh,really you should be more courteous obviously you are deeply troubled by what I wrote.

I have already told you Mongols used Jin soldiers in their campaigns in Baghdad and conquest of Southern Song even "Han" generals such as Guo Kan,Qing directly incorporated Han Chinese into their banner armies.

Every dynasty rules the populace with force you would be naive if you thought native "Han" dynasties didn't massacre or discriminate.

Ly ancestors was recorded to come from Northern China which was never until the dominion of the Baiyue states.

As for the other two they still came from China it is unknown if they are more Han or Baiyue,regardless the Baiyue were dwarfed by the Han population.

Even so many Baiyue states were mixed with either sinicized populations or Hua Chinese.

Yuan and Qing sinicized themselves what is so hard to understand?

Furthermore the Tran were able to speak some Chinese language so they still retained some Chineseness.

Qing campaigned against Zunghars,Russians,Burmese,Gurkhas etc trying to defend their borders or expand.

Who is Hu Hou Xiong what are his credentials?

There exists revisionist history in every country I don't think Vietnam is any different.
I only have some simple questions for you Vietnamese nationalists,if you have some sources why don't you prove these questions?

1. Where is the textual and archaeological evidence for the existence of Xich Quy,Van Lang and the Hung Kings?

2.Where is the genetic evidence that Southern Han Chinese are solely composed of Baiyue stock?

3.Where is the evidence the Baiyue identified as one people or as Vietnamese?

4.How has Vietnam influenced China in culture,language,inventions etc?
I am just curious. How is Vietnamese able to identify Hoa? Is it because Hoa display Chinese-ness ostentatiously?

I can blend into Thai and Laos if I keep my mouth shut.
Generally Chinese men and women are taller and have lighter skin. Besides, their face structure looks differently than the Vietnamese. Plus Chinese appearance is more those of East Asians than the Viets people that have some SE Asians gene.

I can guess with 99 per cent likelihood whether a person is Chinese or Vietnamese. :-)
to Vietnam, Chinese race similar to Korea and Japan with the 1 lid eyes, ...
It's very easily to point out who is not Vietnamese race in the community.
Vietnamese in the North has skin brighter than the most of Southeast asia, and Vietnamese in the South. Mostly because of climate, sunny condition ...
while the gene is same between Vietnamese ( Kinh race ) in North and South

to me, it's not important to point out the origin but most important to see
TO WHICH country, the person recognize himself belong to ...

As you know, 90% Singapore population is Chinese race, but they are proud of being Singapore citizen, and disrespect people recently immigrated from China mainland.
Same to Hongkong

Another case is USA and Great Britain.
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I think I should make myself clearer. What if Southern Chinese like Guangdong, Fujian, Singapore and Thai Chinese stay in Vietnam. Can you detect these people?

I cannot even tell Vietnamese in Singapore and local Chinese. I can tell Northern Chinese.

This guy is a Chinese, his real name is 袁马克.
Category:Thai politicians of Chinese descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Handsome boy above right is a mestizo. He do not have a "real" Chinese name per se. The old man on the left is another Chinese mestizo. He do not have a real Chinese name.

I think Vietnam is the only place in Indo-China that is 100% non-Chinese. haha...:yay:

袁马克 or
Abhisit Vejjajiva is Chinese in origin, his grand father came to Thailand from Vietnam, his ancestor should be Minh Huong people.

Can we say his grand grand father was mixed with Vietnamese before mixed again with Thai people ?

Abhisit Vejjajiva - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Have you any evident to proof that for both men in picture is Chinese mestizo ?

Our Công nữ Ngọc Vạn (公女玉萬), full name Nguyễn Phúc Ngọc Vạn (阮福玉萬) daughter of Warlord chúa Sãi Nguyễn Phúc Nguyên (ở ngôi: 1613-1635). She was married to Emperor of Cambodia Chey Chetta II.

Can we say the left man in picture is Vietnamese mestizo ?

Công nữ Ngọc Vạn – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

In Vietnam is around 850,000 Chinese in population of Vietnam 90 million people.
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I think I should make myself clearer. What if Southern Chinese like Guangdong, Fujian, Singapore and Thai Chinese stay in Vietnam. Can you detect these people?

I cannot even tell Vietnamese in Singapore and local Chinese. I can tell Northern Chinese.

I find out that even most South Chinese from Mainland are northernized, if you go to the urban area in the South China, it is definitely dominated by the northern phenotype.
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