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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

I don't know anything really, I just know enough to troll Viets LOL

they're just bunch of clowns that like to bad mouth China and Chinese people and try to stir up trouble by playing Japan, US and India against us. Each time there is bad news about China, they're jump in the thread like flies buzzing around and cheerleading the other side. No matter how they dream and want to curse us at daily basis, at the end they're condamned to be losers at their ancestors...and GOD has blessing China with the total command and control of the Red river, their fates are in our hands.
they're just bunch of clowns that like to bad mouth China and Chinese people and try to stir up trouble by playing Japan, US and India against us. Each time there is bad news about China, they're jump in the thread like flies buzzing around and cheerleading the other side.

No matter how they dream and want to curse us at daily basis, at the end they're condamned to be losers at their ancestors...and GOD has blessing China with the total command and control of the Red river, their fates are in our hands.
you sound like a terrorist. China is x times larger than Vietnam, and you think to need to resort to such thing?
you sound like a terrorist. China is x times larger than Vietnam, and you think to need to resort to such thing?

We don't need to do anything and resort such thing, and we haven't done it yet, it's just a way we thank GOD for this geographic blessing...basically what I tried to get at is that you Vietnameses like to curse Chineses when yourself are living in the cursed land.
@Viet or anybody from Vietnam :
I need some information about Vietnam and i would be glad if you can support it with some source

- from where the Vietcong ( hope its not offensive ) pick up gorilla warfare ??? And any particular idol for that warfare technique ???
I am not sure, when was the first time Vietnam adopted guerilla warfare but we needed another strategy after our army suffered high casualties in the battle with the British (1945-1946).

War in Vietnam (1945


A Japanese naval officer surrenders his sword to a British Lieutenant in Saigon on 13th September 1945.

- which of the state heads of VN visited India ??? Anyone of them visited any particular place in "India - Maharashtra" ???
The current Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang visited your country on Oct. 11, 2011. He arrived at Bangalore city of Karnataka state.


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why do you keep using we? for the first wave of Ming loyalists you were too busy fighting amongst yourselves so you should be building altars and worshipping them or something because if it wasn't for them and Mac Cuu you people wouldn't have possession of the bustling region now, we all know the economic heart of Vietnam lies in the South not the sh1tty North with people who can't even speak properly, z z z everything so show a little gratitude and bow to your masters, as for the second wave they were solicited by the ruling French to act as the middle men so I don't know where 'we allowed' comes from

Nguyen warlord didn't liked to using you, but as human being, Nguyen lord given your ancestors chance to live in his land . if he deported your ancestors back to the sea, your ancestors should disapeared in the sea because the storms or captured back by Manchus,you coudn'nt insule him now. your are ungretful Min Yue.

Mac Cuu accepted ruling of Southern Nguyen Lord was smart decision, he could controll his land in Ha Tien for his descendants.

Vietnam economy is based on both Red River delta and Mekong delta. Tonkin is native land of Vietnamese Nation.

why do you like to lie so much? I don't know who Mr Battle is but it's clear that from my interactions with the Vietnamese on other forums that whenever they claim they are brothers of the Cantonese it's based on a supposed genetic relationship not friendship, it all goes back to Vietnamese believing that they are part of Baiyue when in reality you guys were simply subordinates to the Zhuang at the time, like I said, in Dai Viet su luoc which was before the Ming occupation Vietnamese history begins with Zhao Tuo's reign later when the Le took power it was in Dai Viet su ky toan thu that history begins with the Hung Kings

You mentioned about our history book "Đai Vietj Sử lươc". The first sentance òf book stated:

" Xưa hoàng Đế dựng muôn nươc, thấy Giao Chỉ xa xôi ở ngoaid cõi Bách Viêt..."

translated in to English:

"Long time ago, when God created many coutnries in the world, looked at Vietnam-Jiaozhi is out of Bai Yue...".

It mean: Vietnam (Kinh People) is not belong to Bai Yue.
Cantonese or Nan Yue considered as "brother' by Mr. Battle is understood that there is "friendship" of two neighbors people shared in near by common border, it doesn't mean we shared same bloodline with you. Like what I said in my post above that in the past we have taken care about Cantonese refugees “like brothers” in the past.

Cantonese refugees were allocated first in Bien Hoa, Dong Nai, it is near of Saigon today. Same way was handled by Nguyen Lord to other newcomers from North Vietnam ỏr other North Vietnamese were moved to south after many army operation attacking in to North land .

Don't forgotten the war when Ming Dynasty army invaded in to Vietnam, there was bloody fighting in 10 years. our hero Le Loi regained our independence and founded Le Dynasty in Vietnam. Other than Cantonese refugees were organized elite troops of Ming Dynasty. Nguyen Lord could has his own reason to do that.

Cantonese came to Vietnam time to time, in small group or individual was not reported by media or not recorded by any document. it was 1,1 mill before 1975. Hua people did business to supply US army and ruled on retail market, when Vietnamese from both side were focused on fighting. then they got a big profit from Vietnam war.

The Ming dynasty came to Vietnam to liberate you from your Chinese master, Ho Quy Ly. You should build a memorial to the Ming. If they didn't invade, you might have been under Chinese rule for several hundred more years.

Saigon and the surrounding Mekong Delta area were Khmer land, and north of Saigon was Cham land.

I only know one thing: one of the Chief Architects for the Forbidden City was Nguyen An.


Nguyen An - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of the Forbidden City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where are his descendants?
The Ming dynasty came to Vietnam to liberate you from your Chinese master, Ho Quy Ly. You should build a memorial to the Ming. If they didn't invade, you might have been under Chinese rule for several hundred more years.

Saigon and the surrounding Mekong Delta area were Khmer land, and north of Saigon was Cham land.

Where are his descendants?

Ho is Vietnamized, but he claimed that He is chinese when he taken power from Tran Dynasty. it was suicide politic decision, Vietnamese people didn't supported him. Hi was captured by Minh and died in China. Ho Dynasty is not considered as official Dynasty of Vietnam.
they're just bunch of clowns that like to bad mouth China and Chinese people and try to stir up trouble by playing Japan, US and India against us. Each time there is bad news about China, they're jump in the thread like flies buzzing around and cheerleading the other side. No matter how they dream and want to curse us at daily basis, at the end they're condamned to be losers at their ancestors...and GOD has blessing China with the total command and control of the Red river, their fates are in our hands.
And GOD has blessing VietNam with the control of biggest part of SCS(east sea) where ur oil tanker must pass by

Sorry, unlike coward China that dare not fight against US to take back Taiwan bcz their PLA suck, GOD dont bless us, we had to fight hard to defeat mighty US to gain that control :pop:
And GOD has blessing VietNam with the control of biggest part of SCS(east sea) where ur oil tanker must pass by

Sorry, unlike coward China that dare not fight against US to take back Taiwan bcz their PLA suck, GOD dont bless us, we had to fight hard to defeat mighty US to gain that control :pop:

You also had to defeat the mighty Montagnards- takes alot of balls for the majority Kinh to beat up on a defenseless minority.

And before that, you had to invade Champa and perform mass genocide.....
Well, I know it is hard to get you, this p.o.s. to fxxk off.

Why China has to do is quite simple: because vn is full of just a double-faced ignorant ungrateful bastards.

Why China has a betrayal mentality ? It was quite simple: China kicked @ of Soviet 1969 to kiss @ of USA to let you join to UN. now your master USA don't let China to touch @ of Japan and Taiwan, you have to turn back to kiss @ of Russia recently.

because China is full of just a double-faced ignorant ungrateful bastards.
Why China has to do is quite simple: because vn is full of just a double-faced ignorant ungrateful bastards.

okay I now say many thanks for the millions of granates, you fired on us, in your last aggression against Vietnam, your clown.


Lang Son in 1979, destroyed in the Chinese invasion (Photo: Vtn archive)
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