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Historical : Sukhoi Su-22 Afghan Air Force


Jan 5, 2012
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Afghan pilots out of Bagram and Shindand in the late 1980s became very proficients targeting anti-government forces, Stingers were no longer considered a threat for the MI24 flown by local pilots.

In the Jalalabad encounter the so called Mujaheddin forces received such a beating from the Afghan Airforce that it changed the tides of the battle.

Anti govt = anti communist?












Once Hassan Nissar said "Why Pakistan want something for Afghans which they don't want for themself"

If Taliban is so good, why don't you apply this system on Pakistan: Hassan Nissar to Hamid Gul (ex ISI)
Anti government = those people that that sent Afghanistan into the dark ages, you know the ones that destroyed schools, hospitals, factories, took away women's rights.

Its hard for them to condemn their own creation .... Doesn't matter how bad that was.
Anti PDPA (People's_Democratic_Party_of_Afghanistan) elements.

Or the government in Kabul at the time.











Once Hassan Nissar said "Why Pakistan want something for Afghans which they don't want for themself"

If Taliban is so good, why don't you apply this system on Pakistan: Hassan Nissar to Hamid Gul (ex ISI)

1 question... were the afghans fighting the soviets before evil ISI got involved or not? also the few pics you posted are of the ussr backed elite... not the common afghan.
Afghan pilots out of Bagram and Shindand in the late 1980s became very proficients targeting anti-government forces, Stingers were no longer considered a threat for the MI24 flown by local pilots.

In the Jalalabad encounter the so called Mujaheddin forces received such a beating from the Afghan Airforce that it changed the tides of the battle.


Just a few points (my knowledge of weapon systems is rather limited):

1. I'll have to find the reference but as far as I know the stinger's effectiveness, according to studies conducted after the war, was negligible - due to the poor training of the Afghan resistance fighters. (if someone has a reference I'd appreciate it), and possibly due to the poor field maintenance of the systems.

2. I wonder how effective fixed wing aircraft such as the su-22 would be given that more modern f-16A/B models of the Pakistan Airforce flown by a far more professional airforce have been rather ineffective against the TTP (according to analysts, Bruce Ridel?).











Once Hassan Nissar said "Why Pakistan want something for Afghans which they don't want for themself"

If Taliban is so good, why don't you apply this system on Pakistan: Hassan Nissar to Hamid Gul (ex ISI)

But the reality of indians woman is not different,while they are living in world biggest democracy , should i post videos and pictures? :/
I always hope for a better Afghanistan.
I want to visit Ghor region in afghanistan some day.
Anti government = those people that that sent Afghanistan into the dark ages, you know the ones that destroyed schools, hospitals, factories, took away women's rights.


Right, you guys saved it?
You're missing your own little 10 year episode in between. Without you folks there'd be no Taliban or Mujahideen.
You invaded, removed the government, left no real form of government to take charge for many years.
There was brain drain, killings, economy was crushed, education and hospitals destroyed? That was also during your invasion.

Here in Pakistan, we had 3 million flood our country in refugee camps and more in our cities.
Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed. You were invaders in a lot of people's eyes.

So stop acting as if you and the government at the time were some saints who came to save Afghanistan.

Naive view of events. Things did not just leap from freedom and liberty to 90's taliban.
You missed about a 15-20 year episode in between.

In which, there was war, brutal war, that scarred the country.

Its hard for them to condemn their own creation .... Doesn't matter how bad that was.

No no..

It's hard for the you folks, I'm talking about yourself and other friends from across the border to understand and read up on the topic which you speak of.

Now tell me, how did we create this?
Give me proof, give me argument. I don't want to hear 'world knows this... that...' crap.
I always hope for a better Afghanistan.
I want to visit Ghor region in afghanistan some day.

There will be peace, Inshallah.
But not in the foreseeable future, Afghanistan will continue on this path for now.
Anti government = those people that that sent Afghanistan into the dark ages, you know the ones that destroyed schools, hospitals, factories, took away women's rights.

And you were showering flowers from MI-24Hind and Su-25 frog foots?--- do you know about your country's "scorched earth policy"? - do you know many NAPAMs your country used on Afghan villages? - Do you know how many Afghan leaders [puppets] your country got assassinated ? -- Do you know how many schools,farms,shops and people's livelihoods were bombed by your country?? - Do you know the number of Afghans your country killed to fulfill its blind greed?? Do you know how much blood is on your hands??

Answer these questions before bringing apologies, you might need a barrel of vodka even if a little bit of something called humanity still flows in your veins.

Anti PDPA (People's_Democratic_Party_of_Afghanistan) elements.

Or the government in Kabul at the time.

Please answer my question specifically. We both know "how many" faces were changed after King Zahir Shah was ousted and subsequent communist infiltration. [Unless you are a communist of course!]

Its billion time better than those uncivilized barbarian Taliban & current corrupt inefficient government.

Please shut up and don't talk about something you have no knowledge of.

Right, you guys saved it?
You're missing your own little 10 year episode in between. Without you folks there'd be no Taliban or Mujahideen.

Am I hearing this right? :lol: Pakistan was responsible for the Taliban, the Pakistani military trained, sheltered, equipped, fed, and recruited those radicles to fight the Soviet Union.

I'm in shock that anyone would embarrass themselves with such a statement, so either read up or forget the propaganda they taught you in Pakistan.

You invaded, removed the government, left no real form of government to take charge for many years.

You need a history lesson, Afghanistan went through a Saur revolution, which is no different then all the revolutions we see today in the middle east. It was After the revolution that the Democratic repulic of Afghanistan asked the Soviet union to militarily assist in stabilizing the country from the clans that were fighting the government, the same clans that have been fighting themselves or anyone for that matter. The Soviet Union was hesitant about any military involvement.

As for the Soviet Union leaving no form of government--are you a fool? Are you seriously that ignorant in the subject? Pakistan and the US destroyed the Afghan government which the Soviet Union supported. The question is why Pakistan didn't leave any form of government or stability? The Soviet Union spent decades building Afghanistans infrastructures, they spend billions of dollars of their own money in bringing Afghanistan into the modern world, and the Soviet Union send it's soldiers to die for the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, and after the Pakistanis destroyed everything you want the Soviets to install a government when Pakistan helped destroy the the old one.

There was brain drain, killings, economy was crushed, education and hospitals destroyed? That was also during your invasion.

Shame on you for such gross twisting of history.

The Soviet Union even prior to 1979 built much of Afghanistan, this included hospitals, public transportation, dams, bridges, roads, power plants, schools, and factories. Women were encouraged to get an education and many did. With all of this publicly know information, I would like to know where you go your facts from, probably out of your rear end.

So stop acting as if you and the government at the time were some saints who came to save Afghanistan.

Or you could stop acting like Pakistan didn't destabilize the region by recruiting, arming, feeding, training, and housing fanaticals to destroy a legitimate government.

Naive view of events. Things did not just leap from freedom and liberty to 90's taliban.
You missed about a 15-20 year episode in between.

The only one that missed anything was you. The Afghan government was finally overthrown in 1993, almost immediately after the country went into the dark ages. Women started wearing bedsheets, schools were destroyed, factories were destroyed, and just about everything else was destroyed by the cavemen that Pakistan created.

So please enlighten me as well as the readers about these 15-20 years.

And you were showering flowers from MI-24Hind and Su-25 frog foots?---

You have been fed so much propaganda that you remind me of the Okinawans that were led to believe that the Americans would eat their children. Hind helicopters that were tasked with hunting caravans (vehicles with fighters/weapons) would fly over suspected caravans and signal for the caravan to stop for visual inspection of the vehicle, if the caravan did not stop, warning shots would be fired, sometimes multiple warning shots would be fired. After every possible option has been exhausted it is then that the helicopter would engage.

Soviet forces put themselves in danger when they simply could have just destroyed any suspected Caravan, they simply could have destroyed every village instead of looking for individual persons.

do you know about your country's "scorched earth policy"? - do you know many NAPAMs your country used on Afghan villages? -

No please tell everyone. We all enjoy some good old fashion propaganda.

Do you know how many Afghan leaders [puppets] your country got assassinated ? -- Do you know how many schools,farms,shops and people's livelihoods were bombed by your country??

Would these be the same schools the Soviet union built :lol: Most of everything that was destroyed was destroyed by the Mujas, the same people Pakistan created.

Unless you are claiming that Pakistan did not create radicles and that it was not the radicles that destroyed schools but the Russians? Why not go further and claim it was also the Russians that forced women to cover their faces.

- Do you know the number of Afghans your country killed to fulfill its blind greed?? Do you know how much blood is on your hands??

Plenty of terrorists were killed. As for 'blind greed', the Soviet Union got nothing from Afghanistan. In fact the Soviets spend billions on developing the country and billions more on fighting for the Afghan government.

Answer these questions before bringing apologies, you might need a barrel of vodka even if a little bit of something called humanity still flows in your veins.

I don't drink, thanks for the stereotyping though.
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