@SaadH @Sayfullah @Ikbal ,
Brothers, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in sorting through the dump of documents I have received from the British archives in this docket.
The documents as a whole are really interesting and actually relate to the calculation that the British have about what the state of Pakistan represents or could represent to the Muslim world at large. It also includes within it the British assessment of what sort of state Pakistan was formed to be in passing.
It is really really interesting stuff. I promise. The issue is that there are some 80 documents that need to be sorted through. Given that this is all going through the foreign office, it is influencing policy at the highest levels of government.
I wanted to sort through it and organize it before I could dump the lot of it here. I have the rights to publish these documents publicly too. Would you be interested in helping me sort through these docs if you have time.
Alternatively, there might be other brothers who might be interested too?
As far as the gaslighter on this thread, I have blocked him as I promised to do after the individual showed a lack of essential skills necessary to have discourse. I’m sure he is continuing to gaslight but I can’t see it anymore. Good riddance for that I guess! He wasted a month gaslighting the existence of documents in official British archives while it took me three days to procure them from Monday.
Next steps, I want to collate all the speeches of Jinnah and Iqbal on this topic together in a parallel thread too. Would love help on that if anyone has bandwidth.
Seeing this thread, Molana Rumi did the right thing by saying goodbye to being an islamic scholar and becoming a divine lover of Allah, so did Iqbal.
Lol, all the gaslighting was done from one side. If you pour through the thread you will see who was being like Rumi and who was not.