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Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

Maybe you have not seen picture of flood victim on TV. The poor pakistani people look just brown like most Indian.

Only rich pakistani who live inside big house look fair.

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Yes but majority of Pakistanis from Sindh and Punjab. Poor farmer from Sindh and Punjab look like what show in video.

Sindh and Punjab people are same like Indians, and "Ancient Indians"

Maybe other Baloch and Pashtun people different from "Ancient Indians".
Maybe you have not seen picture of flood victim on TV. The poor pakistani people look just brown like most Indian.

Poor people usually take jobs like manual labor and are continuously exposed to sun,naturally making them darker.
So same like Indians no? If I look at video, I cannot tell if India or Pakistan (only by muslim dress I can guess maybe Pakistan).

Majority of poor Pakistanis and "Indus people" look like that only. No difference.

But rich, fair Pakistani want to protect and feel superior, so they say Indians dark and we are fair.
the south indians have gone to great lengths to:
a) disprove the Aryan invasion theory
b) cliam the indus valley as a dravidian settlement.

Following is an interview of Ahmed Hassan Dani , a renowned Pakistani archaeologist, he got a gold medal from Banaras Hindu University and here is what he had to say

Ancient Indus Valley Script: Dani Interview Text Only

Now there are other researchers also who the Tamil Nadu gang has been showering with medals and funds so as to show that some how the indus valley civilisation was linked with south india where as there just isnt evidence to support this claim.

For the tamil nadu telagu gang this is a highly politicised part of ancient history for which they are willing to go to great lenghts to re-write it from their point of view
Where I say south India or Tamil Nadu? Cannot you read my posts?

Can you make out from video of flood victims, whether they are in Lahore or Mathura? I cannot make out. Same people.

TV never show video of poor people. show only rich fair Pakistani. So only when poor people die, they show them. That is why flood victim video I post.

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Yes but majority of Pakistanis from Sindh and Punjab. Poor farmer from Sindh and Punjab look like what show in video.

Sindh and Punjab people are same like Indians, and "Ancient Indians"

Maybe other Baloch and Pashtun people different from "Ancient Indians".

I wouldn't say that, In northern punjab people are quite fair compared to southern punjab. Punjab is not a race its a region and various different ethnic group live their, i can agree to some extent that interior sindhis look like indians but not all of Sindhis
Where I say south India or Tamil Nadu? Cannot you read my posts?

Can you make out from video of flood victims, whether they are in Lahore or Mathura? I cannot make out. Same people.

TV never show video of poor people. show only rich fair Pakistani. So only when poor people die, they show them. That is why flood victim video I post.

YouTube - UN Says Millions Without Help in Pakistan Floods

quite frankly the tone of skin means nothing in terms of belonging , if I were to grab one guy from Dublin and one from London , they will both look very similar but they are not the same. The Irish are Celts where as the English are Anglo-Saxons.

Similiary people from india and Pakistan might have similarities but they are not the the same ... this fact just doesnt sink into your thick heads.
They are the same, but you cannot accept because you want to protect 'Ideology of Pakistan' that was introduced by Pakistani Army in 1960s.

Jinnah never said about looks or race. He only talk about religion. But later race also added by racial supremacist Pakistani Army people who say that Pakistanis fair and hindus dark. Total rubbish.

India is happy with border. We don't want Pakistan. But we would appreciate if you recognize the fact. No harm in that. Pakistan will not disappear if you appreciate fact. But maybe the radical nationalist element would become weak and it will be better for future of Pakistan.

Bangladesh also free country, but they don't teach that Bangladesh people are different race from Indians.
In that sense there is no such thing as a Pakistani look. Somebody from Chitral or Hunza Gilgit may not look like somebody from Kurram or Dera Ismail Khan who won't look like someone from lets say Faisalabad or Azad Hyderabad

we have many shapes, sizes and colours in our country.......it's a huge gift for Pakistan which not many other countries could brag about

we must celebrate it
They are the same, but you cannot accept because you want to protect 'Ideology of Pakistan' that was introduced by Pakistani Army in 1960s.

Jinnah never said about looks or race. He only talk about religion. But later race also added by racial supremacist Pakistani Army people who say that Pakistanis fair and hindus dark. Total rubbish.

India is happy with border. We don't want Pakistan. But we would appreciate if you recognize the fact. No harm in that. Pakistan will not disappear if you appreciate fact. But maybe the radical nationalist element would become weak and it will be better for future of Pakistan.

Bangladesh also free country, but they don't teach that Bangladesh people are different race from Indians.

There is nothing wrong in acknowledging if one is dark or not, I myself has seen many european looking green eyed indian beauties but on average indians are darker than pakistanis, just as punjabis are darker than pushtun. Why do you want us to accept what we are not and we will never be. History has shown bangladeshis and indians have always remain united, bengalis have the same culture, tradition, language except religion, they are your people, but pakistanis are not your people. Pakistan is a natural extension of central asia.
You want to believe that because you are paranoid about being "different" from India. But Bangladesh people are not so paranoid. They can appreciate that people and history is same, but only modern boundary is different. That way enmity is reduce and cooperation increase.

Dark skin people also equally beautiful. But because of racism us subcontinent people think that only fair skin people are beautiful. So we like to pretend that we are all fair and thus "beautiful".
They are the same, but you cannot accept because you want to protect 'Ideology of Pakistan' that was introduced by Pakistani Army in 1960s.

Jinnah never said about looks or race. He only talk about religion. But later race also added by racial supremacist Pakistani Army people who say that Pakistanis fair and hindus dark. Total rubbish.

India is happy with border. We don't want Pakistan. But we would appreciate if you recognize the fact. No harm in that. Pakistan will not disappear if you appreciate fact. But maybe the radical nationalist element would become weak and it will be better for future of Pakistan.

Bangladesh also free country, but they don't teach that Bangladesh people are different race from Indians.

first of all 'indian' is a not a race to begin with and NO, Pakistanis are not the same as indians .. 8 out of 10 times a Pakistani can tell just by the dress, the built and the face cut of the individual if he/she is indian or Pakistani wihtout taking into account skin tones so why you keep insiting that they are same when to keen eye the differences are obvious ?

Dont get me worng I belive that all humans are created equal by God but humans are differenitated based on 'Taqwa' .. ( this is my beilf and you dont have to ascribe to it ) however you indians should get this rubbish out of your systems that Indians and Pakistanis are the 'same' people as this is not the case and has never been the case

basically you use this mantra to undermie the very creation of Pakistan
with all due respect it is only the indians who harp and show their complex over skin colour and all that

of course in Pakistan some aging old aunties here and there will praise a 'fair' child or son in law but its an old passe mentality........at least based on my life i never much hear about it in Pakistan

whereas u watch bollywood or their commercials (i personally don't) and you see that the people they choose are totally unrepresentative of their population (the accents, the obvious application of skin creams and all that stuff)

who cares about skin colour? Westerners pay good money to sit in those machines just so they can get darker and here are people --some of whom are ashamed of a little bit of pigment in their skin

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