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Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

Sufi?I thought they were a spiritual cult who asked you to reject conventional religion.

Dark to light,not bad bro.Did they also tell you to slaughter people of other faith or forcibly convert them under the sword?

Again same nonsence, pakistani punjab and sindh were never hindu, pakistanis became buddhist during asoka rule and remained buddhist untill muslims arrived, Chach nama is available to read.
The very few hindu architecture in pakistan cannot be dated past few centuries, while the buddhist architecture found in pakistan is thousands of years old, few buddhist civilization was ghandara, indo greek, kushans and huns
Ok, Could you enlighten us, how does pakistani punjab belongs to hindus siks, as i told you before the real punjab lies in pakistan, indian punjab is not the ancient punjab, pakistani punjab belongs to the pakistani people wwho live their, no bengali, no nepali and no bharti can claim that even if his ancestors used to live there

These bharatis are delusional man, they dont see the INTERNATIONAL BORDER dividing Pakistan's Punjab Province from indian punjab state.

They need visa passport to even visit Pakistan's Punjab Province, they can only dream of buying property in Pakistan's Punjab province.

Pakistan's Punjab province belongs to only PAKISTANIS (Pakhtoon, Baloch, Sindhi, Gilgiti, Balti, etc..)

bharati hindu/sikh punjabis are nothing to us :sniper:
Tell that to japanese buddhist or chinese buddhist, A bharti has no right to claim budhism as their own religion given the fact how buddhism was exterminated from its place of birth by hindus all the budhists were hounded out of bharat during gupta empire, millions were slaughtered.

Following are some of the differences we can see in the principles and practice of these two religions.

1. Hinduism is not founded by any particular prophet. Buddhism was founded by the Buddha.

2. Hinduism believes in the efficacy and supremacy of the Vedas. The Buddhist do not believe in the Vedas or for that matter any Hindu scripture.

3. Buddhism does not believe in the existence of souls as well in the first cause, whom we generally call God. Hinduism believe in the existence of Atman , that is the individual soul and Brahman, the Supreme Creator.

4. Hinduism accepts the Buddha as an incarnation of Mahavishnu, one of the gods of Hindu trinity. The Buddhist do not accept any Hindu god either as equivalent or superior to the Buddha.

5. The original Buddhism as taught by the Buddha is known as Theravada Buddhism or Hinayana Buddhism. Followers of this do not worship images of the Buddha nor believe in the Bodhisattvas. The Mahayana sect considers the Buddha as the Supreme Soul or the Highest Being, akin to the Brahman of Hinduism and worship him in the form of images and icons.

6. The Buddhists consider the world to be full of sorrow and regard ending the sorrow as the chief aim of human life. The Hindus consider that there are four chief aims (arthas) in life which every being should pursue. They are dharma (religious duty), artha (wealth or material possessions), kama (desires and passions) and moksha (salvation.)

7. Hindus also believe in the four ashramas or stages in life. This is not followed in Buddhism. People can join the Order any time depending upon their spiritual preparedness.

8. Buddhists organize themselves into a monastic Order (Sangha) and the monks live in groups. Hinduism is basically a religion of the individual.

9. Buddhism believes in the concept of Bodhisattvas. Hinduism does not believe in it.

11. Buddhism acknowledge the existence of some gods and goddesses of Hindu pantheon, but give them a rather subordinate status.

12. Refuge in the Buddha, the Sangha and Dhamma are the three cardinal requirements on the eightfold path. Hinduism offers many choices to its followers on the path of self-realization.

13. Although both religions believe in karma and rebirth, they differ in the manner in which they operate and impact the existence of individual beings.

Yeah,one of those paths can also be buddhism.

These spiritual differences you mentioned are very minimal.

I agree buddhists have been slaughtered in the past over religion but thats the most shameful thing ever in the history of hinduism,people who do that in the name of religion cannot be true hindus at all.

In Tamilnadu,there were lot of buddhists and now many of them are hindus,not in the vedic sense,no atman/brahman but in their own way of hinduism which they modified to their own ways of belief.

Moreover,hindus hardly went and destroyed buddhists shrines,that honour truly belongs to muslims and christians.

In south india,buddhism survived till the 15-16th century.
Let me bust this myth that once upon a time people of Panjab and Sindh were 'Hindus' in large numbers.

Lets look at Hinduism.

Hindus have multiple statues of their gods , these are in the form of monkey ( Hanuman ) in the form of Elephant ( Ganesh ) and many others with some having multiple limbs and some in the form of a snake etc etc.

They make large number of these statues; big and small and of all sizes.

Now my question is WHERE in Pakistan have excavations revealed statues of monkey form Hanuman, elephant form Ganesh or Kali or Shiva and so many more , WHERE ?

Answer is that NOWHERE in Pakistan have ANY artefacts been found that resemble these forms.

Statues of Gautam Budh that have been found, big and small and they have stood the test of time

So similarly shouldn’t the statues of Hanuman, Ganesh and all others (if they were ever there) have stood the test of time and at least some traces of these be found ? The fact that none have been found leads one to believe that this type of Hinduism never existed in this land called Pakistan

Also look at the temples that Hindus build, they are huge, extensive and intricate , how come none have been found in Pakistan ? The ancient ruin that we have in Harapa , Moenjo daro , Taxila none have any sign of these type of temples that Hindus have .

It should be asked well why not ? If their are ancient ruins of other structures why there are not ancient ruin of hindu temples ?

The lack of these can be attributed to two things

a. There never existed in the land that is Pakistan the kind of Hinduism that is there in India.
b. If it did exist at some time, all traces of it were wiped out so extensively that noting that is there today relates to it not even any ruins.

In both case then the people of preset day Panjab and Sindh have no big relation to the Hindus of India.

So HOW can Indians continue to claim that Panjab and Sindh were 'Hindu' , the archaeological evidence just does not support this bs claim.

Basically all fascist beliefs tend to claim anything and every thing as theirs , like Hindus even claim that Buddhism is also a form of Hinduism , Harapa and Indus valley were also part of Hinduism and there are even those who say that the pagans of Mecca with their statues and all were ALSO part of Hinduisms.

These calims are just ludicrous, we need to look at facts rather than the spin that our neighbours from the east put , one has to admits that they are good at spinning facts.

Basically in logon ko Quaid ka do-Qaumi nazriya hazam nahin hota
Ok, Could you enlighten us, how does pakistani punjab belongs to hindus siks, as i told you before the real punjab lies in pakistan, indian punjab is not the ancient punjab, pakistani punjab belongs to the pakistani people wwho live their, no bengali, no nepali and no bharti can claim that even if his ancestors used to live there

real or not,whatever it might be,punjabi hindus and sikhs are pretty much from there.Maybe 60 years ago and today they might be living everywhere in the world from Canada to Newzeland except in Pakistani punjab but these boundaries do not change anything at all.

I am tamil and i ll always be even if tomorrow someone asks me to get out of there.
These bharatis are delusional man, they dont see the INTERNATIONAL BORDER dividing Pakistan's Punjab Province from indian punjab state.

They need visa passport to even visit Pakistan's Punjab Province, they can only dream of buying property in Pakistan's Punjab province.

Pakistan's Punjab province belongs to only PAKISTANIS (Pakhtoon, Baloch, Sindhi, Gilgiti, Balti, etc..)

bharati hindu/sikh punjabis are nothing to us :sniper:

Omar, I can understand why bhartis want to claim pakistanis punajb as their own, because all the pakistanis who ruled bhartis were punjabis or punjabi born. Most famous punjabis are Chandragupta Maurya, Asoka, Bahlol Khan Lodi, Sikandar Lodhi, Firuz Shah Tughlaq, Ghiyas ud din Tughluq Shah, Sher Sha Suri, Abdali there are more i cant remeber
I know that things are the same.If you are not the same,you have to be arbi or turk and you should go back there.If you claim to belong to wherever you do,then you are one of the same.I am not saying it,i know,it is a fact for FFS..

Read on Pakistani Punjabis. We are much more diverse than Indian Punjabis (who are mostly Jatts).

Pakistani Punjabis also have Jatts but we also have Maliks, Syyeds, Qureshis, Gilanis, Moghals, Naqvis, Rizvis, etc who have nothing in common with indian punjabis.

And even our Pakistani Jatts are patriotic Pakistanis who want nothing to do with you bharati punjabis.

In fact we Pakistani Punjabis want you bharati punjabis to make your Khalistan out of your indian punjab state, haryana, and himachal pradesh. Even with your Khalistan, we dont want to unite with you because we Pakistani Punjabis already have our own homeland, Pakistan.

you should be,else you would have got slaughtered beyond recognition.

Yea just like the millions of Muslim Punjabis you bharati punjabis slaughtered when they were peacefully trying to cross into Pakistan's Punjab province during partition.
Let me bust this myth that once upon a time people of Panjab and Sindh were 'Hindus' in large numbers.

Lets look at Hinduism.

Hindus have multiple statues of their gods , these are in the form of monkey ( Hanuman ) in the form of Elephant ( Ganesh ) and many others with some having multiple limbs and some in the form of a snake etc etc.

They make large number of these statues; big and small and of all sizes.

Now my question is WHERE in Pakistan have excavations revealed statues of monkey form Hanuman, elephant form Ganesh or Kali or Shiva and so many more , WHERE ?

Answer is that NOWHERE in Pakistan have ANY artefacts been found that resemble these forms.

Statues of Gautam Budh that have been found, big and small and they have stood the test of time

So similarly shouldn’t the statues of Hanuman, Ganesh and all others (if they were ever there) have stood the test of time and at least some traces of these be found ? The fact that none have been found leads one to believe that this type of Hinduism never existed in this land called Pakistan

Also look at the temples that Hindus build, they are huge, extensive and intricate , how come none have been found in Pakistan ? The ancient ruin that we have in Harapa , Moenjo daro , Taxila none have any sign of these type of temples that Hindus have .

It should be asked well why not ? If their are ancient ruins of other structures why there are not ancient ruin of hindu temples ?

The lack of these can be attributed to two things

a. There never existed in the land that is Pakistan the kind of Hinduism that is there in India.
b. If it did exist at some time, all traces of it were wiped out so extensively that noting that is there today relates to it not even any ruins.

In both case then the people of preset day Panjab and Sindh have no big relation to the Hindus of India.

So HOW can Indians continue to claim that Panjab and Sindh were 'Hindu' , the archaeological evidence just does not support this bs claim.

Basically all fascist beliefs tend to claim anything and every thing as theirs , like Hindus even claim that Buddhism is also a form of Hinduism , Harapa and Indus valley were also part of Hinduism and there are even those who say that the pagans of Mecca with their statues and all were ALSO part of Hinduisms.

These calims are just ludicrous, we need to look at facts rather than the spin that our neighbours from the east put , one has to admits that they are good at spinning facts.

Basically in logon ko Quaid ka do-Qaumi nazriya hazam nahin hota

If you are talking of a territory as belonging to a religion,then pakistan doesn't belong to them and yes pagans used to exist even in mecca.

If you are talking of pakistan as belonging to the people of the region,say punjabis,balochi,pashtun,sindhi even then lot of hindus/sikhs can have stake in it and not the mohajirs.

Decide for yourself if you are of the region/religion.
Omar, I can understand why bhartis want to claim pakistanis punajb as their own, because all the pakistanis who ruled bhartis were punjabis or punjabi born. Most famous punjabis are Chandragupta Maurya, Asoka, Bahlol Khan Lodi, Sikandar Lodhi, Firuz Shah Tughlaq, Ghiyas ud din Tughluq Shah, Sher Sha Suri, Abdali there are more i cant remeber

last i heard,patna/pataliputra was in bihar and abdali?seriously?
Yeah,one of those paths can also be buddhism.

These spiritual differences you mentioned are very minimal.

I agree buddhists have been slaughtered in the past over religion but thats the most shameful thing ever in the history of hinduism,people who do that in the name of religion cannot be true hindus at all.

In Tamilnadu,there were lot of buddhists and now many of them are hindus,not in the vedic sense,no atman/brahman but in their own way of hinduism which they modified to their own ways of belief.

Moreover,hindus hardly went and destroyed buddhists shrines,that honour truly belongs to muslims and christians.

In south india,buddhism survived till the 15-16th century.

We still have buddhist architecture available in every major city in pakistan, While in Bharat every buddhist architecture was destroyed, If it wasn't for the pakistani ghandhara civilization ther would be no budhist in the world today,
Thanks to pakistanis for taking in budhists who fled their place of birth bharat to take refuge here, From ghandara budhism spread to china(pakistan's 5000 year old friend) , from china it spread to to japan and korea.
If you are talking of a territory as belonging to a religion,then pakistan doesn't belong to them and yes pagans used to exist even in mecca.

If you are talking of pakistan as belonging to the people of the region,say punjabis,balochi,pashtun,sindhi even then lot of hindus/sikhs can have stake in it and not the mohajirs.

Decide for yourself if you are of the region/religion.

you have side stepped all the points I raised in my post , read my post again and then tell me how can you say that people of Pakistan's Panjab and Sindh are related to Hindus of india when clearly there is no link
Read on Pakistani Punjabis. We are much more diverse than Indian Punjabis (who are mostly Jatts).

Pakistani Punjabis also have Jatts but we also have Maliks, Syyeds, Qureshis, Gilanis, Moghals, Naqvis, Rizvis, etc who have nothing in common with indian punjabis.

And even our Pakistani Jatts are patriotic Pakistanis who want nothing to do with you bharati punjabis.

In fact we Pakistani Punjabis want you bharati punjabis to make your Khalistan out of your indian punjab state, haryana, and himachal pradesh. Even with your Khalistan, we dont want to unite with you because we Pakistani Punjabis already have our own homeland, Pakistan.

Yea just like the millions of Muslim Punjabis you bharati punjabis slaughtered when they were peacefully trying to cross into Pakistan's Punjab province during partition.

what Jatt/Rajput/Gujjar?

Once you are muslim why dont you give up all this?

and regarding khalistan there are lot of jatts who quashed it too.Kuldip singh brar,KPS Gill and many many people.

once you convert,go search for your identity in islam,dont hold onto your caste because it suits your convenience.

yeah and those muslim punjabis were waving white flags,is it?

everyone knows it is the muslims who start the fight and indulge in violence always?

Starting from direct action day in calcutta and the whole violent legacy of your very religion,it sounds funny that the innocent,peave loving doves of islam got slaughtered on the way.
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