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Historic uprising of Bangladesh silent majority

So according to you non muslims are what they are because all of them are corrupted and lack any moral value? Zakir naik 101? Buddy get rid of the narcissism and learn humility, else rest of the world would be laughing at you, as they already do.

The corrupted ones are corrupted because they don't follow Islamic teaching. Did i mention non-Muslims? many self proclaiming Muslims are worse than some non-Muslim. You have done a great job on twisting my words though.
I love it when junior and senior dada's give us sermons, lessons and occasional insults, as if Kolkata is still capital of British Raj. I would like to remind them of Lakkhan Sena and Bakhtyar Khilji some 800 years back. Yes, we lost to the British, but never to dada's. So please keep your sermons, lessons and insults for your own kinds. If it was not for the British who saved your behind, you would be still be under our thumb. Maratha or Sikh could not help you. You should feel lucky that you got to join Ram Rajya and escape from our clutch, just because the Brits came on the scene.
I love it when junior and senior dada's give us sermons, lessons and occasional insults, as if Kolkata is still capital of British Raj. I would like to remind them of Lakkhan Sena and Bakhtyar Khilji some 800 years back. Yes, we lost to the British, but never to dada's. So please keep your sermons, lessons and insults for your own kinds. If it was not for the British who saved your behind, you would be still be under our thumb. Maratha or Sikh could not help you. You should feel lucky that you got to join Ram Rajya and escape from our clutch, just because the Brits came on the scene.

:rofl: Bakhtyar Khilji was a foreigner who subjugated your ppl while the Senas were your own ppl. I didnt know BD's had turkic ancestory.
:rofl: Bakhtyar Khilji was a foreigner who subjugated your ppl while the Senas were your own ppl. I didnt know BD's had turkic ancestory.

Yes to you they are foreigner, but to us they are not. They are our heroes and saviors who saved our ancestors from Hindu Brahmonic caste hegemony.

Are you a dada from West Bengal? Because these dada's like to imagine that these Turkic and Turko-Mongol migrants came to South Asia, but somehow they did not enter Bangladesh land mass and stopped their horses right on the Radcliffe drawn future borders, which they detected with their alien technology.

Speaking of foreigners, Brahman's are invaders too, it is just that their ancestors came a few thousand years back. South Asia, like many other places in the world, is a land of migrants and people of mixed ancestry.
Yes to you they are foreigner, but to us they are not. They are our heroes and saviors who saved our ancestors from Hindu Brahmonic caste hegemony.

Are you a dada from West Bengal? Because these dada's like to imagine that these Turkic and Turko-Mongol migrants came to South Asia, but somehow they did not enter Bangladesh land mass and stopped their horses right on the Radcliffe drawn future borders, which they detected with their alien technology.

Speaking of foreigners, Brahman's are invaders too, it is just that their ancestors came a few thousand years back. South Asia, like many other places in the world, is a land of migrants and people of mixed ancestry.

No I am not a bong but I like bongs 'coz my gf is one. Infact her ancestral place is in Chittagong.
I love it when junior and senior dada's give us sermons, lessons and occasional insults, as if Kolkata is still capital of British Raj. I would like to remind them of Lakkhan Sena and Bakhtyar Khilji some 800 years back. Yes, we lost to the British, but never to dada's. So please keep your sermons, lessons and insults for your own kinds. If it was not for the British who saved your behind, you would be still be under our thumb. Maratha or Sikh could not help you. You should feel lucky that you got to join Ram Rajya and escape from our clutch, just because the Brits came on the scene.
Buddy I could have given you a short history lesson but it's too late in evening for that, meanwhile Google is your friend.
Buddy I could have given you a short history lesson but it's too late in evening for that, meanwhile Google is your friend.

I know what lesson you will give me. We have been through it many times.

I only bring it up, so you guys behave in a dignified fashion in an international forum and not make personal attacks or insults, specially when you poke into Bangladesh matters and Bangladesh section of the forum, and start taking sides with sketchy knowledge on Bangladesh matters. I do not see Bangladeshi's doing this in India section or any other part of the forum.

With Loki you have a really nice amiable mod. If it was me, I would send you guys packing at slightest provocation. But I am not the mod, they will not make me and I do not have the time either.

If anything, its an opportunity for you guys to learn about another country, information that you are not going to get anywhere else.
:rofl: Bakhtyar Khilji was a foreigner who subjugated your ppl while the Senas were your own ppl. I didnt know BD's had turkic ancestory.

@ Let me tell you the true story of the Senas. Some elements of Senas used to stay at Mastangar in Bogra. Before the Senas came Pal Dynesty used to rule this area of Bengal and they were all Bhuddist. Now, once Senas came from Deccan they fled away towards South East. Some went to North towards China. Some fled to Sri Lanka. Once Senas came in this areas, common people had no religion. They were not allowed to observed/preach their own religion (Bhuddist). Nor they were allowed to convert to Hinduism as no convertee were allowed in those days.

@ Now, the Senas made a new theory of conversion. At first they made a special type of "Mandiir" in these areas amd named them as " Sharaen Mandir". Now, they started bringing stout and strong "Brahmon" from the Deccan and placed them in these "Mandirs". Then they declared that all the young women to serve these "Brahmon". In the process the incoming child was declared a legal and this offspring could be considered as Hindus. This system of conversion continued for two to three centuries till the arrival of Bukhtir Khilji. This was one of the main reasons why the "Peer, Fakirs and Mashek" started coming to this areas in bulk.
That's disgusting if true :what:. Can you give some sources?

It's all in his mind. Please don't ask the sources.

The thing about palas and senas are mostly true, second paragraph is akmals fertile imagination.
I know what lesson you will give me. We have been through it many times.

I only bring it up, so you guys behave in a dignified fashion in an international forum and not make personal attacks or insults, specially when you poke into Bangladesh matters and Bangladesh section of the forum, and start taking sides with sketchy knowledge on Bangladesh matters. I do not see Bangladeshi's doing this in India section or any other part of the forum.

With Loki you have a really nice amiable mod. If it was me, I would send you guys packing at slightest provocation. But I am not the mod, they will not make me and I do not have the time either.

If anything, its an opportunity for you guys to learn about another country, information that you are not going to get anywhere else.
Oh cry me a river.

Aren't you a mod in your bd2050 forum. :lol:
It's all in his mind. Please don't ask the sources.

Oh cry me a river.

Aren't you a mod in your bd2050 forum. :lol:

The thing about palas and senas are mostly true, second paragraph is akmals fertile imagination.

I always recommended Loki as the first preference, because I just don't have the time.

bd2050 public forum was a waste of time because of this retard hamfist.

As for "stout" Brahmins creating off springs, I have heard this from a Hindu friend of mine about Rishi's engaging in this practice. Don't know if it happened in Bengal, may be Akmal Bhai can provide some source.
That's disgusting if true :what:. Can you give some sources?

@ I have some "Choti Books" from Mastangar of Bogra. Actually I went to see the Mazar of that area. I saw it is written, " Shah Sultan Rumi, Borkhi, Mahi Sowar". What a peculier name ? He was a peer and also a Sultan of that area. He came from Borkh city(Afghanistan). He came from Arakan in a big ship shape like a fish(mahi) through the Korotua river.

@ So, I was telling , I bought lot of "Choti Books" written by local writers. But strange non of these facts are written in any formal history books. These facts were written in the form of "Jatra". The whole area of greater Bogra became a muslim under this Peer and then they revolted and finally defeated the local Sena Kings. During the British times this Bogra district had the highest % of muslims almost 85/90 % in the whole of greater Bengal.

@ Are bhai @LaBong, I am not jocking. I am a matured man. You can very well come to Bogra and varify it. Still there are lot of Jatra Party playing these facts. Moreso, the local books are still available. But I promise you one day I will show you the photo copies of those books.
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Country will be run by those illiterate mobs. What they know of world. Keep prayers dont bother to ruin this country.
Cant make sculptures by their order. As if its their mamu bari. Go break sculptures of Ksa and Iran.
yes mongols and turks were ethnically different.... But what were central asians before converting to Islam?? Part of the mongol empire???

This is a very broad subject. Central Asian Turkic people who were an earlier mix of defeated nomadic scythians and proto-Turks from Altai region, have already become Muslim by the time Mongol tribes united under Chingis Khan around 1200 AD:
Sultan Satuq Bughra Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After Chingis Khan, Turkic Central Asia became a part of Mongol Eurasian empire.

Proto-Turks in Altai were neighbors of Mongol tribes to their east and have shared genetics as well as culture. Here is some wiki articles that will give you some background:

Turkic peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mongols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Church of the East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nestorianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shamanism in Siberia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tengrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Buddhism was influential in Central Asia, so were Nestorianism (Church of the East) and Manichaeism at different times. The nomadic tribes were more into Tengrism which is a form of Shamanism, such as Mongols and Turkic nomads. Shamanism in different forms still exists in Siberia among proto-Turkic people like Tuvans:
Tuvans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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