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Historic uprising of Bangladesh silent majority

1) AL's definition of Bangalism is very weired. A person has a name and his family name. This identifies hm very correctly. Likewise, a group of people have ethnicity as well as religion. Why does AL think it is a sin for a person to identiy himself a Hindu, a Muslim or a Buddhist? To Humayun Azad type of people it is more fashionable to think themselves only as Bangalis, because it pleases AL leadership and its counterpart in Kolkata.

In the historical time until partition of India or upto 1971, the muslims of this region were generally either called 'Musalmans', 'Musalmans of Bengal' or 'Banglar Musalman.' But, they were never regarded as just 'Bangali.' On the other hand, Hindus of this region called and regarded themselves as Bangali and us as just Muslims (not even Bangali Muslims).

During liberation war we never debated about this identity of 'Bangali Muslims.' But, by intention AL started to chiesel out this Muslim identity to just a single word 'Bangali' identity. This is a disguise to make our country a part of greater India. If we lose Muslim identity, it is easy for the ALs to misguide us to join west Bengal that by extension makes us Indian again.

So, Humayun Azad type of stupids are making fun of our identity to take out our fearsome muslim identity to make the remaining identity compatible with the identity of west Bengalis and by extension to Indianism.

2) Beard has nothing to do with a religion except Sikhism. Why did you make a stupid point out of beard?

3) A moderate Islam, and not Talibanism or atheism, is what has been preached and followed in Bangladsh since 1947. Today, 69% or more people are educated as a result of this. However, the recent muslim reaction is against the AL policy of misguiding us towards atheism in the name of a singular identity of Bangalism. When the country gets rid of this atheists it will again go back to its usual form of a moderate muslim identity. In fact, it still remains so.

Let @madx remain an atheist, because it is his personal choice. But, the country should not allow you to propagate atheism through electronics apparatus. People like you should be caught and hanged.

Doesn't Mr Azad published an article about bongo bhongo and okhondo bangla in bichitra back in 80s?the cuttings are somewhere in my fathers collection. Can some body post about his very pro Kolkata articles?
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Whatever's AL ,BNP,JAmaat ,Hefazat thinks our culture socioeconomic systems will never be a secular country or a radically Muslim country. Our ppl will remain moderate. We will have gae holud in the wedding s and we will participate in milads as well.we will eat bhorta on pohela boishakh.firni in Eid.my children will speak in bangla and they will learn Arabic to read Kuran.they will go to Bangladeshi cultural program's and when the time comes they will go to Makkah for Hajj insha-Allah.
Whatever's AL ,BNP,JAmaat ,Hefazat thinks our culture socioeconomic systems will never be a secular country or a radically Muslim country. Our ppl will remain moderate. We will have gae holud in the wedding s and we will participate in milads as well.we will eat bhorta on pohela boishakh.firni in Eid.my children will speak in bangla and they will learn Arabic to read Kuran.they will go to Bangladeshi cultural program's and when the time comes they will go to Makkah for Hajj insha-Allah.

Your reading of Bangladesh and its grassroot majority people aspiration seems to be a view from Shahbagh and siloed view from "projonmo" type understanding. First, Awami League and its anti Islam act does not go in same bracket as other political and non political entity you mentioned. Second, divide and discourse are not about being able to "eat bhorta on pohela boishakh.firni in Eid". its much deeper and about majority Muslim population aspiration had been supressed by indian branded secular imposition. And now majority calling out to set their aspiration in the right place. "Boishakh", "gae holud " etc. are mundane things.
This is who we are Muslim by birth and practice and Bangladeshi by birth and heritage. If you are from a bangladeshi Muslim family you know both goes hand in hand you can not live without the other.I do not condone Al secularism or Hefazats extremely changed versions of our lifestyle.nor the mass living in rural areas will support.have you talked to a mojur,mistri,rikshaala ,dokandar recently? I work with them.some of my best lines comes from what they say about all this hulla -bulla.they are not in this at all.
This is who we are Muslim by birth and practice and Bangladeshi by birth and heritage. If you are from a bangladeshi Muslim family you know both goes hand in hand you can not live without the other.I do not condone Al secularism or Hefazats extremely changed versions of our lifestyle.nor the mass living in rural areas will support.have you talked to a mojur,mistri,rikshaala ,dokandar recently? I work with them.some of my best lines comes from what they say about all this hulla -bulla.they are not in this at all.

i do agree with you to some extent ........the average people dont want this chaos .......... and you wont see the avarage mojur,mistri,rikshaala ,dokandar going to shah bag and chanting 'phasi chai' nor do they want to ban jamat...........
unfortunately extremism begets extremism ..........and this hefazat movement is just a counter force to the shahbag movement

as newton said "প্রত্যেক ক্রিয়ারই একটি সমান ও বিপরীত প্রতিক্রিয়া রয়েছে"
i do agree with you to some extent ........the average people dont want this chaos .......... and you wont see the avarage mojur,mistri,rikshaala ,dokandar going to shah bag and chanting 'phasi chai' nor do they want to ban jamat...........
unfortunately extremism begets extremism ..........and this hefazat movement is just a counter force to the shahbag movement

as newton said "প্রত্যেক ক্রিয়ারই একটি সমান ও বিপরীত প্রতিক্রিয়া রয়েছে"

Bro, Can't agree with U on Hefazot being extreme part . There was nothing extreme about them. They didn't demanded fashi like facist mentality shabagi clowns ,but laws to try future blasphemers.:)
Now it seems facist awami-leftist turds are after Allama Shafi. Some dalal bigots are filing case against him:

আল্লামা শাহ শফীর বিরুদ্ধে মামলা হচ্ছে: আইনজীবী তানিয়া আমীর


Not to forget the age old scum awami-leftist tactic of labeling opposition as "raz@Kar":

‘আল্লামা শফী ছিলেন ’৭১ মুজাহিদ বাহিনীতে’
Notun Projonmer Murgi-Jodhha

Firing at hifajat Activists

Yes, AL tried to gain political leverage from Shahbag movement. Jamat tried to save their leaders skin by bringing those Islam hating unknown Atheist into lime light. These atheist blogger existed before, but they were hiding in closet. If some of them dare to insult Islam people killed them, otherwise ignored them. But now look what happened. Thanks to Jamat's unyielding devotion to few people, the atheist managed to get influence & power over young people. Now you guys are pushing people further from Islam by calling the general people nastik. Does any of you got enough islamic knowledge or authority to call a large group of people nastik?

Any proof of that? Where did I call the "general people" nastik?

People simply saw their blogs being used in Shahbag. Are you saying those people out in the streets are closet Jamaatis ?

Or is it another way of saying that their attempts against a worthless party like Jamaat are inevitably going to wind up as a failure?

Whoever they are, they are simply dividing the nation even more, and making the entire situation even more complicated and chaotic.

One doesn't need to have religious knowledge to understand the ground situation.

If they simply isolated the role and legitimacy of faith away from the war crimes tribunal, then this mess would not have happened in the first place.

Responsibility starts at home. And that's what those Shahbagis are, irresponsible, and immature.
One killed and 300 injured by genocidal police and Awami League attack

Aei dekhen .a make shabagi bole ki hobe ?morar upor kharar gha.our life and lively hood is in jeopardy as it is by AL and BNP/jamat.now non political groups wants to start andolon.USA bashi bhaira boro boro kothar shathe kichu dollars pathae dien.
Responsibility starts at home. And that's what those Shahbagis are, irresponsible, and immature.

fully agree with you.but why is the govt acting in such a immature and irresponsible way........AL handled the hefazat long march in the worst possible way........and the way they supported the shahbag movement is totally idiotic....................
you would have thought that AL atleast has some experienced politicians .............

the only thing AL govt did is polarize the country..........:angry:
AL government has already arrested some atheist bloggers. Surely there are some atheist & lefties is in AL but that doesn't mean all Awami Leaguers are all Nastik or Murtad.

Question is why do you feel so protective of AL? I congratulate @eastwatch for his recent denouncements of AL actions which is clearly a party with anti-Islam agenda. AL is supported by India, a hostile neighbor which is known for blocking rivers and contributing to desertification of many areas within Bangladesh. AL is also increasingly getting entangled with International Islamophobia industry with connections to zionists. Muslims should no longer support or vote for AL in my opinion.
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