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historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation

In response to any Iranian attack, US will decimate Iranian militarily and nuclear facilities with in 2 days. US clearly wants to take the fight into Iranian soil which Iran smartly avoiding it since 9-11. All these years Iran is fighting through its proxies just to avoid the inevitable war on their own soil. But now US had made a very bold and calculated move and the ball is in Iranian Court. If Iran is still smart enough than they should try to make every effort not to make US attack them on their own land. Keep a fight with their proxies in the region just like they way it has been going in the last two decades or so perhaps a bit escalation in that but nothing much. Take a bitter pill just like the way when US shot down their passenger plane and Iran didn't retaliated. A head on collision will be end of Iranian moderate militarily power with in the matter of few days.
Supreme Leader said response should be military and open.

No response from Iran will be viewed as sign of weakness and will invite more pressure.

So probably Iran will attack US and US will respond and there will be a war that will last for a short period of time, because neither side wants FULL ESCALATION.

US can't invade Iran due to costs of invasion and a million troops required that US doesn't have
but US can devastate Iranian economic infrastructure by airstrikes.

Since US weak place is its economy and oil---Iran can destroy oil infrastructure inflicting trillions of dollars of loses to USA

So USA can destroy Iranian infrastructure with airstrikes and Iran can inflict trillions of dollars of loses to USA by destroying oil infrastructure of the region.
So neither side wants FULL ESCALATION

So maybe this will be a shoot out that will last for weeks and then will be finished: Iran will attack US forces, ---US will attack 52 Iranian targets,---Iran in response will attack more US bases and ships and US will conduct another strike with Tomohawks and aircrafts---- and then a third party will propose a ceasefire that will be accepted by both sides, since no one wants a full out war

Just one point, USA has already in place plans to cushion itself from oil price raise. So oil price increase would not damage it much.
You do realize that US is no joke when it comes to warfare?

Word is that heavy American firepower is arriving in Diego Garcia, a massive military base completely out of reach Iranian strike options at present. Word is that nukes are also coming there.

This might be the last war that Iranian Mullahs will fight in modern times. Best of luck.
Apart from F-22's,F-35's and B-2's nothing would work.
Right now our concern as a Pakistani should be fallout and chances of conflict sucking us in.
Apart from F-22's,F-35's and B-2's nothing would work.
Right now our concern as a Pakistani should be fallout and chances of conflict sucking us in.
Those are all overkill for any country, let alone Iran.

Following is a short demo.

A single B-52H can unleash over 20 of those standoff munitions.

Standoff munitions can be easily nuclear-tipped as well. Therefore, a single B-52H can inflict horrific amount of damage on a country from substantial distance.

Pakistan will stay away from this war, and wisely so. This is not Afghanistan.
Since the killing of that general, its all talk talk and talk. Can the mods kindly merge all these useless iranian threads???
Inform us when u take revenge, till then dont brag and talk.
Vallahi Billahi, if you are to take retaliation take it now, don't think to retaliate...

You're making it like the Indian drama series of "surgical strikes on Pak"....
I think time is all ready run out for a retaliotery attack for killing of General . Now NATO is calling , Iran must not retaliate .
Whenever this war breaks out between Iran and America. India will also attack Pakistan and engage China for US. Deep state is up to no good. Already have information about brahmos missile launchers movement across the border and at line of control. Indians are planning something bad, Army and people should stay alert.
Those are all overkill for any country, let alone Iran.

Following is a short demo.

A single B-52H can unleash over 20 of those standoff munitions.

Standoff munitions can be easily nuclear-tipped as well. Therefore, a single B-52H can inflict horrific amount of damage on a country from substantial distance.

Pakistan will stay away from this war, and wisely so. This is not Afghanistan.
Iranian AD is no joke,we habe seen that in case of Globel Hawak,state of the art ESM equipped UAV failed to save itself from Iranian AD.
Iranian AD is no joke,we habe seen that in case of Globel Hawak,state of the art ESM equipped UAV failed to save itself from Iranian AD.
Iraqi AAD arrangements were not a joke back in 1991 but what became of it?

Global Hawk is a surveillance UAV, and it was operating very close to Iranian border. There is hell of a difference between a surveillance UAV and B52H as well as fighter jets armed to kill and suppress enemy defenses. Lot of difference in machinary within.

People do not learn from history unfortunately.
Gen. Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council revealed new info about upcoming retaliation against US forces in middle east.

"So far, 13 retaliation scenarios have been offered to this council, and even consensus on the weakest scenario will be a historic nightmare for Americans."

"For the time being, we cannot provide more details to media, but we promise Iranian heroic nation this much that revenge operation wont be in the form of a single operation, because based on the supreme leader's key statement, all resistance forces shall avenge martyr gen Suleimani."

Full interview:
شمخانی: ضعیف‌ترین سناریو از 13 سناریوی انتقام، یک کابوس تاریخی برای آمریکاست | خبرگزاری فارس

Google Translate link
If Iran destroys Saudi, Kuwaiti, UAE and Qatari oil facilities with ballistic missiles, and closes the Strait of Hormuz---oil price will rise so high that USA will suffer trillions of dollars of losses---that is why they don't want full out war
No it wont those days are long gone when Nations could threaten US energy security. US today is a net exporter of Oil the only reason they import oil is for Geo-political and financial reasons. In case of war US congress can fix the price of oil inside US. Russia is already the main supplier of oil to Europe. The ones suffering will the rest China, India, Pakistan, East Asia and Asia pacific Latin America.

US has been preparing for this for decades those who think US is walkover are in for a very big surprise.
Iraqi AAD arrangements were not a joke back in 1991 but what became of it?

Global Hawk is a surveillance UAV, and it was operating very close to Iranian border. There is hell of a difference between a surveillance UAV and B52H as well as fighter jets armed to kill and suppress enemy defenses. Lot of difference in machinary within.

People do not learn from history unfortunately.
Iran and Iraq are miles apart.
Armed or Unarmed best defence against SAM's is ESM/EW.
I guess MQ-4 may have completed it task before being shot down.
Maybe regime supporters want to sent a message to the politburo in Tehran to reconcile their retaliation scenarios . Everyday we hear multitudes of threats coming. At the end there will no retaliation other a whimper of walking away from JCOPA with an asterisk ( we will come back if you lift the sanctions). We have already heard all the scenarios " we will act when we are ready" , " Iran is patient in her response" and on and on. One would have thought that the mighty IRCG Aerospace would have already fired off couple missiles for retaliation. We certainly know the regime does not hesitate to act against women and unarmed protestors with deadly force. As they say " one act is worth a thousand words".
Iran and Iraq are miles apart.
Armed or Unarmed best defence against SAM's is ESM/EW.
I guess MQ-4 may have completed it task before being shot down.
Global Hawk have limited EW capabilities, it is largely optimized for collecting information and is excellent in this role. However, it is not designed to suppress surface defenses. Global Hawk are effective when operating at very high altitudes and under cover.

Iranian attack on a Global Hawk was a surprising move from Iran. US would have operated it in a different manner otherwise.

If US and Iran fight a war, only then you will see what assets designed to suppress surface defenses can do.

New versions of Global Hawk might have better defenses but not sure.

About Iraq

Iraq as of now is a mere shadow of its former-self.

Iraq had a well-equipped military force back in 1990 when it occupied Kuwait with latest French and Russian equipment.

When US decided to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation in 1990, many observers including Pakistani COAS were of the opinion that US will suffer many casualties in the process much like in Vietnam. They did not realize that American war-machine had numerous technological surprises up its sleeves this time, shaped by lessons taken from Vietnam, and would rather steamroll Iraqi armed forces in a direct confrontation.

The bottomline

I am not asserting that Iran is easy to defeat in a war (Iran have an impressive arsenal of ballistic missiles, surface defenses, UAV, and deeply buried facilities to store and manage its important weapons) but it is far behind US in warfighting technologies and not as experienced in warfighting methods either.

Odds are not in Iran's favor if it is seeking a high-intensity kinetic conflict with US much like Iraq did in 1991.
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No it wont those days are long gone when Nations could threaten US energy security. US today is a net exporter of Oil the only reason they import oil is for Geo-political and financial reasons. In case of war US congress can fix the price of oil inside US. Russia is already the main supplier of oil to Europe. The ones suffering will the rest China, India, Pakistan, East Asia and Asia pacific Latin America.

US has been preparing for this for decades those who think US is walkover are in for a very big surprise.
US produces 12mln barrels per day and consumes 20mln barrels per day----so they import 8mln barrels per day
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