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Hindutva fanatics destroying 25 Muslim owned businesses and property in Aurangabad

Blinkered RSS brainwashed historical isn't going to change the real facts, no matter how much you sing the mantra of RSS hate. The fact is a significant number of Muslims are indigenous to India and converted when Islam came via Muslim traders. The fact is because of you cowardly Hindus running from battle India got conquered by marauding foreign Muslim enemy. Unfortunately for your honour and shame these facts will stain you for eternity.
RSS chaddis in here wouldn't take kindly to your accusation . Of all the people you accuse me of being a RSS guy? Haha.

90 percent Indian Muslims have Indian fore fathers. Rest have central Asian and western Asian ancestory. Although they have inter mixed with local population.

Indian Muslims should keep religion at their homes. And fight for secular cause. If they start asserting their distinct religious identity in the public they will make hindutva fascists more stronger. Then your dream if a religious war might come true.
RSS chaddis in here wouldn't take kindly to your accusation . Of all the people you accuse me of being a RSS guy? Haha.

90 percent Indian Muslims have Indian fore fathers. Rest have central Asian and western Asian ancestory. Although they have inter mixed with local population.

Indian Muslims should keep religion at their homes. And fight for secular cause. If they start asserting their distinct religious identity in the public they will make hindutva fascists more stronger. Then your dream if a religious war might come true.

We never cared for what the cowardly RSS Hinduvats thought/think. Unfortunately for you we know what you are really like because we lived and fought alongside you for thousands of years lol.
We never cared for what the cowardly RSS Hinduvats thought/think. Unfortunately for you we know what you are really like because we lived and fought alongside you for thousands of years lol.
I think you more concerned with settling scores with hindus on pdf. You don't have any genuine concern for Indian Muslims.

Have a good day!
RSS tried their best and failed. Their failure was just a consequence of their narcissistic racist cowardly mindset.
Oye Muhajir stop fake bravado , we know what happens you people in pakistan and what is your status there .
Operation Clean-up
I think you more concerned with settling scores with hindus on pdf. You don't have any genuine concern for Indian Muslims.

Have a good day!

Live in peace or die in War Indian, your choice. Have a good day too!

Oye Muhajir stop fake bravado , we know what happens you people in pakistan and what is your status there .
Operation Clean-up

Stop your narcissistic propaganda !
Bolo Bolo
Algi baar.....Modi Srakar
Jara Jore se bolo

Modi Sarkar ki jye ho
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