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Hindus upset with Jim Carrey & NBC

Thats like putting a diya in air and asking for gods help to keep it from going out man. Whats with you people a bozo makes fun of the most revered god for Hindus and u people want everybody to think of our cultural antiquity and remain calm, who has given right to these fellers to make fun of gods.

I would love to see somebody make fun of Jesus (not that i want to or endorse this thought process a single bit) and let these two bozos watch and laugh at it. The result would be quite opposite i assure you.

so what do you think we should do? take these two guys to the back alley & chin 'em?? let's get onto the street, start burning effigies of these & let's burn some american flags as well. let's spread hatred towards our relegion & start this new thing called hinduphobia?? c'mon.. it doesn't work that way. there are all kinds of people in this world. You just can't go reasoning each and everyone who goes against you!! biggest gift given by my relegion is the 'tolerance' & not to be egotistical. 'cause my god is not egotistical. he doesn't tell me when should i visit him, when should i prey him & how often should i or should i at all?? that's the level of patience & tolerance he has!!
and you dnt mind if somebody burn Bible or Quran on national Tv? are you gonna say "No need for any apology"..:no:

off course we mind, our religion is degraded on daily bases, haven't you seen thousands of comments on pdf
I think they are over reacting to this. If we are that easily offended it would give the haters opportunity to do this on a daily basis. We shouldn't fall into that trap.

Laugh at their ignorance and move on. We shouldn't be known for our intolerance.

After all we are one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Our culture survived because of our tolerance not the other way around.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't react to any abuse at all. We should react where it deserve reaction. I think this particular issue is too trivial to give it a second thought. Lets move on. Lets remember a famous saying 'When elephant walks dogs always bark'. Lets just ignore dogs.
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Desperate and pathetic yes for sure but down right offensive double yes for me, shame on those two bozos :angry:

One might call this the enlightened way of thinking but i don't, i ask u only one thing let some Indian guy make fun of Jesus in such a way and do u think the Western world would just say oh morons and go about.

No i don't think so. One can talk sensibly till one feels the heat.

You are entitled to your views, and I respect your sentiments. The views I express are my own. I do believe in God and especially love Lord Ganesha!

That being said, I do not find any reason to find such things offensive. Ours is a culture thousands of years old, a rich wisdom and maturity passed down through all those generations! Nowhere in our scriptures is there a mention of a so called non-believer or 'blasphemy' etc. Correct me if I am wrong. The only take away message I find is "Be good. Karma does its job". So where does this feeling of getting offended come from is beyond me.

Watch the 'offending' sketch one more time, then for a moment imagine the image of Lord Ganesha. Now tell me, does this clip in any way whatsoever diminish or lessen your faith, lessen your reverence for Ganesha or disturb that serene image you have grown up with?

Such should be your faith.
so what do you think we should do? take these two guys to the back alley & chin 'em?? let's get onto the street, start burning effigies of these & let's burn some american flags as well. let's spread hatred towards our relegion & start this new thing called hinduphobia?? c'mon.. it doesn't work that way. there are all kinds of people in this world. You just can't go reasoning each and everyone who goes against you!! biggest gift given by my relegion is the 'tolerance' & not to be egotistical. 'cause my god is not egotistical. he doesn't tell me when should i visit him, when should i prey him & how often should i or should i at all?? that's the level of patience & tolerance he has!!

All that is agreed upon, my reply was to your post saying the god would take care of these two bozos man. Where did this burning flags and hinduphobia come in ?? All i am trying to say is this act should be condemned in unambiguous terms and a apology should be sought. Thats exactly what the guys in USA are doing and i think it is correct.

What i am against is taking such matters too lightly thats it. Neither am i requesting or suggesting violence nor am i asking to start a andolan. Hope u get my point.
You are entitled to your views, and I respect your sentiments. The views I express are my own. I do believe in God and especially love Lord Ganesha!

That being said, I do not find any reason to find such things offensive. Ours is a culture thousands of years old, a rich wisdom and maturity passed down through all those generations! Nowhere in our scriptures is there a mention of a so called non-believer or 'blasphemy' etc. Correct me if I am wrong. The only take away message I find is "Be good. Karma does its job". So where does this feeling of getting offended come from is beyond me.

Watch the 'offending' sketch one more time, then for a moment imagine the image of Lord Ganesha. Now tell me, does this clip in any way whatsoever diminish or lessen your faith, lessen your reverence for Ganesha or disturb that serene image you have grown up with?

Such should be your faith.

Well let us not fight and leave it here, they are my views and i don't agree with yours as u don't with mine.
No need for any apology.

There is no limit to how sensitive can one be. For example some religions believe other religions prophets are fake, and some believe that others religious books are corrupted. Than should they be apologising to each other daily???

You respect your beliefs, don't expect others to.

There is a difference between decent disagreement and derogatory depiction. I might not agree with what Hindus believe, but that does not give me the right to wear pants with a Lord "xyz", painted on my a**.
Wow, I can't believe some of these "liberal" brain-washed Indians. Since when has it been ok to insult someone's way of life? The skit was in bad taste and very ignorant. It seems like this Indian democracy is completely losing it's morals and traditions. Insulting someone's religion is not at all secular. I'm muslim, and a moderate one at that. I'll defend anyone's beliefs, because that is what it is to be Muslim to me. Pakistan might not be as successful as India, but I'm so glad we don't share the same country. I could never imagine sharing a country with people that allow others to insult them. Where is your izat? How can people respect you, when you don't respect yourself? Enduring insults to be accepted in the "pure" secular western world? It was a cheap laugh on the part of Jim Carey, but it's way bigger humiliation to see those that support this behaviour openly. Shall I say western inferiority complex? These two idiots should be sent to some ancient temple in India to learn about what they were insulting, and what it means to other people.
Wow, I can't believe some of these "liberal" brain-washed Indians. Since when has it been ok to insult someone's way of life? The skit was in bad taste and very ignorant. It seems like this Indian democracy is completely losing it's morals and traditions. Insulting someone's religion is not at all secular. I'm muslim, and a moderate one at that. I'll defend anyone's beliefs, because that is what it is to be Muslim to me. Pakistan might not be as successful as India, but I'm so glad we don't share the same country. I could never imagine sharing a country with people that allow others to insult them. Where is your izat? How can people respect you, when you don't respect yourself? Enduring insults to be accepted in the "pure" secular western world? It was a cheap laugh on the part of Jim Carey, but it's way bigger humiliation to see those that support this behaviour openly. Shall I say western inferiority complex? These two idiots should be sent to some ancient temple in India to learn about what they were insulting, and what it means to other people.

Please answer a question:

Your assertion about facts and evidence blah blah doesn't stand correct in front of Law of the land which protects the right to practice religion. The same law takes religious sensitivities into account when running an administration of any civilized nation. The same law protects places of worship and its contents from vandalism.
Re-read the post you are quoting. No where do I even reference the constitution or laws.
Admit it that it’s your personal rant and has no standing in constitution or statutory law. You have to go to some other planet to endorse your view point. Every nation has its own blasphemy laws, few are stricter and few are not. Even India has its own blasphemy laws which serve all religion equally though.
I have clearly said that those are my personal views. That has nothing to do with "Blasphemy" laws, which co-incidentally I find unnecessary and ridiculous. But you have your sentiments and I respect that. Dont force that down my throat!
Religion is a personal thing and is a personal sensitivity. Your sensitivity's threshold is not the standard for others. Religion like eduction/qualification can effect someone's physical, spiritual and mental state of being.
You cannot equate religion with education. Period. Water and Oil do NOT mix, neither are they equal.
I am give tips to Hindus living in USA to go by law and challenge these Hollywood nutcases to be pulled into law suites for causing psychological harm (if certified by a psychiatrist). One such dick head ripped off will set precedence for other hyper liberals not to do it again.
See, that exactly what I meant by immaturity and intolerance go hand in hand! The way you react shows that such minor things shake or disturb your faith. When faith is disturbed, it means its not strong enough. Not strong enough means, your fundamentals are wrong. You need to correct those fundamentals. Faith should not be weak that any minor untoward incidents can affect it.
As far has many Hindus disrespecting their own religion is concerned then i would like to know those stories. Please do not bring what happened in ancient India. SC of India and verdict like babri masjid have clearly defined Hindu religion and the presence of supreme Godhead.
Babri masjid verdict had NOTHING to do with Hinduism. It was a land dispute. Go read up on that! Ignorance is not an excuse.
So your Einstein rationality may have some logic in it but doesn't satisfy the law which can cause trouble to anyone who tries takes it into his hands. Try something doggy in Saudi Arabia you will know the answer.
Surely, there is a difference between us and them, no?
As far as naked picture of goddess Saraswati is concerned then i am sorry to ask you, what will be your opinion if someone portrait your family member with same tasteful manner.
Ironic that a tastefully done nude painting of Goddess Saraswati whom we pray for knowledge and maturity and wisdom makes some followers act unknowledgeable & immature!

This coming from a person who lives in the land where Kamasutra originated!! When did we become such prudes, while laying claim to being the most vigorous procreators on Earth?
FYI, Id love it.
Please answer a question:


I am referring to the sentiments of people that revere this God as holy.
Plus you are asking an arbitrary question. That's like asking if there is a God.
There is a difference between decent disagreement and derogatory depiction. I might not agree with what Hindus believe, but that does not give me the right to wear pants with a Lord "xyz", painted on my a**.

I ,personally, wouldn't care even if you did that.

I will let God judge you on your acts. Who am I to pass judgements?
I am referring to the sentiments of people that revere this God as holy.
Plus you are asking an arbitrary question. That's like asking if there is a God.

I asked you a simple question. Please don't obfuscate.

Just give me your take on this.

I asked you a simple question. Please don't obfuscate.

Just give me your take on this.


Dude, If I were God, I would let you know. Wtf kind of stupid question is this?
Dude, If I were God, I would let you know. Wtf kind of stupid question is this?

Its a perfectly legitimate question. Can you answer that? Considering the outcry that goes around in this world over what many consider "offensive comments", its a perfectly sane question to ask. Do you have an answer?
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