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Hindus in Pakistan angered over forced conversions to Islam

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There should be zero tolerance in Pakistan against forced conversions because that is UNISLAMIC. In Islam, you cannot convert anyone by force and even if you do , that person is not Muslim anyway.

Now if someone after carefully examining Islam decides on their own accord to convert to Islam, it is their choice.
It's justified according to @Aeronaut .
Kashmiris snitched out to Indians who knows what religion they were most likely they were Sunni Muslims. I tell @Armstrong this he don't believe me anyway. :lol:

What is your point though? You are asking me stuff I never brought up.
they were gujjar aka bakarwals
Untrue everything about Iranians of today is different than Arabs even their Shia Islam is different from Arab shias.

A vast majority of them would still be practicing Zoroastrianism otherwise much like the Parsis in India! The fine technical differences of Islam is something I'm not really concerned about.
Kashmiris snitched out to Indians who knows what religion they were most likely they were Sunni Muslims. I tell @Armstrong this he don't believe me anyway. :lol:

What is your point though? You are asking me stuff I never brought up.
I provided example of Shia Muslims complaining about Pakistani incursion in India i.e. Kashmir
I provided example of Sunni Muslims complaining about Pakistani incursion in India i.e. Kashmir

Well since the thread is about how hindus are being treated in Pakistan I don't think you would like what they have to say about Pakistan incursion in India i.e. Kashmir

Hence swallow your over inflated pride and forget about Kashmir which is India. Worry about Kalash people and the latest threat made to them by the TTP asking them to convert or face death.
A vast majority of them would still be practicing Zoroastrianism otherwise much like the Parsis in India! The fine technical differences of Islam is something I'm not really concerned about.

Today all Iranians know about their ancient religion and most still do not care for it, Iranians who leave Islam do not take up Zoroastrianism they become atheist. Go read about history the Arabs never wanted Iranians to convert they were making huge amount of money through Jizya tax and the Ummayad rulers did not want conversions, it was the Iranian samanid dynasty who converted Iran to Islam. When the Mongols invaded Iran they told the Iranians choose your state religion they again chose Islam. So that is a huge assumption you are making.

I provided example of Shia Muslims complaining about Pakistani incursion in India i.e. Kashmir
I provided example of Sunni Muslims complaining about Pakistani incursion in India i.e. Kashmir

Well since the thread is about how hindus are being treated in Pakistan I don't think you would like what they have to say about Pakistan incursion in India i.e. Kashmir

Hence swallow your over inflated pride and forget about Kashmir which is India. Worry about Kalash people and the latest threat made to them by the TTP asking them to convert or face death.

I make Pakistani state policy now? I am not even a Pakistani citizen I don't see what my pride has to do with anything lol.
So they could have been Muslim or Hindu. Doesn't matter which tough they did tell the IA either way that I never contested.
Gujjars in kashmir are muslims. Actually gibraltar was based on extremely faulty intelligence. I think someone in pakistan wanted to embarass ayub khan.
Yes who knows, wrong what are you saying we do not know about the pre Christian pagan religions? How we know about Thor, Loki, and Odin then or did we make them up? Germanic pagan religion was described by Tacitus. It involved animal and human sacrifice and was similar to Scandinavian religion.

Very little is known about the European pagan religions. There are many minority communities in the middle East but people are ignorant about their existence. Zoroastrians don't fall in these categories.
Today all Iranians know about their ancient religion and most still do not care for it, Iranians who leave Islam do not take up Zoroastrianism they become atheist.

You cannot take up Zoroastrianism you have to be born as one. That is the reason why their numbers are decreasing in India.

they were making huge amount of money through Jizya tax

Of course religious tax is one way to get poor people converted to Islam.
Very little is know about the European pagan religions. There are many minority communities in the middle East but people are ignorant about their existence. Zoroastrians don't fall in these categories.

Norse religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is a whole bunch of info on old European religions not many practice it no more but there is still a record. Most Germanics followed Norse mythology although the names of the Gods differed here or there but the rituals were the same.
Also google celtic polytheism just because you think nothing exists doesn't mean anything.
I make Pakistani state policy now? I am not even a Pakistani citizen I don't see what my pride has to do with anything lol.
Glad to hear you ditched the land of your ancestors, now the next step would be to stop worrying about things Pakistan indulges herself into. :tup:
You cannot take up Zoroastrianism you have to be born as one. That is the reason why their numbers are decreasing in India.

Of course religious tax is one way to get poor people converted to Islam.

Yeah I heard about that but in the West the zoro organizations accept converts.
Except that historically speaking it did not get Iranians to convert and it was Iranians elite who used to be Zoroastrian who first converted. Then when they got autonomy from Abbasids they converted their fellow Iranians as state policy.

Glad to hear you ditched the land of your ancestors, now the next step would be to stop worrying about things Pakistan indulges herself into. :tup:

Don't be retarded I was born here in the US. Really and an Indian should be allowed to involve himself but me being of Pakistani descent should not?
Norse religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is a whole bunch of info on old European religions not many practice it no more but there is still a record. Most Germanics followed Norse mythology although the names of the Gods differed here or there but the rituals were the same.
Also google celtic polytheism just because you think nothing exists doesn't mean anything.

You may heard about the rise of many Neo-Paganism movement across Europe to connect to their ancestral roots. Not much is known about old Celtic religion Druidism and Old Slavic religion but still people looking for their ancient roots. Zoroastrians were able to preserve their religion for more than a 1000 years and you will never understand what they accomplish.
You may heard about the rise of many Neo-Paganism movement across Europe to connect to their ancestral roots. Not much is known about old Celtic religion Druidism and Old Slavic religion but still people looking for their ancient roots. Zoroastrians were able to preserve their religion for more than a 1000 years and you will never understand what they accomplish.

Yes but neo-paganism movement has more to do with anti assimilation movement and most of the whites who adopt it are supremacists. The fact is how will they practice their religion which involves human sacrifice and animal sacrifice? The vast majority of Europeans are moving away from religion all together rather than towards their roots.
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