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Hindus in Pakistan angered over forced conversions to Islam

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These are Indian Muslims.

First thing is how is the rant sectarian?

Do you know anything about Parsis? There numbers are decreasing due to their tradition of not marrying outside their faith. Once you marry outside the faith you are no longer considered Parsi. Some of Indians most successful men are Parsi. Did you think they are being persecuted? Lmao.
Jew communities can still be found in parts of India like the Cochin Jews.

You claimed because of Sunni prosecution. Do even know what you write ? :rolleyes:
@Bhai Zakir

1)real muslim means loyal to his home country in any situation
2)we all indians r brothers of same family india
3)india is unique country where prime minister is sikh vice president is muslim
4)even with hindu majority india in bollywood there r three famous super star khans (Aamir ,shahrukh and salman.
5)on this forum i support congress because as per me it is secular party other support bjp we have political differences but that dose not mean we r hungry of each others blood.
Very true bro. I will still pull your leg in political discussions :P :omghaha: But that's where I will draw a line :)
These are Indian Muslims.



First thing is how is the rant sectarian?

Do you know anything about Parsis? There numbers are decreasing due to their tradition of not marrying outside their faith. Once you marry outside the faith you are no longer considered Parsi. Some of Indians most successful men are Parsi. Did you think they are being persecuted? Lmao.
Jew communities can still be found in parts of India like the Cochin Jews.

They have a whole area dedicated to Jews in Chandigarh . . . they call it mini israel of India :)
And they also arrived in Pakistan. They built Karachi ! :lol:

There are hardly any Kashmiri Shi'as
That doesn't mean they don't exist.

Kashmiri Shia mourn India patriot

By Altaf Hussain
BBC News, Dub, Indian-administered Kashmir


Normally such public outpourings of grief are expressed only for dead militants
The funeral north of Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir was just like those of countless others who have died violently over the past 20 years.

A Muslim killed in the insurgency was laid to rest in his ancestral graveyard in the village of Dub, north of Srinagar, on Tuesday, surrounded by thousands of mourners.

What made the ceremony unusual was that this was no militant who had died fighting the Indian army.

This was a Kashmiri who served with the Indian army and died fighting the militants.

Shabir Ahmed Malik was among eight Indian soldiers killed in a gun battle earlier this week with separatist militants in Kupwara.


Over the past two decades, hundreds of Kashmiris have died while fighting for India.


Mr Malik was a dedicated soldier of the Indian army
Among them are police officials and Ikhwanis, or "renegade" militants who have been persuaded or coerced - depending on who you believe - to abandon militancy and instead work for the Indian security forces. Most Ikhwanis were or are pariahs.

But Shabir, 21, joined the Indian army after passing his 12th class examination. He studied at the Sainik (army) School at Ganderbal.

Shabir's family and neighbours are proud of his army service.

"He has become a hero. He died an honourable death. I am so happy, although I am also pained at his separation," says Mohammad Yasin, a neighbour and friend of the dead man.

Mr Yasin says he still regrets not being able to join the Indian army with Shabir.

"I too went with him that day. But only three boys were selected. I was not taken because I was over age. I still feel so bad about it.

"Even now, I have a passionate desire to do something for my country like Shabir has done."

Mr Yasin says that the moving send-off given to Shabir has inspired many more youths in the village to join the army.


"I am 28," says Showkat Ahmed. "I have never in my life seen such a funeral. Such death is pride-worthy."


Mr Malik's village showed huge pride in his army service
Such well-attended funerals are usually the preserve of militants killed by Indian troops.

Shabir's body was kept outside the "imambara" (Shia place of worship) and the villagers mourned beside it.

They beat their chests but unlike at the funerals of militants there was no slogan shouting.

The fact the villagers are minority Shia may in part explain their pro-India loyalties. Kashmir's insurgency over the past two decades has mostly been waged by Sunni militants.

Part of the Shia community has stayed away from the separatist campaign, although some leaders of the separatist movement do belong to the Shias.

The coffin was draped in India's tricolour before it was carried to the graveyard.

Shabir's brother, Ghiulam Mohammad, says: "I wanted him to become a doctor. But he had a passion for joining the army and was determined to complete his graduation so he could become an army officer.

"He was patriotic from his childhood. He wanted to do something for his country. His ambition has been fulfilled."

The villagers have been sharing the family's grief as well as its pride in what Shabir fought for.

"Every family here is bereaved. Every family is mourning," one villager said.
You claimed because of Sunni prosecution. Do even know what you write ? :rolleyes:
Oh..so you understand everything about what a indian muslim feel ......
what do you know of india when you are making such allegations......
you are not even listing to what a muslim of india has to say ..and it's only because you are here with a prejudice mind not with a mind of discussion......:woot:
No, I claimed that they arrived at India due to persecution from Sunnis. Is this not true?:azn:

Parsis were cowards who ran while other Iranians stayed, Iranian managed to save their language and their culture. Jews have been in the subcontinent before Muslims and Christians they have been around since Romans expelled them from King of Israel. Bahai community started because their founder encouraged some followers to move to India their roots in the area are before Iran started prosecuting them BTW Iranians are shia, now shut your stupid trap.
*Read my previous posts

*Here is your answer to Parsis:

Parsi population in India declines

* Jews in India died long ago.

* Keep your pathetic sectarian rant off from this forum.

The largest population of Jews in India is the Bene Israeli Jews found in coastal Maharashtra. They are very much alive and happy in India. I have many school friends from that community.

And about the Parsi community, their numbers are declining EVERYWHERE. It's because they do not allow marriages to non-parsis. And even children resulting in such marriages are not accepted as Parsis. How is India responsible for this?
Parsis were cowards who ran while other Iranians stayed, Iranian managed to save their language and their culture.

My Muslim Iranian friend who prays 5 times a day thinks differently. He has huge respect for Indian Parsis for saving their original religion and culture in India. One day he wants to visit them in Mumbai.
Its ugly but it works. Tough times require stringent policies.

In the war of conflicting narratives, sacrfices are needed.

Tough times come BECAUSE OF RIGID IDEOLOGIES. You're in perpetual sacrifice mode to keep feeding your egos and that takes you down to hell.
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