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Hindus brutality against a Muslim who sacrificed cow!!

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There are few places where water tanks are kept for muslims and for non muslims separately but no body condemn it ..and even hindus went to celebrate independence day of pak at minar e pak but they were not given entry :lol:

10,000,000 already in Sindh

source......if not them leave pdf for ever..

They are getting very good treatment as compare to their brothers in Myanmar and Pakistan too But like always Muslims love to provoke non-Muslims.:angry::devil:

they should behave like minority it's not Pakistan at least we are not slaughtering them the way Pakistan slaughtering Hindu,christen , Sikh ,non-Muslims.:disagree::angry:

We need to keep it in mind till 2050. Thank you. :angry:
I can't see the video however if what is said to have happened did happen, I condemn it in the strongest words possible as I would condemn any similar act in my own country.

Having said that Muslims must ask themselves why do they continue to slaughter the cow when they know that it is sacred for a huge community of India ? Is that not provocation ? Would a sheep, a camel or a goat not commemorate Abraham's (PBUH) sacrifice in the same manner ? Does a cow accrue more 'celestial reward' in the eyes of God ? What is the point of deliberately provoking & then crying victim ? Do we not, principally, take a similar stance when Our Prophet (PBUH) is abused ? That yes the actions of the angry mob that burnt down 'xyz' cinema were condemnable but why does the West continue to target an entity that is 'right next to God' for us Muslims ? Are we not being hypocritical here ? Is the cow not sacred to the Hindus ? If we have the temerity of claiming ourselves to be the Prophet's (PBUH) Followers than ask yourselves - Was deliberate provocation at worst or very conspicuous insensitivity at the very least, his way ?

I condemn this but I condemn him sacrificing a cow as well.

Finally some sensible voice.
There are few places where water tanks are kept for muslims and for non muslims separately but no body condemn it ..and even hindus went to celebrate independence day of pak at minar e pak but they were not given entry :lol:

source......if not them leave pdf for ever..
History « Mohajir History
Bro, that's not the right question. They can eat whatever they want. I personally support killing cows, because they taste delicious! I should be able to have the meat I choose to have.

That's indeed the right question. Think about it. You and I both know that the vast majority of the Hindus revere the cow as a sacred animal. Thats a fact. Also there are laws explicity banning cow slaughter in most states. (In AP where this took place, there is a law). So killing a cow when there are other cheap and readily available options and also after knowing fully well that its illegal is definitely not something to be supported. If a person supports killing cows when there is law officially banning it, then he too are a criminal. How different is it from breaking other laws ? If everyone starts breaking laws then where is the rule of law ? Why not throw the rule book into the same gutter and let everyone function the way he/she wants ?

As I said previously there is a certain social responsibility that both Hindus and Muslims must inculcate in themselves, them being from a multi-religious country prone to riots. That is why I think banning the YT video and Satanic verses were necessary - in the larger pic - even though personally I would have loved to see and read them and Muslims must reciprocate by doing their rituals in a way as to not offend the Hindu sentiments.
Muslim savage brutally rapes 2-year-old Pakistani Christian girl because her father refused to convert to Islam

UK: Pak Muslim held for 30 child rape charges

Look like Muslim following their Prophet very honestly
Though the bullying is sad, if it was old India, sacrificing cow would have sparked off riots. Like how it happens now in Pakistan every time they find a page on Quran on the street. Here that guy was just humiliated and let go without physical harm. That's an improvement.
I can't see the video however if what is said to have happened did happen, I condemn it in the strongest words possible as I would condemn any similar act in my own country.

Having said that Muslims must ask themselves why do they continue to slaughter the cow when they know that it is sacred for a huge community of India ? Is that not provocation ? Would a sheep, a camel or a goat not commemorate Abraham's (PBUH) sacrifice in the same manner ? Does a cow accrue more 'celestial reward' in the eyes of God ? What is the point of deliberately provoking & then crying victim ? Do we not, principally, take a similar stance when Our Prophet (PBUH) is abused ? That yes the actions of the angry mob that burnt down 'xyz' cinema were condemnable but why does the West continue to target an entity that is 'right next to God' for us Muslims ? Are we not being hypocritical here ? Is the cow not sacred to the Hindus ? If we have the temerity of claiming ourselves to be the Prophet's (PBUH) Followers than ask yourselves - Was deliberate provocation at worst or very conspicuous insensitivity at the very least, his way ?

I condemn this but I condemn him sacrificing a cow as well.

:yahoo: :yahoo:

You sir have earned my respect.
From same country,hindus are running and tell me how many muslims are running to paksitan from India?
Got any jawab for this. We Hindus ill treat Muslims in India but strangely instead of their numbers dwindling in India their numbers increase.
At present our foreign Minster is a Muslim never heard a Hindu attaining any post of authority in Pakistan. Could any Pakistani member answer this.
Indian law obviously applies to India duh. Not to UAE. And the beef you eat is not cow, but probably water buffalo or in rare case oxen. Definitely not a cow. lol sorry to break your bubble.

No, you have not answered the question. You just all four legged animals are halal. SSo why not goat, sheep, buffalo, camel or anything except cow which will do just fine. Why insist specifically on cow knowing fully well it will inflame passions ? I just see the intent to wantonly coc-a-snoop at the Hindus and try to inflame passions behind such acts.

Thirdly you have not answered about the social responsibility part. Both Hindus and Muslims have a social responsibility in respecting each other religion. While the Hindus have obliged in not making a fuss over the arbitary bans on YT video or Satanic Verses, why not Muslims reciprocate in kind so that there is peace all around ? See tolerance is a two way street.

the beaf i eat here is Pakistani meat as i am not sure indian meat is slaughtered in Halal way or not... having said that... come visit UAE and see for yourself cow meat being sold...

secondly i am not here top teach you lessons.. all i can tell you that any four legged halal animal can be sacrificed.. cow falls in this criteria.. and in cow/ veil/ bull or camel etc there can be seven partners while in sheep, goat etc it is only one person's sacrifice.. so slaughtering cow is handy for poor Mulsims...

did any Muslim make any video or write a book against your religion?? Hindus must show tolerance to practice Muslims their religion!
Most of the towns and villages which form majority of India's population, Muslims and low caste Hindus are called Malecchas. According to Hinduism’s own scriptures, coming of the Prophet Muhammad (phuh) was foretold, thousands of years before the advent of Islam. It indeed is remarkable.

According to Bhavishya Purana in the Pratisarag Parv III Khand 3 Adhay 3 Shloka 10 to 27 Maharishi Vyas has prophesised:

"The Malecha have spoiled the well-known land of the Arabs. Arya Dharma is not to be found in the country. Before also there appeared a misguided fiend whom I had killed; he has now again appeared being sent by a powerful enemy. To show these enemies the right path and to give them guidance, the well-known Muhammad (pbuh), is busy in bringing the Pishachas to the right path. O Raja, You need not go to the land of the foolish Pishachas, you will be purified through my kindness even where you are. At night, he of the angelic disposition, the shrewd man, in the guise of Pishacha said to Raja Bhoj, "O Raja! Your Arya Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but according to the commandments of Ishwar Parmatma, I shall enforce the strong creed of the meat eaters. My followers will be men circumcised, without a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution announcing the Aadhaan (the Muslim call for prayer) and will be eating all lawful things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine. They will not seek purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified through warfare. On account of their fighting the irreligious nations, they will be known as Musalmaans. I shall be the originator of this religion of the meat-eating nations."

How is it a provocation Army?

Have you lost your mind?

Maybe the guy likes to eat cow.

Is it banned in Islam, genius?

Seeing a video in YT is also not banned in Hinduism, Sikhis, Buddhism, Christianity. But out of respect for Muslims sentiments that was banned. Its called social responsibility. Pity you dont know that.
you are an moron.i asked migration on the bases of riots like gujrat in india not on bases of partition etc...

even pakistanis are number 2 in migration to western countries ..whats that? :azn:

Well still many Indians are migrating to Pakistan everyday, as their is a better life in Pakistan than there is in shithole India
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