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Hinduism in China

Dude what he said is total crap, I am not a religious person myself i dont believe in any religion but that is pure BS.

My original question why Hinduism didn't spread to China while Buddhism I am aware of the oppression it had during those times then with the teachings of the buddha got rid of it something like that.

lol,buddhists are mad.1 billion?wtf.

Probably more Chinese Atheists then Buddhists.
My original question why Hinduism didn't spread to China while Buddhism I am aware of the oppression it had during those times then with the teachings of the buddha got rid of it something like that.

For the simple reason Hinduism is not an organized religion. It doesn't divide people into believers vs non-believers and hence there was no need for the likes of missionaries/sufis to go preaching the "one true religion".

The recent upsurge of movements "preaching" Hinduism is only a modern day response to the evangelism and in those days there was no need for that. You like Hinduism ? you practise it. No one will come and preach Hinduism to you and say of you did not accept it, hell fire is reserved for you.
Hinduism is far too complex a religion for the simple minded Chinese population. The simpler the concept, the easier it is for the poor Chinese people to grasp it. Atheism states "There is no God" - can there be a easier concept to comprehend? No - but once told to the Chinese by their masters, they accept it as fact.
Hinduism is far too complex a religion for the simple minded Chinese population. The simpler the concept, the easier it is for the poor Chinese people to grasp it. Atheism states "There is no God" - can there be a easier concept to comprehend? No - but once told to the Chinese by their masters, they accept it as fact.
ah'an indian troll,why don't you guys worship cockroaches like you worship cows,monkeys and rats?It would make your religion more complex than any other religion in this world?
Buddha is lord vishnu.... While vishnu is Arcturian who created Gods for humans.... I met Acturian last year.... They are here to protect us. You all can meet arcturians too. Read about ARCTURIANS in google and also the device thats situated near Saturn and also the warship ATHENA.... Arcturians created Hindu GODS.... By the way here is the link of Lord vishnu (who destroyed Atlantis by the help of god Dev indra and lord krishna)....
Dasavtar  The 10 Incarnations of Lord Vishnu
buddism ..thats a branch of hinduism ..they are doing great with buddas philosophy .. Hinduism is too vast a subject for anyone to understand ..
Well there are dozens of YT videos highlighting strange - to say the least - culinary habits of Chinese.

And does that has anything to do with religion,indian trolls?
Not just China. Buddhism has been far more successful everywhere: it's prevalent in all of East and South East Asia, whereas Hinduism is restricted to the sub-continent and some Indonesian islands. That's because Hinduism is a proto-fascist ideology (Hinduvta is an extreme manifestation) that was only invented to legitimize the supremacy and rule of the Aryan invaders to the sub-continent. Elsewhere, who wanted to be told that they were supposed to be eternal slaves to a Brahmin caste? Hinduism was a significant influence on Nazism for precisely this sort of master-slave ideology, and the swastika is probably the most visible connection to it.

Partly right.
And as for Hinduism, there are 2 kind of Hindus:
1) Who believe Hinduism is just a religion and anyone can be Hindu.
2) People who tend to identify themselves as Hindu-Aryan. These are the people for whom Hinduism is not just a religion but a also a race. They believe you're either born Hindu (Aryan) or not. You can not become Hindu (Aryan). They believe Hindusim is for indigenous public. The latter type of people tend to be Indo-Aryans of North India and these are the ones who didn't allow any conversions although Singapore, Philipines, Malaysia, Indonesia once had Hindu majority.

And Buddhism is more liberal religion and Lord Buddha did lot of travelling in different parts of India and outside of India to spread his teachings and message.
My original question why Hinduism didn't spread to China while Buddhism I am aware of the oppression it had during those times then with the teachings of the buddha got rid of it something like that.

Probably more Chinese Atheists then Buddhists.

Hinduism, despite all the people want to paint it here as is not master-salve neo Nazi bull. The swastic predates hitler and even islam by thousands of years and is one of the many symbols faund that meant different thing to different peoples at different times around central asia.

Hinduism is an old polytheistic religions, its mythos was formed over thousands of years by the different beliefs held by many in the region and the joint old "pantheon" of which indira(not widely worshiped anymore) was the head while rudra(Shiva-very popular now) was a minor god of the storms.

The formation of a central dictate that governs all hindus(more on the word hindu later) didnt occur as it didnt in egypt or rome or greece. Those who didnt fancy one god worshiped another or more than one, though certain principles did find favor like karam, dharam, tyag , the 4 stages of life etc... This is also what makes hinduism more tolerant in a sense, buddhism for example, got 'assimilated' into parts of hinduism and people refer to him as an avatar of vishnu and adopted buddhist philosophy into hinduism post revival during the gupta dynasty. If

The need to spread a central philosophy, proselytize , as it exists in other religions didnt exist. For example if a person form another religion was to not outwardly deny the existence of my god(s) and followed certain principles, i dont need to have him worship my god or gods as he can be classified as a hindu in a broad sense.Eg, there are agnostic hindus,
One must accept the possibility that men are not the dreams of the gods, but the gods the dreams of men. ( in reference to Bhrama the creator here, this is also a kind of hindu philosophy that dates back thousands of years)

Hinduism is not exclusionary like the abharamic religions hence the incentive of me wanting you to believe what i do isnt there.
The modern hindutva movement is a reaction to the muslim thought of wiping out of dharma.(I say this as one who detests the Rss- sang parivar as much if not more than the jamaat-e-islami) The fact remains that despite the rss efforts, hinduism remains more tolerant but also reacts to perceived and real threats just as violently as any other religion. They are not the voice of the common hindu, though if the hindus feel under attack they do, and did lend power to the extremists.

The word hindu comes from the Persians not being able to say, sindhu- people beyond the sindh(river in pakistan) properly :P
It is a description of a people less that a unified religion with popes and organized clergy to spread the word.

On the caste system: it is an old construct that served a good purpose, some thousand years back. The caste system was never this rigid at first and the purpose was simple, preservation of skills. If a child is destined to learn his trade from his father and groups of certain trades are locked together, it will lead to say, better blacksmiths, better traders better soldiers as ever generation learns young and the experience of all previous generations are passed on to the next.

It was unfortunately perverted by some groups to fulfill a desire that ALL mankind has displayed, superiority and dominance over fellow man. Be it slavery, treatment of women, racism, or anything like it, it has happened for a long time and the caste system will die out soon enough. like racism though, itll put up a tough fight.

India is free now and the society isnt oppressed and can deal with these issues of old systems dying out. Now i dont want to sound like an old anti-colonialist who blames the white man for everything but, look at rural china, rural india and africa, the muslim world and compare them to japan. Japan with its sovereignty was better able to gear its society to the modern world as it was being formed, than the other, dominated peoples. The changes to the societies to match the realities of todays world are going at a hyper pace to deal with hundreds of years of deliberate de-industrilisation and lack of a societal conversations of old social constructs and new.

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