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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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Why not? if Hindus sources are admissible in esistence of Ram telple in Ayodhya as a reason to destroy Babari masjid so why not AMU leftist professor's theory.You cant be slelective about lapping up whatever shoots you and throw away whichever is againstyou.
So according to your theory, if one person's theory can be compared to hundreds of evidence.....then there was a thread on Holocaust being a lie and people defended it...where as the entire world know the truth....go through that thread and apply same logic and tell me what's the real truth......as truth is not absolute in many cases as it relative to frame of reference.
You didn't get my point. The discrimination started very slowly....remember Ram eating Shabri ke ber.....the point of Shabri's existence was the existence of lower class and the benevolence of the upper caste.

Its not that they said you are inferior and you are superior in one day and everyone went to their homes.

Look at how few practices were modified by Rishis...like having fast....it was based on science that not eating one day is good for health, but common man can easily be influenced if its added to religious practice.

Same with artificial rain making yagyas, many yagyas which were performed were based on science....but presented differently.

My point is that caste discrimination didn't start because the Brahmins said so. These were job classifications. Say a dalit is the CEO of a company and some brahman the coffee boy, would the CEO look down upon the coffee boy or not? Will he be looking down on him cause of his caste or because of what he does? There was no caste system in Europe yet there were feudal lords(the upper castes) and the peasants(lower castes) and so on. And the later would dare not mingle with the higher ups.

This is how the world and the society has always been and this is how it will be. Its human nature.

whatever but my point was no use of crying over split milk and to be honest no one can invade and rule with love and kindness because you get peoples who oppose your invasion and you have to take stand against them

Why whatever now? You are essentially saying that "might is right" so don't whine about it and shut up. Has to be the worst justification. Hindus can go out and destroy all the Mosques and when the next generation of Muslims come we can just tell them hey why cry about it now your forefathers were weaklings so you should blame them.

What I don't understand is that why do Muslims feel the need to justify and praise someone like Aurungzeb or Babar. They were selfish emperors, why give them such importance.

Heck they came to the region and dislodged other Muslim rulers, so its not like they were doing it for islam or whatever.
Idiot, my fore fathers fought against mofo invaders and that's the reason we are today what we were for centuries.. We didn't started licking the behinds of Arab Turk invaders like your forefather..
@ raja pakistani...see hwhen hindus cant tolerated the truth at what level they come to hide it by diverting attention from real issue by personal abuses.
You guys always show the example of one Babri Masjid against thousands of Hindu and Buddhist architectures destroyed throughout the Indian subcontinent...
Now that is unfair....so to make it fair, I think we should destroy hundreds if not thousands of Mosques.....so that future comparisons could be somewhat balanced
My point is that caste discrimination didn't start because the Brahmins said so. These were job classifications. Say a dalit is the CEO of a company and some brahman the coffee boy, would the CEO look down upon the coffee boy or not? Will he be looking down on him cause of his caste or because of what he does? There was no caste system in Europe yet there were feudal lords(the upper castes) and the peasants(lower castes) and so

This is how the world and the society has always been and this is how it will be. Its human nature.
Now get this, every person had a job to do....but who decided which job is better and which is not, coz according to Vedas its about Karma and nothing else.....was dalit at that time taught to read Vedas or it passed on to generation to generation....what you are presenting is today's world where a dalit can have education and become CEO but at that time no dalit could learn Vedas and become a bhrahmin.....and bhrahmin didn't started doing other's job....
Or this man was real catalyst in whiuping of budidhists and there monasteries

Your statement clearly depicts your lack of knowledge about Adi Sankara. He defeated the Buddhist Monks in public debate with his immense command on Advaita, not by sword. Ever read his articles ma'am? Rather searching for cheap shots, you can try that once and you will come to know what contribution he made to Hinduism.
@ raja pakistani...see hwhen hindus cant tolerated the truth at what level they come to hide it by diverting attention from real issue by personal abuses.
Exactly I see the opposite. When you failed to save Aurangzeb, you started attacking Hinduism.
So according to your theory, if one person's theory can be compared to hundreds of evidence.....then there was a thread on Holocaust being a lie and people defended it...where as the entire world know the truth....go through that thread and apply same logic and tell me what's the real truth......as truth is not absolute in many cases as it relative to frame of reference.
I clearly mentioned it on first page what inspired this thread.Auranzaib thread was my effort to look at other side of his.there is no doubt about his being cruel etc but when people dont want to see that other side then thread like this will always come up to show back the mirror
@ raja pakistani...see hwhen hindus cant tolerated the truth at what level they come to hide it by diverting attention from real issue by personal abuses.

Yeah and when idiotic Islamists can not tolerate reality of Hindu temples being destroyed by Auranzeb shown to them they run to their BS mouthpiece milli-gazette to post the usual Islamic garbage.. and in the end as usual you started playing victim card now. How typical of an Islamist!!

Btw, He was the first one to go to my forefathers.. people need to better remain with in their limits if they don't want to get back what they say to others..
You guys always show the example of one Babri Masjid against thousands of Hindu and Buddhist architectures destroyed throughout the Indian subcontinent...
Now that is unfair....so to make it fair, I think we should destroy hundreds if not thousands of Mosques.....so that future comparisons could be somewhat balanced
No i showed example of babari masjid against that those examples of budha at jehanabad,.
Babari masjid was before the bamyan buddha.

And there were thousands of temples/gurdwaras/shrines before Babiri Masjid.
And wasn't Babiri Masjid itself built by bringing down a Ram temple.
This thread gonna go messier on Hinduism which you guys wont be able to take it.
Now get this, every person had a job to do....but who decided which job is better and which is not, coz according to Vedas its about Karma and nothing else.....was dalit at that time taught to read Vedas or it passed on to generation to generation....what you are presenting is today's world where a dalit can have education and become CEO but at that time no dalit could learn Vedas and become a bhrahmin.....and bhrahmin didn't started doing other's job....

If Brahmans didn't tell which job is better and which is not (am not sure if they actually did say something like that) people would have figured it out themselves.

Did Europe have Brahmans to telll them that Feudal Lords are the top dogs and then comes the serfs and peasants? Nah they didn't, they figured it out themselves. Just like in today's world people figure out that the Millionaires are the top dogs and a taxi driver the runt. That doctors and teachers and professors command more respect in society than say a peon.
I clearly mentioned it on first page what inspired this thread.Auranzaib thread was my effort to look at other side of his.there is no doubt about his being cruel etc but when people dont want to see that other side then thread like this will always come up to show back the mirror

So you were looking for the justifications for those destroyed temples and you came up with this garbage to show Aurangzeb's destruction of temples in good light.. It's amazing to see what a brainwashing they have done to you..

This thread gonna go messier on Hinduism which you guys wont be able to take it.

Off-course do that, we will also make everyone nanga in the hamam..
Then I think no one should raise an eyebrow when a Christian attacks a Mandir or a Mosque....as according to other Christian, they are doing a good work.
That also means, Christians of our countries should celebrate on the day of Jalianwala Bag massacre, as Christians were the ruling class and they did whatever was needed to be done to get rid of freedom fighters.

We should allow if any Christian lights a candle on today and tomorrow when India and Pakistan got independence and Christians were no longer the ruler......

Aurangzeb did made a Mandr, Asoka preached Buddhism, go on and worship Christians (Britishers) who gave you rail, road, civil administration, industralization, modern medicine and what not.....why not consider them as a hero as they taught you science rather than religion.

This thread gonna go messier on Hinduism which you guys wont be able to take it.
Exactly,....its gonna go Messier on Hinduism but the thread will go on....where as if its get Messier on other religion, its gonna be closed and people will start getting infractions and bans....:lol:
Mods please close the thread as it was intended to malign Hindus.
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