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Hindu women should produce at least 5 kids: BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj

Family planning is haram for us. We are supposed to strengthen our numbers

Those figures are fake like the muslim population ones. Even the convent educated Muslims in urban cities like mumbai have 5-6 children.
strengthen your number at the cost of the "production house" aka women????

Does anyone even care what happens to the woman who produces 5-6 children ?? if she gets pregnant every alternative year then she would most probably die by the time she gives birth to her 5th or 6th child.

Modi better shut the mouth of BJP members who utter such mendacious nonsense or it will be detrimental for his government.
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Who give them to feed?
Ivante Appooopano.People elected him for good governance not for shitty talk.:mad:
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O Yeah Babe... keep em coming... we got a lot of empty space....
strengthen your number at the cost of the "production house" aka women????

Does anyone even care what happens to the woman who produces 5-6 children ?? if she gets pregnant every alternative year then she would most probably die by the time she gives birth to her 5th or 6th child.

Modi better shut the mouth of BJP members who utter such mendacious nonsense or it will be detrimental for his government.

Adityanath ,Sakshi Maharaj,Nirnjan Jyothi These are 3 idiots in the Parliament.India and GoI already knows their class.
Neither Govt nor public give two hoot about them.
One of them Adityanath even challenged Modi and Govt.
Adityanath ,Sakshi Maharaj,Nirnjan Jyothi These are 3 idiots in the Parliament.India and GoI already knows their class.
Neither Govt nor public give two hoot about them.
One of them Adityanath even challenged Modi and Govt.
I think our media should stop giving such idiots any coverage. We do have laws on what and how it should be broadcasted.
But I forgot he has "right to freedom of expression"....or was it speech? Lolzz
I think I should also start exercising my rights well.
Adityanath ,Sakshi Maharaj,Nirnjan Jyothi These are 3 idiots in the Parliament.India and GoI already knows their class.
Neither Govt nor public give two hoot about them.
One of them Adityanath even challenged Modi and Govt.
Though their actions leave much to be desired, one thing is certain. Modi's silence on this matters does say something. Given the control freak he is, I doubt he does not approve this. Which means there is probably a square plan behind all this.

We can deduce it from the conclusions. As for the Winter session, except for Ordinances, no major decisions on the economic front could be taken. And we all know what the media and the 'secular' brigade will come up with then. So rabble rousers are unleashed. Also note the stark coincidence that all these three are predominantly in the UP belt. Remember the importance of UP for BJP and also we know that development based agenda has no place in UP or Bihar. Instead of allowing the Opposition to galvanize and focus on real issues, all parties are busy trying to counter these yahoos. While Amit Shah works calmly in the background. :devil: They have done this before also - in Gujarat 2003 - keeping the Opposition engaged in meaningless debates.

And during the Budget this year, the Govt can cry foul at the opposition's narrow mindedness for the loss of time.

I think our media should stop giving such idiots any coverage. We do have laws on what and how it should be broadcasted.
But I forgot he has "right to freedom of expression"....or was it speech? Lolzz
I think I should also start exercising my rights well.
Indian English media should be banned or strictly regulated. Vernacular media can be let free.
strengthen your number at the cost of the "production house" aka women????

Does anyone even care what happens to the woman who produces 5-6 children ?? if she gets pregnant every alternative year then she would most probably die by the time she gives birth to her 5th or 6th child.

Modi better shut the mouth of BJP members who utter such mendacious nonsense or it will be detrimental for his government.

I Get a feeling like that..... UPA was famous of scams..... NDA is becoming famous for stupidity.......

The hard work of Modi is slowly going in drain by morons like this, and i dono why is he not realizing it and stopping them....

Though their actions leave much to be desired, one thing is certain. Modi's silence on this matters does say something. Given the control freak he is, I doubt he does not approve this. Which means there is probably a square plan behind all this.


If that is the case he is going to loose his support soon...... Yes there will be some religious bigots who support him, but he has come to power with the support of common man who does not put religion ahead of his livelihood.....I dont think that is the case here....
strengthen your number at the cost of the "production house" aka women????

Does anyone even care what happens to the woman who produces 5-6 children ?? if she gets pregnant every alternative year then she would most probably die by the time she gives birth to her 5th or 6th child.
Don't poke your nose where it don't belong. You have no right comment on Muslim matters.
I Get a feeling like that..... UPA was famous of scams..... NDA is becoming famous for stupidity.......

The hard work of Modi is slowly going in drain by morons like this, and i dono why is he not realizing it and stopping them....
I'm sure he realizes it but he cant stop it I guess.
. . .
SarthakGanguly said:
While Amit Shah works calmly in the background. :devil: They have done this before also - in Gujarat 2003 - keeping the Opposition engaged in meaningless debates.
How is that going to help??
he has come to power with the support of common man who does not put religion ahead of his livelihood
You know I actually doubt this assumption*. You know the urban folks were strongest pro Modi. They made the most noise. They still do - the forums, facebook, etc. But how many went out to vote? BJP did not come to power on their shoulders. The opposite case was in 2004. BJP thought that the urban folks alone will return them to power. That did not happen, even though the city folks remained pro BJP(because most of them did not go out to vote). So this time it seems the polarization is real and pretty concrete, unless there is a Grand Secular Coalition.

*The assumption that the common man voted without any concern for faith.

How is that going to help??
There are two ways to top in an exam. One by doing better than others. The other by not letting others better you. :devil:
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