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Hindu temples of Pakistan ...

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Well it is really amusing to me how someone became the Chief Justice of Pakistan being a second class citizen. Why their are so many hindus in Pakistan's judiciary even being a second class citizen. Why a Hindu has been recently added in Pakistan's foreign service being a second class citizen. Why they are included in Pakistan's cricket team. Why they are present in Pakistan's national and provincial assemblies in good numbers even being a second class citizen.

What type of second class citizenship is this??? Looks like the anti Pakistan bigotry has seriously damaged your comprehension capabilities.
Anti pakistan!!!! i am??
talking truth makes you anti pakistan. Thats good definition.
talk about social unequality about India which really exist in some part of nation and I will except it right away without declaring you anti India.
That doesn't give you a second class citizen status. Im a Christian and I've never been treated as a second class citizen and never considered my self one. The constitution guarantees freedom of religion for everyone.

But hey I'm not from the country where Muslims, Christians and Sikhs have been exterminated.

Exterminated??? We have Our defense Minister a Christian, Our Prime minister a Sikh Our Vice president a Muslim ,our President a Hindu,India's biggest industrial empire TATA and Godrej are of Parsi's .... Do you see anything un common for a Secular Nation??? And If you meddle with History I have Lots to talk about every one then, and then we both would get Exterminated from PDF...
But it surely gives you a sense of unequality. Isn't it?

And I am not saying India is far better than Pakistan. So dont drag me in vs discussion.
As a secular nation it has more credibility than any other nation who built on ground of religion only.

No it doesn't give me a sense of inequality. If it gave a sense of inequality to the minorities then Christians like Peter Chisty, Cecil Chaudhry would not have rushed to protect their nation Pakistan against the enemy in all the wars especially in 1965. Similarly the numbers of Hindus and Sikhs in the Army are going up.

If I felt like a second class citizen I would have moved back to Canada.

A secular nation is nothing when your citizens are killing people of the other faith on a daily basis.
Anti pakistan!!!! i am??
talking truth makes you anti pakistan. Thats good definition.
talk about social unequality about India which really exist in some part of nation and I will except it right away without declaring you anti India.

Your first post was a real comic. And I don't have any other reason but being anti Pakistan behind that.

No it doesn't give me a sense of inequality. If it gave a sense of inequality to the minorities then Christians like Peter Chisty, Cecil Chaudhry would not have rushed to protect their nation Pakistan against the enemy in all the wars especially in 1965. Similarly the numbers of Hindus and Sikhs in the Army are going up.

If I felt like a second class citizen I would have moved back to Canada.

A secular nation is nothing when your citizens are killing people of the other faith on a daily basis.

if people like Peter Chisty, Cecil Chaudhry rushed to protect their nation thats their part of honesty toward the nation which feeds them.
How it shows nations behaviour toward them?

Tell me a single justification which validate the rule that non-muslim can't be the head of pakistan.
The news article have not shed any new info we all know about the state of minorities in pakistan.

Hindus are not even allowed to cremate their dead and their temples and cremation ground being destroyed and taken over in pakistan.

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Well nothing can be offered except sympathies......I think what Pakistani Hindus are doing is correct.....and that they should intermingle with the society they live in.....Good luck to them

I dont understand one thing though why is this even a news.......????
Your first post was a real comic. And I don't have any other reason but being anti Pakistan behind that.


and what about other posts :azn:
lack of trust make us think a person an anti pak or anti india straight away.
The falling temples of Bhera

By Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro
Published: February 11, 2011



A view of Baoliwala Temple as seen from the outside. PHOTO : ZULFIQAR ALI KALHORO
A view of Shiva Temple in Bhera as seen from the outside. PHOTO : ZULFIQAR ALI KALHORO A view of Baoliwala Temple as seen from the outside. PHOTO : ZULFIQAR ALI KALHORO

Bhera is noted for its monuments of the Mughal and Hindu periods, in particular the spectacular havelis and impressive temples that one sees marking the different neighbourhoods (mohallas) of the town.

There are six temples in the mohallas of Sheikhanwala, Nagianwala, Baoliwala, Khawjgan, Chirih Chong and Gangwala Darwaza. Three of these have only their ruins visible above the ground. The other three still stand but their buildings are crumbling. No civic body is looking after these monuments except a retired army officer Col (retd) Zahid Mumtaz who is working on the cultural heritage of Bhera town.

The Baoliwala, Sheikhanwala and the Shiva temples are the most impressive structures that have withstood the vagaries of weather. The Baoliwala Mandir lies on the road that leads to Jhelum River. The elevated pinnacle of the temple is visible from a distance. The temple lies deserted but for the lower part where the idol of the deity was once placed (garbhagirha). But this too is in bad state of preservation. The temple has three openings from four directions. It has also the basement cells where the pujaris or the temple priests lived. There is a pradakshina (circumambulatory gallery) around the garbhagirha. On top of the entrance gate there is a gaping hole where once the temple’s inscription tablet may
have been.

The entrance gate of the temple is in ruins. The stairways leading to the main chamber of the temple are all broken. Now, the main chamber (garbhagirha) is a heap of debris. The shikhara (superstructure) of the temple is still in good condition but the niches where the murtis stood are only just noticeable.

Another Hindu temple is located in Nagianwala Mohallah. This temple is dedicated to Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction whom the Yogis worship to annihilate their ego. The temple is believed to have been built by the Nath jogis who are the Shivite renouncers and take the Shiva as their first guru. The jogis were famous for their ascetic practices to kill their ardour (tapas).

The region of Potohar was the centre of the jogis with their main headquarters situated at the Tilla Jogian in Jhelum District. There are many places in Potohar region which are associated with jogis. One such place is the Bagh Jogian in Islamabad where there are some structures, probably Samadhis (now destroyed) of Nath jogis. Another famous space of Nath jogis is the Samadhi of Baba Budh Nath Jogi at Makhad in Pindi Gheb Tehsil of Attock District.

The Shiva temple has eight Samadhis of the Nath jogis on the podium of the temple. Nath jogis buried their dead near their homes or in the temples instead of cremating them as is the custom of other Hindu denominations. Their place of burial is called a Samadhi, the final resting place of those who have renounced the world. The Nath jogis wore ochre colour cloths called ‘bhagva’ from which the name of the town Bhera may have originated.

The distinctive feature of the temple is the mandapa (columned hall that precedes the main chamber of the temple). The pillars of the mandapa are decorated with the images of Shiva in yogic postures. One of the pillars of the temple is also decorated with a painting of Brahma. The temple is built on an octagonal plan superimposed with a dome that gives it the looks of a Muslim tomb.

The third temple in the Sheikhanwala Mohallah is noted for its elegant shikhara. It is a square building. One only wishes the concerned authority could do something to restore these temples as relics of our past. But Lord Shiva still seems to be doing his job and he may not be interrupted.

The author is Research Anthropologist at Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), Islamabad. He may be contacted at zulfi04@hotmail.com

Published in The Express Tribune, February 11th, 2011.

The falling temples of Bhera – The Express Tribune
The Hindus are left behind in every walk of life. They don't have possession of their sacred places and other properties. If Hindus were given the possession of their assets, their misery could be alleviated," Haroon Sayab Diyal, chairman of the Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement, told rediff.com.

Its clear sad case of Hindus being rendered as second class citizens in Pakistan,...!
and what about other posts :azn:
lack of trust make us think a person an anti pak or anti india straight away.

Well that was lack of knowledge and ignorance on your part which I have witnessed till now. :azn:

---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------


Its clear sad case of Hindus being rendered as second class citizens in Pakistan,...!

Yeah I can see that. Thanks for your "valuable" input.:P
Yeah I can see that. Thanks for your "valuable" input.:P

May I have a List of Indian Muslims In Pakistan as refugees??? Well I can give you list of Pakistani Hindus In India as refugees
That doesn't give you a second class citizen status.

Agreed it does not concern you on a day to day basis, but the constitution considers you unfit to rule the nation by virtue of your religious beliefs. that affords you a business class citizenship, then good for you!

The constitution guarantees freedom of religion for everyone.

Except Ahmadis? and freedom is not really free, you have to pay the price by accepting that you can not be president of pakistan, freedom with conditions is more the word.

But hey I'm not from the country where Muslims, Christians and Sikhs have been exterminated.

That country is the topic of discussion here. in case you meant india then by all available sources the % and population of minority religions is growing in india, we are healthy, thank you!
Well that was lack of knowledge and ignorance on your part which I have witnessed till now. :azn:

---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------

Yeah I can see that. Thanks for your "valuable" input.:P
You too didn't enlighten us with your "knowledge and intelligence".
Thats not a problem. its usual from your side.:coffee:
and ya feelings are mutual my friend.
If Hindus want this temple to be restored they should fund for it. Like Christians do to keep our churches looking clean and beautiful.
But yeah its sad to see ancient temples going to waste, the government is pathetic when it comes to this.

I do think in your zealousness to make superfluous statement you forgot to read the article which clearly says Hindus don't have the possession of these ancient temples and they are illegally occupied by Muslims.
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