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Hindu extremists vandalise art gallery for 'exhibiting Pakistani artists'.

Well according to some of our treasured indian guests here these funny looking indian cowards are just "nationalists" so it's all good

Send them to either side of LoC and see what Kashmiris would do to them if they sang their songs of "nationalistic" idolatry :laugh:

Remove article 370 and they ll happily do so.
Remove article 370 and they ll happily do so.

Right and see how welcomed they'd be. It's bad enough for the occupation forces (sissies) who are forced to watch their flag taken down and content with anti indian sentiment - which as it is runs high in iok
I guess Express Tribune is gonna have to buy more art to refill their collection in their halls.
Yes, and have the mental capacity to look both ways before crossing the train tracks - bharaty. Those dots on your forehead don't have reflectors on them :rofl:

And also the mental capacity to know about a designing flaws of a particular station and the only way out for passengers! (?) before making fun of a sorry accident. (?)

LOL ...not surprised.........No wonder why no one gives a sh!t about daily bomb blasts there. or perhaps towelheads are not laud enough in yelling allah hu akbar before holy-duty!

And when it comes to art work - even your own artists have had to flee india and take refuge in other countries. I vaguely recall one whose last name was Hussain.

He got what he deserve, and believe anyone else like him in India should be booted out as well. :)

As for Kashmiris - whatever mental ointments to help ease the pain! :)

Won't bring your troops back, nor will it change realities on the ground. Things seem to be cooking up over there ;)

Yes Indeed, Take a close look.

:::Video::: Pakistani Bunker Destroyed.

And please , also keep in eye on things cooking up down to the south of your county and also Northern Areas. Intresting Days ahead! ;)
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And also the mental capacity to know about a designing flaws of a particular station and the only way out for passengers! (?) before making fun of a sorry accident. (?)

LOL ...not surprised.........No wonder why no one gives a sh!t about daily bomb blasts there. or perhaps towelheads are not laud enough in yelling allah hu akbar before holy-duty!

He got what he deserve, and believe anyone else like him in India should be booted out as well. :)

Yes Indeed, Take a close look.

:::Video::: Pakistani Bunker Destroyed.

And please , also keep in eye on things cooking up down to the south of your county and also Northern Areas. Intresting Days ahead! ;)

now thats our reply
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Why don't you put your boots in our terrirtory and see what happens.

Up until now all you have bombed is empty bunkers and civilians.

5 of your soldiers and are dead and so your sub is on the bottom of the ocean alongside a further 18 more soldiers.

Pathetic, just like how you have borrowed our culture, language, arts and literature.
Well according to some of our treasured indian guests here these funny looking indian cowards are just "nationalists" so it's all good

Send them to either side of LoC and see what Kashmiris would do to them if they sang their songs of "nationalistic" idolatry :laugh:

Yes, and have the mental capacity to look both ways before crossing the train tracks - bharaty. Those dots on your forehead don't have reflectors on them :rofl:

And when it comes to art work - even your own artists have had to flee india and take refuge in other countries. I vaguely recall one whose last name was Hussain.

As for Kashmiris - whatever mental ointments to help ease the pain! :)

Won't bring your troops back, nor will it change realities on the ground. Things seem to be cooking up over there ;)

Depends on who is looking.

We think of the kabailis as pretty funny looking and sounding and weird. The great unwashed...

Anything more I add and I will begin worrying about you. ;)

We need to make sure they never dare to blow up in India or rape and loot Kashmiris again.

They can keep blowing up in Pakistan if they have to, I will prefer they can be taught not to, or not to kill the Turis and then the procession of the dead Turis and then again... ;)
Why don't you put your boots in our terrirtory and see what happens.

Up until now all you have bombed is empty bunkers and civilians.

5 of your soldiers and are dead and so your sub is on the bottom of the ocean alongside a further 18 more soldiers.

Pathetic, just like how you have borrowed our culture, language, arts and literature.

It's okay. Don't rub salt and lemon into their wounds to add to their existing butt-hurt

Dreamers will dream - let them. On LoC - I agree with what one if these baniyas said. Let the action begin. We are ready anytime and every time for battles at a time. Hopefully it will be more than meaningless words of false bravado.

Pissing on themselves and calling it rain, as I pointed out earlier

Right and see how welcomed they'd be. It's bad enough for the occupation forces (sissies) who are forced to watch their flag taken down and content with anti indian sentiment - which as it is runs high in iok

Do you want to bet,I dont know about the valley but Jammu to Kishtwar will be Kabzaoed in no time.

There are enough desperate people ready to do anything to survive.
Abu Zulfiquar,

I ll take a bet that you ll be sulking all your life and see nothing change.

No I'll be utilizing my past and present and what I have to be able to do more than sulk on PDF the way you unemployed indian losers do

and i'll go to sleep like a baby and wake up fresh, the way i do every day :)
No I'll be utilizing my past and present and what I have to be able to do more than sulk on PDF the way you unemployed indian losers do

and i'll go to sleep like a baby and wake up fresh, the way i do every day :)

Strangely what I have seen in life is that those who have it, seem not to brag about it. You surely must have it all. That way the internet is such a bliss. Ain't it pakistani mate:)

So what kind of art was this exhibition? Pakistani wall art with crimson red or just kaafir paintings? I hope that the exhibitor does not divulge the details of the painters else they will surely be sleeping like a baby soon with hooras in the shariat-e-pakistan.
It's okay. Don't rub salt and lemon into their wounds to add to their existing butt-hurt

Dreamers will dream - let them. On LoC - I agree with what one if these baniyas said. Let the action begin. We are ready anytime and every time for battles at a time. Hopefully it will be more than meaningless words of false bravado.

Pissing on themselves and calling it rain, as I pointed out earlier


For sure you must be readh arbaab, with marde-e-monim tight ***** and all. But which direction are you facing in readiness?

Why don't you put your boots in our terrirtory and see what happens.

Up until now all you have bombed is empty bunkers and civilians.

5 of your soldiers and are dead and so your sub is on the bottom of the ocean alongside a further 18 more soldiers.

Pathetic, just like how you have borrowed our culture, language, arts and literature.

Lol yeaa
H sure. Just like the koran is written in the rich urdu language. Surely beacon of lights for the pure world your culture is.
Strangely what I have seen in life is that those who have it, seem not to brag about it. You surely must have it all. That way the internet is such a bliss. Ain't it pakistani mate:)

So what kind of art was this exhibition? Pakistani wall art with crimson red or just kaafir paintings? I hope that the exhibitor does not divulge the details of the painters else they will surely be sleeping like a baby soon with hooras in the shariat-e-pakistan.

Pakistan isn't india. None of our artists were forces to flea and eventually be even buried in foreign countries

One of your fellow brother d0t heads wan pretty gleeful about it too. :)

By the way, art -in its mulitde of forms -is an ancient tradition in the Islamic world; perhaps you're too stupid to know that
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