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Hindu extremists vandalise art gallery for 'exhibiting Pakistani artists'.

And only a moron will fail to realize that the tearing of paintings is a much milder way of protesting than burning police vehicles, attacking policemen with batons and throwing stones. I am sure you are not among the ones who do not realize that...

lol... only if the painting belong to your grandfather... not some artist from across the border..

Unfortunate reaction of some misguided goons

Just like the ones from orissa... hate filled misguided psychopathic hinduvta goons.
Its always like that.. A guy calling for Jihad on other countries during Eid in public is a charity worker and People who vent their frustrations on paintings are terrorists..

Well, it is understandable at least.

This is the one way available to take out the frustration.

And justify the two nation theory that needs to be ritually done every so often. Though the frequency may vary depending on the individual.

Some people need to do it every few seconds and some every few days or months. ;)

Will give you an example.!

In the above picture, the small kid is facing 'terrorism' he is being terrorized by his mother who is with a stick.

But in common sense, it is not.

Whereas in the below, where cricketers are fired upon, can be called 'terrorism'


The difference is a stick and AK 47

The sole difference is a stick and an AK-47? In other words, the non-availability of an AK-47 in India is what differentiates us from the terrorists? Ergo, such periodic displays of stupidity(which is a disgrace carried out in the name of Hindu nationalism) is perfectly fine as long it is not Pakistan and the horrors she faces?
lol... only if the painting belong to your grandfather... not some artist from across the border..
Who ever the painting belonged to dude, its still cheaper than the lives of many individuals killed (one of them could be some Pakistani's grandfather too) by the protesting Pakistanis in the pictures i posted.

Just like the ones from orissa... hate filled misguided psychopathic hinduvta goons.

No.. Like the ones from KP, Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan or Northern Areas.. Hate filled misguided psychopathic Pakistani goons..

you mean "of"- you are dumb too- Lol-

Give the man a cigar.. His English is now improved enough to identify typos :)
Terrorists have horns on their head or a pointy tail?

dont let your imagination run wild... these are probably local goons of VHP. :)

This "imagination run wild" is not a choice.

More of a mazboori... ;)

Quoting an earlier post again:

Let's see. On the one hand we have terrorists from across the border blowing themselves up in India (average age at death 16.9 years as per that survey, only brainwashed kids are foolish enough to be sent for this it would appear) and on the other hand you have restricting certain activities by some Pakistanis on Indian soil!

Guess which is a bigger issue. ;)

And yes, they are welcome not to visit till the terror flow is stopped or even after.

While we want to welcome artists and people from across the world, it doesn't go with terror as a state policy.

And great to see some of the biggest terror supporters (who compare their national cricketers to Kasab) with skewed priorities trying to sound offended! ;)

Like we are supposed to give a damn to the hurt feelings of such terror supporters. ;)
If that happens u wud be first to receive hospitality of concentration camp......

Thank you for confirming my doubts. I hear the sale of Mein Kampf in India is all time high this year.
Who ever the painting belonged to dude, its still cheaper than the lives of many individuals killed (one of them could be some Pakistani's grandfather too) by the protesting Pakistanis in the pictures i posted.

Use ur grey matter for once.....(might be hard for you... but give it a try).....protestors dnt kill eachother... riots in india do.

No.. Like the ones from KP, Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan or Northern Areas.. Hate filled misguided psychopathic Pakistani goons..

Yet to see them turning into goons like indians.. psychopathic homicidal mobs killing n raping thousands over some imaginery birthplace of a hindu lord.

Give the man a cigar.. His English is now improved enough to identify typos :)

Your such a bundle of joy arent ya? english as if ur an "angraiz" urself..
Use ur grey matter for once.....(might be hard for you... but give it a try).....protestors dnt kill eachother... riots in india do.
Pretty lame comeback.. We were discussing protests in this thread and not riots..
and about the Pakistani protests ... Thirteen killed in Pakistan protests against anti-Islam film - Telegraph

Yet to see them turning into goons like indians.. psychopathic homicidal mobs killing n raping thousands over some imaginery birthplace of a hindu lord.
:lol: Pakistani history books again

Your such a bundle of joy arent ya? english as if ur an "angraiz" urself..
Why Pakistani jumping up n down.....in Islam paintings are not allowed anyways....so chill baby chill....

See, the same thing is true for music as well.

They apply it selectively. Bande mataram is haraam and needs to be followed, others they want to have their own leeway. ;)
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