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Hindu Extremists attacks partygoers in India

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Baby Leone

Aug 25, 2011
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NEW DELHI: Indian police Sunday arrested eight people for an assault on young women and men allegedly by members of a radical Hindu outfit objecting to their “immoral” behaviour, local media and officials said.

As many as 50 men claiming to belong to the right-wing Hindu Jagaran Vedike group raided a private resort in southern Karnataka state and assaulted about a dozen partygoers, Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency said.

“Already eight people who were involved in this incident have been arrested and criminal cases have been booked against them,” Karnataka chief minister Jagdish Shettar told reporters in Bangalore.

Video footage aired on local TV Saturday showed the attackers slapping and hurling abuses at the women and forcing them to show their faces to the camera.

A young woman trying to escape was dragged back and assaulted by activists, who said they were acting to prevent “immoral activities”.

The incident recalled a similar attack in Mangalore in 2009 when activists of a right-wing Hindu group, outraged by what they viewed as “obscene”behaviour, stormed a bar and assaulted female patrons.

“Who gave these people authority to attack a private property and assault people?” R. Ashoka deputy chief minister of Karnataka state asked in state capital Bangalore on Sunday.

The attack reignited debate over what constitutes culturally acceptable behaviour in modern India, a traditionally conservative society where women face pressure to remain modest at all times.

Eight arrested for attack on partygoers in India | DAWN.COM
We can't blame this attack as a Indian I don't know about the cultural policy of my nation. Our society is belongs to conservative ,or non-conservative or semi-conservative I don't know that confusion leads to such attack.
They should be @$$ rapE-d, they might be hindu extremist and stuff but more than that they are cheap a$$0les looking to molest gals in the name of culture preservers, glad cops acted in time n most of them are behind bars now.
Rather they should have just called the cops, not take law into their own hands. And there have been cases where such parties lead to allegations of rape.

BTW the media which is at the forefront on exposing this should also have taken the initiative to atleast report on the brutal daylight attack on three ABVP leaders in Kerala by PFI goons some weeks back. But unfortunately that seems not to be the case.
Media not reporting on Baghpat taliban anymore?
Mangalore seems to be a communal cauldron with extremists from all religions actively working to destroy the peace.
Mangalore seems to be a communal cauldron with extremists from all religions actively working to destroy the peace.

It actually is a boiling communal cauldron which is always at the tipping point. The influx of a large muslim population from Kerala who are more orthodox (though moneyed from the Gulf) has caused great uneasiness. The Hijab & the Burkha are now the norm & that routinely spills over to classrooms where there is now tremendous friction with some Muslim girls insisting on wearing the Hijab to class when most educational institutions have a policy of not allowing religious or religion based clothing. The second part is that of a growing number of Christian fringe groups affiliated to churches in the U.S. & Australia who are pushing a conversion driven agenda. This is completely different from the large catholic presence which has been in Mangalore for a very long time with very little friction. All this has created a very fertile ground for right wing Hindu groups who are now behaving like self appointed guardians of Hinduism. Some of then are so crazy that they keep tabs on any girls (Hindu) even talking with Muslim boys, routinely intervening in what should be a private conversation. The divide is getting worse with each passing day & points of friction are only going to increase.

The above incident is not directly connected except to explain the presence of the lunatic group behind it.
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