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Hillary’s bad trip to India

Haha, oh wow. Other Indian posters may love worshiping their Yankee masters but they still know where 12% of their oil imports come from. You, on the other hand, have completely swallowed the kool-aid.
Says the Chinese locust who escaped to England with daddy's embezzled funds? They must have missed giving him the IVY drip during his Gouzma Gokuza whatever they call examination because he did not get the memo that his own borg master was also reducing imports.
I noticed you didn't respond to the point I made about India's dependence on Iranian oil imports. Is there some kind of caste system for propaganda-dispensing tools? Like, maybe they trust you with lowly jobs like regurgitating one-liners, but responding to arguments is beyond your duties?
Only a locust would not know that the Saudi's are picking up the slack as a part of the US deal for countries that were dependent on Iranian oil. Only a Chinese ( with his govt approved certificate of being too dumb to be allowed to read news) would not know that fact. you are not in China anymore grasshopper, you are allowed to study or read up a subject matter before posting about it. Don't continue your legacy of ignorance like your ancestors, who were Sha gua, and also kept giving opinions with no knowledge on the subject matter. You don't have to act like " big turtle" ( ;) )and be slow to grasp the "please read up before you speak analogy". don't be a cho yade to the CCP, you have freedom to breathe in UK.
blah blah When No Answer ...

The answer was right there but your gullible eyes did not let you read it...anyhow keep living in your la-la-la land!!

I noticed you didn't respond to the point I made about India's dependence on Iranian oil imports. Is there some kind of caste system for propaganda-dispensing tools? Like, maybe they trust you with lowly jobs like regurgitating one-liners, but responding to arguments is beyond your duties?

Learn to ask a question in a polite manner if you are expecting a reasonable and polite reply...Must have heard about Give Respect - Take Respect, no???

This was not needed "Other Indian posters may love worshiping their Yankee masters"
That is why kept shaking & wet your pants on IPI and pulled out while Pakistan is Still firm to go ahead with it for sake of It's Interests. You Indians can only talk big.

As long as Pakistan does not change their attitude against India, IPI is not in the favor of India's national interest. Why should we see our energy supplies to be held to ransom by Pakistan?

As for your determination to go ahead with IPI, you can't even build IP evenafter Iran all ready .
yeah we know US is not a friend of ours
they have their personnel goals and we have ours

True and I think US knows that very well.

but the best part is US needs India more than India needs US

This part is not so true. If economic and other initiative by US taken for india are taken into consideration, india still heavily dependent on US for bulk of its growth. Imagine US changing laws that will curtail outsourcing and other IT related business, indian economy will have severe set back. It is no longer 90s or even 2000, US can source many of its IT needs from else where even from China. Chinese IT workers visibly increased many folds in US. And may US companies and European ones are having research and development center in China and else where. This is just economic card and there are other card in different areas.
remarkable how unintelligent the posters are when it comes to foreign policy or how gullible they are to take ONE AUTHORS OPINION EDITORIAL and make that into the ultimate truth.

Iran is a terrorist state. It's military wing does what it wants and as seen on the streets of Delhi. In the name of terrorism they violated India's sovereignty. Nuclear Iran will make the world extremely dangerous. India should drop oil imports in a responsible timeline or face sanctions over supporting terrorists. The rest of the civilized world and separately china is also slowly adhering to it...

Hillary was spot on and unlike the authors assertion, Indian foreign service is in agreement. It's just the pace - which is in minor contention.

And set back on economic growth? You do know that a strong Indian economy is an asset to US interests, right?

But it's okay, US intentions are nearly always contradictory :lol:
Haha, oh wow. Other Indian posters may love worshiping their Yankee masters but they still know where 12% of their oil imports come from. You, on the other hand, have completely swallowed the kool-aid.

What about China backing away from financing IP Pipeline because of American fear.
It was a reasonably good trip.

The Kolkota interaction with the Bengali audience was particularly nice.
What about China backing away from financing IP Pipeline because of American fear.
Let's not troll even though we are replying to one...There is no fear however the project itself and the geography is too volatile...American sanctions adds to the complexity making the venture a non-profitable/highly volatile...I believe these are the catalyst to Chinese backing down...Otherwise their track record in handling American Pressure is even better than us...

True and I think US knows that very well. This part is not so true. If economic and other initiative by US taken for india are taken into consideration, india still heavily dependent on US for bulk of its growth. Imagine US changing laws that will curtail outsourcing and other IT related business, indian economy will have severe set back. It is no longer 90s or even 2000, US can source many of its IT needs from else where even from China. Chinese IT workers visibly increased many folds in US. And may US companies and European ones are having research and development center in China and else where. This is just economic card and there are other card in different areas.

Your theme is correct but the explanation supporting the theme is outright wrong...You just cannot pack your bags and move to a different economy...So no, US IT companies cannot just move to a different geo-graphy like that...There are tons of issues plus you literally loose all the clients since you will not have any work-force to carry on even the bair minimum work. b/w Indian IT industry did survive 2008 US recession implying that diversification and our own domestic industry do give us a cushion...Anyhow saying US need us more vs we need US more is childish comments...This is a global world and even arch enemies cannot do without each other and US being the biggest market of Chinese products is a living example...

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