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Hillary Clinton or Hillary Taliban Clinton?

After they left Afghanistan in late 80s early 90s they imposed sanctions on Pakistan the pressler amendment knowing that northern alliance,india,russia and our neighbor are in a proxy war with Pakistan alone

now they are going to leave us and i think they will impose even more severe sanctions to justify there loss of life and money in front of there public

they will humiliate us vigorously as terror state and impose sanctions while we will be locked in a proxy war again with countries i mentioned above for influence in Afghanistan .one of that country wants to encircle us in two fronts war.
A video which won't go well with so called Liberal Pakistani's and American puppets. Hillary Clinton talks about how America funded and created Talibans back in 80's to use them against Soviet Union. And when the mission was accomplished, US just left Pakistan alone to deal with these Jihadists, hence Pakistan is in such a mess today. Hillary talks about things which these American puppets in our community and media won't ever dare to tell because their legs shake and pants get wet before uttering a word about it.

Isn't this happening once again? Isn't this the same thing Imran Khan has been saying since ages? We were fighting someone else's war in past and now we are paying the price. Isn't US about to repeat what they did to us back in 80's? Where are we heading towards? What's the end goal we are aiming at as a nation in next decade regarding WoT, fighting Talibans and Afghan Policy? For how long we'll keep dancing on the instructions of these foreign powers and will keep ruining our own backyard with our own hands?

@Leader @pkuser2k12 @Zarvan @Aeronaut @A.Rafay @chauvunist @BATMAN @Patriots @darkinsky @W.11 @Side-Winder @CrazyPaki @Aamna14 @FaujHistorian @American Pakistani @Pakistanisage @airmarshal @xyxmt @mafiya @Echelon @Azlan Haider @Alpha1 @Armstrong @Areesh

Didn't ISI happily assisted the Americans, in ruining the Afghans? Didn't Pakistan kept all the terror centres running to create a strategic depth? It is fine as long as life is hell for the neighbours, but as soon as the mess start to spill in your own country....

Why don't anyone oppose the aid ISI gave in creation of Taliban, and creating terror network in Kashmir? The attacks on others are all good, while those doing the same stuff in the country are evil incarnate.
Didn't ISI happily assisted the Americans, in ruining the Afghans? Didn't Pakistan kept all the terror centres running to create a strategic depth? It is fine as long as life is hell for the neighbours, but as soon as the mess start to spill in your own country....

Why don't anyone oppose the aid ISI gave in creation of Taliban, and creating terror network in Kashmir? The attacks on others are all good, while those doing the same stuff in the country are evil incarnate.

Use one word Jihad and everyone in Pakistan will go along with you, without knowing what jihad is, this is why they stopped teaching Arabic in schools so people dont know whats written in Quran, just tell them what you want them to be
Use one word Jihad and everyone in Pakistan will go along with you, without knowing what jihad is, this is why they stopped teaching Arabic in schools so people dont know whats written in Quran, just tell them what you want them to be

That is fine if it is ordinary citizen who believes/behaves so. But if certain senior members on this forums who should by now be well informed on the matter behave the same way, that actually raises certain question. They are so concerned about the bloodshed in their country, but don't even shed a crocodile's tear on the hell that their own country created in Afghanistan.
hillry , just doesnt knows what she was talking, thts why been dumped by OBAMA, for his last term?
all she wants to be seen aa, heroic gand mom? isnt it?
cause she dosnt knows , that in 80,s there were no tilibans.?
After they left Afghanistan in late 80s early 90s they imposed sanctions on Pakistan the pressler amendment knowing that northern alliance,india,russia and our neighbor are in a proxy war with Pakistan alone

now they are going to leave us and i think they will impose even more severe sanctions to justify there loss of life and money in front of there public

they will humiliate us vigorously as terror state and impose sanctions while we will be locked in a proxy war again with countries i mentioned above for influence in Afghanistan .one of that country wants to encircle us in two fronts war.

Even jerk like Hamid Karzai is saying today that Pakistan should stop sending terrorists into Afghanistan. :hitwall: They are gonna dump entire failure of Afghan war on Pakistan and repeat what they did to us back in 90's once again. Alas our fool leaders are in love with US, and our journos are prostitutes dancing day and night for US dollars..
A video which won't go well with so called Liberal Pakistani's and American puppets. Hillary Clinton talks about how America funded and created Talibans back in 80's to use them against Soviet Union. And when the mission was accomplished, US just left Pakistan alone to deal with these Jihadists, hence Pakistan is in such a mess today. Hillary talks about things which these American puppets in our community and media won't ever dare to tell because their legs shake and pants get wet before uttering a word about it.

Isn't this happening once again? Isn't this the same thing Imran Khan has been saying since ages? We were fighting someone else's war in past and now we are paying the price. Isn't US about to repeat what they did to us back in 80's? Where are we heading towards? What's the end goal we are aiming at as a nation in next decade regarding WoT, fighting Talibans and Afghan Policy? For how long we'll keep dancing on the instructions of these foreign powers and will keep ruining our own backyard with our own hands?

Looks like Shah Mehmood brought Hilary in PTI's good books for obvious reasons.

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Looks like Shah Mehmood brought Hilary in PTI's good books for obvious reasons.


1) That pic was taken when Shah Mahmood was in PPP

2) Its still better than offering iPhone to a female journalist for sex relations :lol:

3) Go get some life and talk with sense about the topic or better stay away from it..

4) A patwari is always patwari, cheap under the belt personal attacks are in your genes. You guys cannot live without talking other's personal affairs. Now as per your habit, wanna talk about Maryam Nawaz's Walima function?
1) That pic was taken when Shah Mahmood was in PPP

2) Its still better than offering iPhone to a female journalist for sex relations :lol:

3) Go get some life and talk with sense about the topic or better stay away from it..

4) A patwari is always patwari, cheap under the belt personal attacks are in your genes. You guys cannot live without talking other's personal affairs. Now as per your habit, wanna talk about Maryam Nawaz's Walima function?

So he is a changed man now ? lol when he talks every other day he sounds more like a PPP leader. The only reason he came to PTI was because he was offered a promised seat in the near future. Imran Khan on the other hand wanted a feudal lord and someone who went to atchistson college.

You wanna talk sense. Alright. Tell us what did Hilary do as foreign minister for 4 years ? Did she make any attempts to solve the Taliban issue ? Did she stop drone strikes ?

Maraym Nawaz is not in politics. Try harder next time....
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So he is a changed man now ? lol when he talks every other day he sounds more like a PPP leader. The only reason he came to PTI because Imran Khan wanted a feudal lord and someone who went to atchistson college and he is offered a promised seat in the near future.

And the source of this story is? Your genius mind? Please spare us from your own cooked up crap.

You wanna talk sense. Alright. Tell us what did Hilary do as foreign minister for 4 years ? Did she make any attempts to solve the Taliban issue ? Did she stop drone strikes ?

Let me help you dear, we are not discussing Hillary Clinton as foreign minister here. We are discussing what US did to us in 80's and 90's, and what's round the corner for us after US leaves Afghanistan again. Now use your brain in right direction if you have any.

Maraym Nawaz is not in politics. Try harder next time....

Yea, she ran PML-N's entire election campaign and is chairperson of PM youth scheme for mango reasons. :lol: Try harder next time....
And the source of this story is? Your genius mind? Please spare us from your own cooked up crap.

Let me help you dear, we are not discussing Hillary Clinton as foreign minister here. We are discussing what US did to us in 80's and 90's, and what's round the corner for us after US leaves Afghanistan again. Now use your brain in right direction if you have any.

Yea, she ran PML-N's entire election campaign and is chairperson of PM youth scheme for mango reasons. :lol: Try harder next time....

Everyone knows this. After PPP, PTI has second highest fedual lords. There are dozens of politicians from South Punjab,

Still doesn't answer my question. But don't worry i'll help you answer. Past or present, as foreign minister she did not solve Taliban for Pakistan and Afghanistan. :tdown:

Maryam did not run for elections and she is not a minister. You can't get any clearer than that. Voluntering in election campaign doesn't mean anything. If it matters than i can go and say Jamima was involved in PTI Overseas to bag votes
Everyone knows this. After PPP, PTI has second highest fedual lords. There are dozens of politicians from South Punjab,

And your point is? Like if PML-N don't accept any feudal lords into the party? A die hard supporter of a party which is hijacked by a family is giving lectures to others on Feudal lords and status quo.. :lol:

Still doesn't answer my question. But don't worry i'll help you answer. Past or present, as foreign minister she did not solve Taliban for Pakistan and Afghanistan. :tdown:

At least she dared to speak the truth unlike the dollar dar the notorious liar who was fined in the past for distorting statistics.. :lol:

Maryam did not run for elections and she is not a minister. You can't get any clearer than that. Voluntering in election campaign doesn't mean anything. If it matters than i can go and say Jamima was involved to win PTI Overseas votes.

I knew you will bring Jamima in, its in your genes and you patwaries cannot live without doing such things. Anyways, she holds a public office, she is chair person of a national program. What you say doens't matter. If volunteering is what PML-N is looking for then there are gazillions of others who can lead the program better than Maryam Nawaz, why only her? Ofcourse because she is king's daughter? :azn:
And your point is? Like if PML-N don't accept any feudal lords into the party? A die hard supporter of a party which is hijacked by a family is giving lectures to others on Feudal lords and status quo.. :lol:

At least she dared to speak the truth unlike the dollar dar the notorious liar who was fined in the past for distorting statistics.. :lol:

I knew you will bring Jamima in, its in your genes and you patwaries cannot live without doing such things. Anyways, she holds a public office, she is chair person of a national program. What you say doens't matter. If volunteering is what PML-N is looking for then there are gazillions of others who can lead the program better than Maryam Nawaz, why only her? Ofcourse because she is king's daughter? :azn:

lanat ase truth. Why didn't she resign ?.

I would be interested to know why Khan's kids don't live in Pakistan or go to school in Pakistan. Its not okay for PTI to be talking about others while their's, visit our country once a year just for the sake of hunting like Arabs. Did i tell you before that they are under aged ? The first person who would be violating laws and being hypocrite would be the father, Taliban Khan. :lol:

I think we should start calling you people patwaris. The land records in punjab are getting computerized and your government in your province are not in any mood :lol:
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lanat ase truth. Why didn't she resign ?.

Ask her maybe?

I would be interested to know why Khan's kids don't live in Pakistan or go to school in Pakistan. Its not okay for PTI to be talking about others while their's, visit our country once a year just for the sake of hunting like Arabs. Did i tell you before that they are under aged ? The first person who would be violating laws and being hypocrite would be the father, Taliban Khan. :lol:

As if Nawaz's sons are living in Pakistan, stupid dumbo. Its their lives and its their decision, they aren't in politics like Maryam Nawaz or Hamza Shahbaz so what harm they are doing to this nation? Why you guys are so concerned about other's kids when your own sharif family's kids are filthy idiots. Maryam ran away with that Shit faced Captain, while Hamza's wife is still struggling on streets to get justice. Yet you guys are busy talking about IK's kids.

I think we should start calling you people patwaris. The land records in punjab are getting computerized and your government in your province are not in any mood :lol:

I live in Lahore, we bought a plot this month, no shit has been computerized even in Lahore till date. Till date, you have to pay the patwaries under the table to get the job done. Computerized land records, my ***. Suck it and keep praising your ghost land records and other fancy stuff of Showbaz Sharif.
Ask her maybe?

As if Nawaz's sons are living in Pakistan, stupid dumbo. Its their lives and its their decision, they aren't in politics like Maryam Nawaz or Hamza Shahbaz so what harm they are doing to this nation? Why you guys are so concerned about other's kids when your own sharif family's kids are filthy idiots. Maryam ran away with that Shit faced Captain, while Hamza's wife is still struggling on streets to get justice. Yet you guys are busy talking about IK's kids.

I live in Lahore, we bought a plot this month, no shit has been computerized even in Lahore till date. Till date, you have to pay the patwaries under the table to get the job done. Computerized land records, my ***. Suck it and keep praising your ghost land records and other fancy stuff of Showbaz Sharif.

Why ask her ? I'm asking you. You are the one who started this thread in support for her.

If its their lives then why need to mention Maryam Nawaz in the first place ? No one is concerned about anyone's kids. At least not as a first comment. Only you potians like to begin with these dirty games.

Everything starts with a leader's reputation. The whole world knows this Imran Khan is a playboy. The guy has been fcking girls and partying in angrizstan and hindustan even to this day. Next thing you know he also has another side of him. His support for TTP and Mulvi League is causing not only damage to his party but also for nation. Its better to have a jahil than a begarat.

Well i can't say what you did. Like it or not, the fact of matter is, Punjab still remains the most prosperous province in the coutnry. I'll be the happiest guy on earh to see KPK compete but unfortunately i don't see that. You people are only full of words. You need to change yourselves first
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