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Highway’ to 'Heaven' by Rehmat Ali Kakakhail

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Pakistan is going through the most horrible period of its history as far as peace and tranquility is concerned. The Pakistan of fifties was unlike the Pakistan of sixties, while the Pakistan of seventies was not what it was in eighties and onwards. However the muck didn't stop there in nineties. The ever growing lawlessness, violence, radicalism and extremism budded as an outcome of the Afghan war, reached to its peak with the change of millennium. Eventually, the current scenario is not very peaceful and promising. Pakistan is soaked all in blood. Bomb blasts, terrorists' attacks, explosions and suicide bombing have become every day's routine. Al most all the metros of the country are under attack by the foreign sponsored terrorists who initially claimed to be the flag bearer of so-called Shariah movement and who are heartlessly and brutally killing every peaceful elder, young, woman, patient or innocent kid without any discrimination whatsoever, which is quite distressing.

Until few months back the feeling was that these extremists are doing these inhuman acts merely to claim Heaven and the 72 virgin Angelique (Hoor) that are waiting for them in Jannah (Heaven) but now a different scenario is emerging. The reports have suggested that though the suicide bombers are brain washed and wrongly motivated to die for Heaven but in most of the cases the majority of them later changes their mind and in some cases they were found loathed to blow themselves off which created panic among the terrorists' ranks and files. Thus, about two years back the modus operandi was changed and from then on the trained (or forced) suicide bomber would accompany and escorted by his handler who would take him to the target and watch the proceedings from a distance. In case, if the bomber would be found reluctant to explode him, then the handler would blow him off through the parallel remote control system. However the system had a number of complications and at times these two parallel control systems caused premature detonation or malfunctioning resulting the apprehending of involved networks. Fearing failures, yet another strategy was evolved and now the ‘poor bomber' was deprived of the choice to pull the string of his jacket and the irony was that the inopportune soul never knew about this ‘mistrust'. Till date this practice is going on and now any suicide bomber who lands in the middle of a crowd or at some installation is an absolute toy in the hands of his handler, who writes him off at the place of latter's choice when the human-bomb least expect it to happen.

Currently this practice is in ‘vogue' going on without any prejudice. These human bombs are exploding at every sensitive or insensitive place, markets or mosques, bazaars or basements, cantonments or convoys (against their will and wish). Dozens of innocent citizens die every day as a result of these blasts. The unfortunate part is that these despicable activities are carried out in search of Heaven.

Another important thing specifically noted is that initially when suicide bombing started, even the mature and young lot of age bracket 25 to 35 would also volunteer themselves for this crack mind action however with the passage of time and awareness the sensible lot stopped coming forward and offering themselves for this ‘noble cause' which was preached as their confirm ticket for Heaven. Now the master minds opted to brain wash and pollute relatively young lot aging between 14 to 20 years. Recently during an army action the forces have captured some terrorists training built-ups where the class rooms were found with the picturesque walls showing the Heaven scenes which clearly show that how the juvenile minds used to be altered by lethal propaganda.

There is a question lurking in millions of minds that why this suicide bombing doesn't stop? Well the answer is very simple. The religious elite of the country and a major portion of the media is partially responsible for it, which was reluctant to criticise these inhuman actions initially but when started under heavy public criticism then made half hearted attempts, quite visible to everyone. None of them could pick the courage to point a bold and blunt accusing finger at the foreign sponsored terrorists. The religious class failed to come forward and create awareness among the public. They always evaded explaining people through their sermons and talks on electronic media that, such brutal acts would never take them to the Heaven and that they are on a wrong highway, if they are desirous of landing in Jannah.

It's an undeniable fact that a cause that has a fluctuating motivation for the followers, will ultimately meet its Waterloo. The clerics, intellectuals, and scholars must come forward to show right path to mislead. In this very case the need of the hour is to break the momentum and the frequency of meeting between the handlers and the bombers. The time is apt and the iron is hot to prevent ignorant passengers from boarding the ‘wrong buses and traveling on a ‘wrong highway' which has wrong sign posting for Heaven.
It's an undeniable fact that a cause that has a fluctuating motivation for the followers, will ultimately meet its Waterloo. The clerics, intellectuals, and scholars must come forward to show right path to mislead. In this very case the need of the hour is to break the momentum and the frequency of meeting between the handlers and the bombers. The time is apt and the iron is hot to prevent ignorant passengers from boarding the ‘wrong buses and traveling on a ‘wrong highway' which has wrong sign posting for Heaven.

Absolutely right. The religious leaders, intellectuals must do away with hypocrisy and should come forward save the nation; otherwise history will never forgive them. On the other hand, those who are desirous to go to ‘heaven’ should avoid going individually, thus must save effort and resources. They should consider of hiring a train or a Jumbo airliner and should leave immediately. That will be a great favour to the nation who is dying every day.
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