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High cost of Indian Mirage 2000 fighter upgrade causing a rethink

Still a new platform is a new platform....Ideally it takes 4-5 years(very optimistic estimates) to master a plane. Decades of experience of Mirages should not be ignored especially when money is not a problem for us....If Mirage can serve the purpose i will not go for a new platform because my pilot would be more comfortable going for a mission on a platform he has been training for years vs a new comparable platform like Rafael....

Actually that's what I meant, I just said that the commonality between Mirage and Rafale makes it easier, especially for the ground crew I would say.
Actually that's what I meant, I just said that the commonality between Mirage and Rafale makes it easier, especially for the ground crew I would say.

And we both agree to it...however where we differ is that i am saying even though it is comparatively easier to move towards Rafael than any other new platform still we should not....because common or not i have decades of experience on Mirage and if they can do the job than i don't want to move on even if it cost me a bit more....The key here is can upgraded Mirage do the job...i am fairly convinced
Upgrade is not worth it! If India is serious about her defense concerns, purchase of hunter-killer subs would be a priority with at least a purchase of 18 or more off hand. MIrage was great for the Kargil war but india's need to seriously upgrade with planning for the next 2 decades in mind not simply 1.

PS....I guess I was right all along with regard to Gen. Kapoor, according to Wikileaks. I have realized my assessments are usually correct if not 100%. Any ideas how I can make a buck out of it. i would join the CIA but Bullshit like drug and alcohol use affect your eligibility. Too bad they don;t realize a person who is determined and who has a passion for defense will succeed regardless of background.
Don't u think we need to compensate French for not upgrading JF 17
Don't worry there are many projects, I think P17a will definitely go to DCNS (9.23 billion $) and even P75I(11 billion $) might go to DCNS (In addition the civil nuclear reactor deal) and those 4 amphibious warship project for which French Mistral class is considered(around 4 billion $), even is purchasing 2-4 Mistral class warships.

But I still think, Rafale should be utilised by India in one or the other way because it is one of the best. We should purchase new Rafale instead of going with an expensive up-gradation of Mirage which are around 25 years old.

You know because of strong lobbying from those 4 European nations, Rafale might be missing the limelight. What I am saying is that, Rafale might even be better than Typhoon.

Pakistan will buy Rafale if India cannot stop France from selling it to Pak even if it is too expensive.
Replace Mirages with Rafales

Give MRCA to EF..

win_win situation.. all are happy .. and US gets the middle finger smiley.:lol:

i think we'll give mrca to rafael not ef.. :p..
You opened a two year old thread just to make a point ! :angry:

Tujheiii chappairaiin parniii chahiyeiiin ! :pissed:

haha haha crazy me...:cuckoo:


BUT I'M SURE ITS GOING TO BE RAFAEL..just a sixth sense...:yay:
How about Fiat punto?

i think hal will have tough time with it..its complex technology..we should go for tata nano with kaveri engine..thats a deadly combo..brahmos can be added at a later stage..
i think hal will have tough time with it..its complex technology..we should go for tata nano with kaveri engine..thats a deadly combo..brahmos can be added at a later stage..

Are u having fun opening 5 year old threads on regular basis????
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